Non-verbal means of intercourse

The effectiveness of intercoursedepends on many factors. In particular, it is influenced by the ability of man to use nonverbal means of communication, in other words without the use of language (English non-verbal - without words, nonverbal).

They have regulating and indicative value.

These tools began to study seriously in the early '60 twentieth century. They were described by Julius Fast in labor "Body language" (1970). It was a generalization of scientists behaviorists.

Albert Meyyerabian established a division of participation in transmission of different means of communication:

 word - 7%

 sound means (tone of voice, intonation) - 38%

 nonverbal means - 55%

There is other information (Vasheka T., I. Hichan)

- The average for a day person says 10-15 minutes.

- In a conversation verbal communication is less than 35%, more than 65% of the information is transmitted by non-verbal means of communication.

Differences of nonverbal communication from verbal

- Situational;

- Synthetical;

- Spontaneity;

- Mostly unconscious;

- The path of assimilation: no special learning (as language), but observation, copying, imitation.

Non-verbal means perform functions: addition, negation, substitution and regulation.

Nonverbal communication is provided by various sensory systems: vision, hearing, smell, tactile sensations. This allows you to share this criterion for species (T. Vasheka, I. Hichan):

I. Acoustic neverbalika nonverbial

1.1. external linguistics (pause, cough, laugh, cry, sigh);

1.2. paralinguistics (prosodyka): tempo, timbre, pitch, loudness, quality (feelings, emotions).

II. Optical nonverbalic (kinesics or optically kinetic neverbalika)

2.1. expressive movements (facial expressions, gestures, posture, gait, eye contact).

2.2. physiognomy (structure of the face and skull, the structure of the body or physique).

III. Tactile- kinesthetic nonverbalic or takesycs ( shake hands, kissing, stroking, slapping).

IV. Olfactory - odors (body odor, the smell of cosmetics).

V. Proxemics (space and time of the communication process).

Let’s analyze the most important means of nonverbal communication.


The most studied are the elements: facial expressions, gestures, glances.

Mimicry (facial expression) - the main source of transmission of emotions (anger, contempt, misery, fear, surprise, joy).

The mouth, lips, eyes, eyebrows, forehead (folds), motion parts of face take part in the process of transforming information. Natural emotions are always displayed on the face symmetrical. Left and right sides of the face are controlled by different hemispheres of the brain: the work of the dominant left hemisphere is shown on the right side of the face that person controls better. Left side - less controlled and therefore may reflect the emotions that the speaker is trying to hide.

Eye contact can mean the beginning of a conversation, it is a sign of attention, support or stopping communication.

Depending on your point of view there are :

 business glance (the triangle between the eyebrows and the middle of the forehead);

 social glance (line eyes - mouth);

 intimate glance (below the chin);

 side-glance (for transfer curiosity or hostility).

Hooded eyelids - a subconscious movements, causing irritation or shows that you want to remove from sight because you are bored, uninteresting, feel advantage over you.

Pose - the position of the human body, it is the least controlled consciousness, so its monitoring provides important information about the human condition (known around 1000 body positions). The most studied 3 groups of poses that express attitude to the partner.

1. Involving or exclusion from the situation (open or closed). Crossed hands on his chest, woven in lock fingers, leg on leg, the deviation of back backward - internal closure in contact. Conversely, smile, head and torso, back to partner torso tilted forward evidence of willingness to communicate.

2. Dominance (hovering over the partner, a pat on the shoulder) or dependence (glance from below, situational slouch).

3. Confrontation (hands clenched into fists, shoulder protruded forward) and suit (postures synchronized, open, free).

Posture of a man (A. Shtanhl described in the book "Body Language").

A good relaxed posture indicates high susceptibility of the human to openness environment, the ability to immediately use the internal forces and free from any restrictive compulsion. Immovability or tension of the body indicate a self-defense reaction, avoidance of contact, isolation, often sensitivity, as well as clumsy efforts to be correct. Poor, loose posture, slouching back indicate humility, reconciliation, sycophancy. Postures of conventional type (one or two hands in his pockets, his hands behind his back laid or folded across his chest, etc.) indicate a lack of independence and the need for inconspicuous turn themselves in general order.

