Managers and executives: UK
All the directors together are the board. They meet in the boardroom.
Non–executive directors are not managers of the company; they are outsiders, often directors of other companies who have particular knowledge of the industry or of particular areas.
The marketing director is the head of marketing, the IT director is the head of IT, etc. these people head or head up their departments. Informally, the head of an activity, a department or an organization is its boss.
An executive or, informally, an exec, is usually a manager at quite a high level (for example, a senior executive). But ‘executive’ can be used in other contexts to suggest luxury, as in ‘executive coach’ and ‘executive home’, even for things that are not actually used by executives.
Managers and executives: US
In the US, the top position may be that of chairman, chairwoman or president.
This job is often combined with the position of chief executive officer or CEO.
Some companies have a chief operating officer to take care of the day–to–day running of the company. The finance director may be called the chief financial officer.
In the US, senior managers in charge of particular areas are often called vice presidents (VPs).
Exercise 79
Read and answer the questions.
1. My name’s Montebello and I’m president and CEO. We have some excellent people on our board, including two who are not involved in the day–to–day running of the company: Gary and Jones. (What are their positions?)
2. My name’s Smith and it’s my job to look after the accounts and balance the books. I work closely with Chang and Roberts, as they tell me what their departments need for marketing and research, and I allocate them an annual budget. (What’s the department headed by Mr Smith?)
3. My name’s Dawes and I head up personnel, on the same level in the company as Chang and Roberts. (What’s Mr Dawes’ position called?)
Exercise 80
Look at this information about a company’s structure and use it to help you match each beginning statement (1–7) with an ending (a–g).
1. Holdbrook House operates in many different parts of the world, for example 2. Holdbrook House provides many different services, for example 3. Holdbrook House operates in three continents, that is to say 4. Holdbrook House offers insurance, banking and stockbroking services. In other word 5. Each of Holdbrook House’s companies produces an annual report. That means 6. Each of Holdbrook House’s main subsidiaries operates in a different region. For example 7. Although Holdbrook House is a multinational, it does not operate everywhere. For example | A. Brookers Bank operates in Australia. B. Australia, Europe and Asia. C. it is a multinational company. D. A total of six are published. E. does not own an American company. F. banking, stockbroking and insurance. G. it provides a full range of financial services. |
Lesson 7 Урок 7
Company Departments Отделы компании
Active vocabulary
1. purchasе – закупка, закупать
2. distribution – доставка
3. recruiting – набор рабочих
4. invoice – счет
5. payment – оплата
6. launch – запуск
7. task – задание
8. background – предыстория, происхождение
9. consumer – потребитель
10. customer – заказчик
11. shift – смена
12.questionairе – анкета, вопросник
13. survey – обзор
14. assembly line – сборочная линия
15. item – предмет, пункт
16. range – ассортимент, набор
17. to maintain – поддерживать
18. to persuade – убеждать, уговаривать
19. to set out – выставить, изложить
20. to check – проверить
21. to improve – улучшать
22. to supervise – наблюдать
23. to sack – увольнять
24. to devise – изобретать
25. to liaise with – поддерживать связь
26.scientific – научный
Exercise 81
Match the departments on the left with the correct definition on the right:
1. sales A. is responsible for manufacturing goods
2. purchasing B. recruiting new staff
3. planning C. deals with invoices and payments
4. research and
development D. handles advertising and new product launches
5. quality control E. buys in products and services
6. production F. tries to develop new products
7. personnel G. makes sure that standards are maintained
8. finance H. persuades people to buy the company’s products
9. distribution I. sets out a strategy for the company’s future
10. marketing J. transports goods to different places
Exercise 82
Use the spaces below to write a short description of your department:
I work in the ……………………………….department/section. There are …………………people working in this department. Our main tasks are …………………………………………. and …………………………………… We also ……………………………………………… I deal with …………………………..
