In the Building В здании
Active vocabulary
1. building – здание
2. floor – этаж
3. ground floor – первый (земляной) этаж
4. store room – склад
5. stationery store – канцелярский склад
6. switchboard – коммутатор
7. entrance – вход
8. layout – план
9. direction – направление
10.same – такой же
11. opposite – напротив
12. to come out of – выйти из
13. to turn – повернуть
14. to take the corridor on – по коридору на..
Grammar notes
Порядковые числительныеобразуются от соответствующих количественных числительных посредством суфикса –th и перед порядковым числительным ставится определенный артикль. Только первые три цифры меняют полностью корень.
1st the first 10th the tenth
2nd the second 11th the eleventh
3rd the third 12th the twelfth
4th the fourth 13th the thirteenth
5th the fifth 20th the twentieth
6th the sixth 31st the thirty first
7th the seventh 42nd the forty second
8th the eighth 53rd the fifty third
9th the ninth 64th the sixty fourth
100th a hundredth
1 000 a thousadth
Exercise 138
Write the abbriviations for these numbers, like this:
1. His office is on the eighth floor. 8th
2. Thank you for your letter of July twenty–first. ....................
3. Room 405 is the second door on the left. .........................
4. Her holiday is the fourth week of August. .......................
5. This is the sixth letter from BOS this week. ........................
6. The file is in the third drawer down. ............................
7. The meeting is on fifth July. ...............................
8. That is the twentieth mistake today. ...............................
Exercise 139 º (We Mean Business ex 35, p 20)
Listen to the tape. There are ten sentences. Write down the ordinal number you hear in each sentence, like this: 1 – 7th – seventh
Exercise 140 º (Global Links 1, ex. 4, p. 43)
Listen and write the ordinal numbers you hear.
Exercise 141 º (Global Links 1, ex. 5, p. 43)
Listen. You will hear ordinal numbers in sentences. Write the numbers.
Exercise 142
Look at this board. It is on the ground floor of the BOS building in Harlow. There are other companies in the building, too. Follow the lines and write the number of the floor each company is on.
Exercise 143
Ask and answer the questions about the companies’ location, like this:
Which floor is Roach Bros on? It’s on the ....... floor.
Which company is on the BOS ltd.
third floor?
Exercise 144
Here is a plan of two floors of an office building. Read the discription and write the names of the rooms in the boxes.
When you come into the building, the reception is the first door on the right. The second door on the right is the typing pool and the second door on the left is the office manager’s office. The post room is opposite reception. When you go upstairs, the first door on the left is the sales office. The room above the office manager’s office is the personnel manager’s office. Next to the personnel manager’s office is the managing director’s office. Opposite the managing dorector’s office and above reception is the sales manager’s office.
4 reception | |||
Exercise 145
This is the layout of the basement, the ground floor and the first floor of the BOS building. The layout of floors 2 to 7 is the same as the first floor.
Ask and answer the questions about the BOS building, using these words: next to / opposite / between / above / below.
Like this:
Where’s the post room? It’s next to the store room,
opposite the telex room and
below room G4.
Exercise 146
You are in reception. Ask for and give directions in the BOS building, like this:
a) A: Exuse me. Where’s the canteen, please?
B: It’s downstairs in the basement.
A: Is it on the right or on the left?
B: Come out of the lift and it’s on the left.
b) A: Exuse me. Where’s room 405, please?
B: Come out of the lift on the fourth floor and take the corridor on the right. Room 405 is on the left.
A: Thank you.
B: You are welcome.
Exercise 147 º (Starting Business English, Practiсe Book, p. 45)
New words
¨ centre – центр
¨ leisure – досуг
¨ dining room – обеденный зал
¨ breakfast room – закусочная
¨ lounge – фойе
¨ double doors – двойные двери
¨ go through – идти через
¨ go down to the end – идти до конца
Exercise 148
Read and write, like this:
You are at reception. Where is the leisure centre?
Go through the double doors, turn right, go down to the end and it’s on the left.
1. You are in the dining room. Where is the cocktail bar?
2. You are in the breakfast room. Where is the leisure centre?
3. You are in the shop. Where is the Gentlemen’s toilet?
4. You are in the leisure centre. Where is the shop?
Exercise 149
Read and translate the text.
Where we sit, or how close we stand to other people when we talk, can be very different from one culture to another. This is because people have different “comfort zones”.
American business people usually like to sit across from each other. They also have a lot of eye contact when speaking. Many Japanese, on the other hand, prefer to sit next to each other, but with less eye contact than Americans.
“Comfortable talking zone” for Latin Americans is about one and a half feet away from the other person. However, for many Northern Europeans, this is too close. They prefer about three feet between speakers.
If you stand too close or too far away from someone, you might give the wrong idea. For example, some people might stand back to make more space. They are only moving into their comfort zone. But the other person might think this is unfriendly.
What can you do? If you don’t know about someone’s customs, follow your own. But watch how the other person moves. It probably won’t be very long before you can get an idea about that person’s comfort zones.
NB1 foot is 0,3048 metre
Exercise 150
Translate from Russian into English
- сидеть напротив друг друга
- сидеть рядом
- на расстоянии полтора фута друг от друга
- слишком близко
- слишком далеко
- три фута между говорящими
Exercise 151
What is “comfortable talking zone” in Russia? Share your ideas.
Lesson 11 Урок 11