Shoulder girdle and upper body is extremely informative. High hunched shoulders with barely a hunch back and indrawn chin "talk" about helplessness, nervousness, chronic fear, uncertainty. Shoulders driven ahead, indicating a sense of weakness and depression or an inferiority complex. Free lowering of shoulders indicates the onset of self-confidence, inner freedom and ownership situation. Shoulders driven back indicates the determination to act, a sense of strength, activity, enterprise, often personal overcosting of opportunities. Protuberant chest is seen in active people, with well-developed sense of personal importance, the need for social contact, sunken chest is often indicates certain indifference, detachment, passivity, obedience and depression.

Gait - an element kinesics associated with body posture. The character of gait indicates physical health, a person's age, her emotional state. Elements of gait are rhythm, speed, step length, the pressure on the surface. These options create images of confident, guilty, gently and other gait.

Gesture - motion of wrist and hands. Gestures accompany speech, help to identify a man's attitude to the situation, its condition, the type of temperament. Gestures can be voluntary and involuntary, and uncharacteristic to the typical person. There are different classifications of gestures.

1. - descriptive-representational and expressive, emphasizing - these gestures accompany speech and beyond loose sense;

 convention - gestures of greeting and farewell, threats, drawing attention, calling, invitations, bans, insult dangle. They replaces elements in speech understandable without context.

 modal - gestures of approval, frustration, irony, distrust, uncertainty, ignorance, suffering, thought, concentration, confusion, confusion, depression, frustration, disgust, joy, delight, surprise. They express assessment, attitude to objects and people, signal the change of activity in the communication process.

 gestures used in rituals.

2. Nyurenberh D. and H. Calero in the book "Learn to read people like a book" offer their other types.

Gestures of openness:

 disclosure of hands palms upwards - a gesture associated with sincerity, openness;

- Shrug of shoulders, accompanied by a gesture of disclosured hands - a sign of the open nature;

 unbutton of jacket - a man open and friendly set, often unbuttons or even removes his jacket in your presence.

Conversely, when the situation of guilt presence, suspicion – put away hands in pockets or behind his back.

Gestures of defense are reacted to threats and conflict situations (hands, folded or compressed into fists).

Gestures of assessment - gestures that are related to reflection and decision-making:

 "hand at cheek" - people who rely cheek on his hand, usually deeply immersed in thought;

- Gestures critical evaluation – the chin slouches against the palm, index finger stretches along the cheeks, fingers - below cavity (position "wait-see);

 a man sits on the edge of his chair, elbows on thighs, arms hanging freely - a gesture of attentive listening, for example, if the majority of listeners in the audience heads aren’t tilted - so the whole group concern material that is taught;

 scratching of his chin - a gesture of "good, let's speculate" – is used when a person is busy decision-making;

 gestures with glasses - wiping glasses, take frame into mouth, etc. - is a pause for reflection, a person wants to get the time to ponder the situation before doing strong resistance, demanding explanations or asking questions;

 walking around the office - an attempt of human to solve a complex problem or a difficult decision;

Gestures suspicion and secrecy:

 look away;

 legs (or whole body) returned to the exit - a clear sign that the person wants to end the meeting, conversation or what was happening;

 touch or light rubbing of nose (usually the index finger) - a sign of doubt (other versions of this gesture - rubbing forefinger at or before the ear, rubbing eyes).

Gestures of dominance-subordination. Dominance can be expressed in a welcoming handshake: when a man squeezed your hand and return it so that it rests on top of your hand, it tries to show a physical advantage. Hands united behind back, chin raised up - a typical authoritarian posture. In general, if you want to make it clear to his superior, then all you need to do - is to physically climb over a man - sit higher when both of you sit or stand.