Exercise 83
In the extracts below some managers of ABEX, a Lagos–based manufacturing company, are describing their departments. Use the words below to complete the gaps in the extracts and write the names of the departments in the spaces provided.
background biggest responsible check | recruiting standarts scientific improving | supervise consumers technical shifts | maintain sacking launching questionairies |
Robert Ngara
In my department we’re ……………………. for making sure that ………………. know about our products. We also deal with ………………….. new products. We use ………………………… and surveys to find out what products people want to buy.
Robert is head of ………………………. department.
Hassan Abdelkader
Our department is the …………………….. in the company. In fact there are over 250 of us altogether, and most of the people work in a system of three …………………… . Our work never really stops, unless there are ……………. problems. One of my main jobs is to ……………………….. part of the assembly line.
Hassan is a superviser in the ……………………. department.
Tessa Mkrana
We work very closely with Hassan’s department although there are fewer of us. One of our most important tasks is to ……………………….. items on the assembly line to make sure there are no problems. We have to …………………….very high …………………… in the factory. I also liaise with our principal customers to make sure there are no problems.
Tessa is head of the ………………………. department.
Hafiz Ahmed
Mine is the smallest department in the company. In fact there are only five of us and we all come from a ………………………… or engineering ……………. . Basically what we do is to devise new products or to look at ways of ………………….. the products we make at the moment. It’s a very exciting job.
Hafiz works in the …………………….. department.
Tamara Oku
I work on the “human” side of the business. My department is involved in ……………………….. new staff, training them, and dealing with a whole range of problems, including personal problems. I suppose that’s why some people refer to our activities as “human resources”. And the part of my job I don’t like? Well, it’s me who’s in charge of …………………….. people if their work is not up to standard. Tamara works in the …………………….. department.
Lesson 8 Урок 8
Office Кабинет
Active vocabulary
1. notice board – доска объявлений
2. desk – рабочий стол
3. telephone – телефон
4. chair – стул
5. typewriter – печатная машинка
6. wastepaper bin – корзинка для мусора
7. graph – график
8. filing cabinet – шкаф для файлов
9. table – стол
10. photocopier – копировальный аппарат
11. in–tray – лоток
12. calculator – калькулятор
13. letter – письмо
14. book – книга
15. drawer – ящик стола
16. shelf – полка
17. pot plant – цветок в горшке
18. coffee pot – кофейник
19. word processor – процессор, компьютер
20. picture – картинка
21. furniture – мебель
22. equipment – оборудование
23.bottom – дно, нижний
24. new – новый
25. former – бывший
25. to show – показывать
26. to share – делить
27. to have/have got – иметь
28.this/these – это, эти
29. that/those – то, те
30. who – кто
31. how many – сколько
Exercise 84 º (We Mean Business p 9)
Anne Bell is Sheila Baker’s new secretary. This is her first day at BOS. Joy Bradley is Sheila’s former secretary. Joy is showing Anne the office. Listen to the tape, read and translate.
J.B.: Well this is the office. And this is Simon Young. Simon and I share the office. Simon, this is Anne.
S.Y.: Hello, Anne. Nice to meet you. Welcome to BOS.
A.B.: Thank you.
J.B.: This is your desk and this is your word processor.
This is your filing cabinet....... and that’s Simon’s filing cabinet.
Those are your shelves. The sales files are on the bottom shelf.
Exercise 85
Read and answer the questions.
1. Who shares the office with Joy?
2. How many filing cabinets has Anne got?
3. Where is the word processor?
4. Where are the sales files?
Exercise 86
Look at these word pairs.
1. notice board (Fred) 2. desk (Simon)
3. telephone (Luisa) 4. chair (Sheila)
5. typewriter (Mary) 6. wastepaper bin (Howard)
7. graph (Paul) 8. filing cabinet (Joy)
Talk about the furniture, like this:
1. Is it Fred’s notice board? Yes, it is.
2. Is it Sheila’s desk? No, it isn’t. It’s Simon’s desk.
Exercise 87
The letters of these words are in the wrong order. What are they?
Exercise 88
Look at these pictures. Ask and answer the questions, like this:
What’s this? Is it a desk or a table? It’s a desk.