Gestures of readiness: hands on hips, a man sits on the edge of a chair, elbow of a hand and palm of another hand are rested on their knees.

Gestures of reinsurance: a man (child) eats nails, a pen, a pencil, intertwined fingers, pinch of skin.

Gestures of frustration. Short of breath, often combined with a variety of vague sounds like sighs, bellow etc. (who did not notice the moment when his opponent starts to breathe briefly and continues to prove his opinion, might have serious consequences).

Gestures of nervousness:

 coughing, clearing of throat - who often clears throat feels insecure and anxious;

- ring of coins in his pocket indicates that the person is worried about money or their lack;

 twitching of own ears - a sign that the other person wants to interrupt the conversation, but restraines.

Gestures of self-control. Hands wound behind his back, and there one strongly constricts another, the other outside - a man with crossed bones sitting in his chair, catch hold on the arms by his hands (typical for patients awaiting admission at the dentist). Such posture is a signal of a man's desire to overcome strong feelings and emotions.

Gestures of boredom:

 tapping the floor by foot or snap by a pen cap;

- "Head in hands", i.e. the head rests on the palm;

 mechanically drawing on paper;

 empty glance ("I look at you, but I do not listen").

Takesyka - nonverbal behaviors associated with tactile system of perception. They are different touch. The frequency of touch depends on the culture, gender, age, status, character, interaction. Touches are diveded into types:

 professional - are used solely for professional or functional purpose, have impersonal nature: when professional touches another person, the latter is perceived him as an object;

- Ritual (shake hands, diplomatic kissing);

 sociable;

 love.

Proxemics - the spatial psychology (a term is introduced by American anthropologist Edward Hall). A scientists have identified four types of distances to communicate.

1. Intimate distance - from direct physical contact to 40-45 cm

Communication is close, proximity, is not necessarily positively colored. Permit penetration in this area we give to close people, those who are emotionally close to us: they are the parents, children, spouses, close friends and relatives, beloved.

2. Personal space - 45 cm and can reach 120 cm, physical contact is not required. This is the optimum distance for conversation. Usually it is the distance between people at parties, cocktails, official receptions.

3. Social distance - the interval from 120 to 260 cm. It is the most favorable for formal communication. At this distance we keep from strangers.

4. Public distance (more than 2.6 meters) typical for communication with the audience, and when we communicate with a large group of people.

Different people have different zones of interaction. So European nations (e.g. Denmark), intimate space (25 cm) shorter than the Americans.

Spatial placement of business partners - there are 4 basic positions seating around the table:

1. Angular placement is characteristic for people are in friendly conversation. This position contributes to the constant eye contact and gives interlocutors space for gestures and the ability to observe the gestures of another person. Angle plays the role of a barrier in the event of the threat posed by the interlocutor (you can hide behind it). There is not territorial distribution of a table.

2. Position of business interaction.

When two people are working in collaboration with the problem or project, they generally occupy exactly the same position. This is one of the most advantageous position for presentation, discussion and development of common solutions. It is important not to violate the territory of the partnership.

3. Competing defensive position - a position opposite each other, this leads to the fact that each party maintains its beliefs as table is a barrier between them. Compliance of subordination.

4. The independent position - a position is occupied by people who do not want to interact with one another, are uninterested affair.

To contact between business partners is important to choose the type of the table for negotiations.

Square Table promotes relations of rivalry and suitable for short business meeting or to underscore of subordination. In what quickly established cooperative relationship with the man who sits at the table next to you, and the man who sits on the right, you will understand easily unlike the one that sits on the left. Most of the resistance comes from someone who sits in front.

Roundtable creates informal atmosphere, ease and is the best means for conversation between people of equal social status, so that everyone at the table is allocated the same space. However, if at the round table is the chief, the honorable place is to the right of him and closer to him, and faraway places is still competing.

At rectangular table is the best place "dominant" when a person sits facing the door. You can observe how is placed at the table at home your family.

Paralinguistics - a tone, voice volume, rate of speech, pauses, interjections.

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