Grammar notes
Множественное число существительныхобразуется при помощи окончания –s:
a sea – seas, a tent – tents
Однако, следует знать, что:
· существительные, оканчивающиеся на –s, –ss, –sh, –ch, –x, –z, образуют мн. число при помощи окончания –es:
a box – boxes, a bus – buses, a bush – bushes.
· существительные, оканчивающиеся на –о, во мн. числе оканчиваются на –es, –s:
a hero – heroes, a tomato – tomatoes;
bamboos, photos, pianos, radios, solos, videos.
· существительные, оканчивающиеся на –у с согласной перед ней, меняют –у на –ies во мн. числе:
a lady – ladies, a baby – babies, a copy– copies.
· в тех сушествительных, где перед –у стоит гласная, –у не меняется:
a day – days, a boy – boys.
· большинство существительных, оканчивающихся на –f, –fe, во мн. числе оканчиваются на –ves:
a wife– wives, a knife – knives, a shelf – shelves,
а также wolf, self, calf, leaf, loaf, half, thief
· но: a handkerchief – handkerchiefs, roofs, proofs, beliefs. A hoof – hoofs/hooves, a scarf – scarfs/scarves, a wharf – wharfs/wharves.
· некоторые существительные образуют мн. число, изменяя корневую гласную:
a man – men, a tooth – teeth, a foot – feet, a goose – geese, a mouse – mice.
Некоторые – полностью слово:
child – children, ox – oxen.
· Встречаются существительные, у которых формы ед. и мн. числа совпадают:
aircraft, deer, sheep, trout, means, series, works, salmon.
· Некоторые существительные в английском языке употребляются только в ед. числе, а в русском языке эти же существительные могут иметь форму как ед. так и мн. числа:
advice (совет – советы), information (сведение – сведения), knowledge, progress, furniture, money.
· Существительные неисчисляемые, обозначающие вещества или понятия, обычно употребляются только в ед. числе:
sugar, iron, love, friendship, peace, ink, weather.
Слова, обозначающие парные предметы (trousers, pants, shorts, scissors, glasses, scales, spectacles, tongs, pyjamas), названия некоторых игр (billiards, draughts) и обобщающие понятия (clothes, goods, savings), употребляются только во множественном числе:
These scissors are very sharp. – Эти ножницы очень острые.
His clothes were wet. – Его одежда была мокрой.
(Обратите внимание на то, что существительное “одежда” в русском языке всегда согласуется с глаголом в единственном числе.)
Exercise 89
Make plurals:
1. one hat – two ............................. 11. a man – ........................................
2. one girl – three ........................... 12. a lady – ........................................
3. one glass – four .......................... 13. a radio – ......................................
4. one bus – five.............................. 14. a bush – .......................................
5. one boy – six............................... 15. a goose – ......................................
6. one mouse – seven...................... 16. a woman – ...................................
7. one watch – eight........................ 17. a child – .......................................
8. one sheep – nine......................... 18. a fox – ..........................................
9. one foot – ten ............................. 19. a shelf – ........................................ wolf – two ........................... 20. a tomato – ...................................
Exercise 90
Change into the plural:
1. He is a man. – They are men.
2. This is a table. – .........................................................................................
3. She is a secretary. – ....................................................................................
4. It is a coffee pot. – ......................................................................................
5. This is an office. – ......................................................................................
6. He is a policeman. – .................................................................................
7. It is a fax machine. – ................................................................................
8. This is a chair. – ........................................................................................
9. This is a boy. – ..........................................................................................
10. She is a housewife. – ................................................................................
Exercise 91
Read and translate the text paying attention to the plural form of some nouns.
Changes in Retailing
The rationalization of retailing has been a major characteristic of recent years and many small shops have disappeared. Large chains and supermarkets now dominate the sector. In the UK, 70% of food is sold by just four retailers. Many people have criticized this trend. They say it leaves the consumer with less choice.
Exercise 92
Read and translate the text. Underline the words in plural and the words that don’t take plural forms.