Process of retting of vegetables and fruit.

Primary raw material, having used for retting is apple. Besides apple to retting plums, pear, red bilberry, cranberry are subjected. Apple wash, inspect and accurately put in oak cask to 150l. At packing prevent blow and pressure i.e. that lead to feathering on-the-spot of apple. Cask is lined inside by clean rye straw, by which also apples are laid. This preserves apples from defecation and gives them delectable flavour. Apple is filled by brine, containing 1-1,5% of cooking salt, 2-3% of sugar, 0,5-0,75% previously boiled malt. Malt contains ferment amylase, which sugars contained in apple starch. Instead malt it is possible to add divorced in water rye flour, which contains that enzyme.

For improving of gustatory quality of product add estragon, leaves of blackberry or cherry, mustard in powder. Preliminary fermentation is conducted at 15-180C. During 3-5 days in product 0,3-0,4% lactic acid accumulates. Final post fermentation is carried at t from 0 till 500C, wherein process lasts 30-40 days. At that still t0 keep end product. End product contains 0,6-1,5% of lactic acid, 0,8-1,8% of wine spirit, 0,5-1% of cooking salt.


1. Why is acetic acid at marinating of vegetables or fruit used in concentration not above 0,9%?

2. What vegetables are used for production of marinade?

3. Why is soaking replaced by holding cucumber during 3-5h in water t 600C?

4. In what conditions process of pickling must be carried out?

5. What are the conditions of preliminary fermentation at retting?

Lecture #19, 20. Technology of meat and fish conserves

1. Assortment and classification of meat conserves.

2. Technology of meat conserves.

3. Assortment and classification of canned fish.

4. Preconditioning of raw material: defrosting, wash, removal scale, beheading, eviscerating, batching and salting.

New words:

Defrostation –размораживание, cutting – нарезание, порционирование, salting – посол, parcooking – бланширование, flue-curing, smoking – копчение, frying -обжаривание, расфасовка – prepacking, закатка – closing, descaling – удаление чешуи, batching – порционирование, эксгаустирование - exhaustion

1. For canned meat and fish of all kinds use meat beef cattle, poultry, by-products and various kinds of fish.

For canning use cooled down, chilled or frozen meat. Frozen meat is preliminary thawed. Meat should be fresh from healthy cattle. Do not use unseasoned meat and frozen twice (dark red colour).

Canned meat by the regime of heat treatment are divided into:

• sterilized (T - above 1000C);

• pasteurized (T - below 1000C, in the center of the cans 65-750C)

Canned meat, depending on the type of raw materials and processing method are divided into:

• canned food containing liquid portion (juice, sauce);

• canned food containing jelly;

• canned minced - from crushed and preliminary on salted meat;

• canned pates from the crushed-homogenized raw material;

• canned-vegetable - meat and offal of cattle and poultry with cereal, baked goods, vegetables, beans and other plant components.

2. Manufacturing process involves common to all canned meat processing stages: preparation of raw materials (acceptance, thawing, cutting, trimming, trimming, cutting into pieces), portioning, (prepackaging), seaming, sterilizing, cooling, sorting, labeling, packaging and storage.

However, each type of meat has unique operations, depending on the recipe, the type of packaging, product destination. The special features include the Ambassador, crushing of raw materials, preparation of minced meat for canned meat, cooked (blanching, roasting, boiling), preparation of legumes, cereals, etc. - for meat and vegetable canning, enrichment or exclusion of certain nutrients recipes - for canned meat special.

A seaming is performed on seaming machines, or simultaneously vacuuming contents of the jar, as the presence of oxygen accelerates the oxidation processes, especially the fat components, which lead to the destruction of vitamins and other nutrients to poor organoleptic quality. In addition, the oxygen of the air creates favorable conditions for the development of aerobic microbes, leading to spoilage. The presence of air in the cans can lead during heat treatment deformation and rupture banks.

Heat treatment is aimed at the destruction of (complete or partial) m / o in the product, safety and purity of the product. The time required to destruction m / o, depends on several factors such as temperature, type m / o, the value of the source of contamination, as well as acidity, texture, viscosity, specific heat, thermal conductivity of the product. Used material, wall thickness and size of container are relevant.

3. High food value of fish products is caused by physical and chemical features of fish meat proteins. Structure and properties of fish oil essentially differ from vegetable oils both animal fats, as it is a unique natural source of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids possessing by antithrombotic properties. Because of the high content of fiber, fat, irreplaceable minor constituents and vitamins B, Н, РР, A, D, Т into hydrobionts they can be used for manufacturing of therapeutic, children and dietary products.

Fresh, cooled or frozen fish of first grade (not less) is used to produce fish products. Using of long-term stored fish is not recommended because it does not get production of high quality.

Fish body surface must be clear; colour is natural, without damages and bloodshots. At scalfish the scale must be closely joint to skin. At sсale-free fish, excluding flounder, skin must be smooth and shiny. Gills must be bright red, without sour or another outside smell and mucus. Abdomen is not swollen. Consistency of muscle fiber must be elastic and tight.

Technological scheme of canned fish production


  Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. -


  Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. -

removing a scale

  Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. -

Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. - handling


  Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. -


  Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. -

Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. - salting

  Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. -   Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. -

Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. - Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. - parcooking cooking firing flue-curing frying

  Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. -   Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. -


  Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. -   Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. -

filling exhaustion

  Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. -   Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. -

Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. - closing


Defrostation is carried out into mechanized defrosters by water with temperature 12-20 °С. Defrostation may be made into bathes with 4% salt dissolution heated till 40 °С. In this case fish is salted; it is need beer in mind at canning technology. Defrostation is finished when fish will freely bent, and internal organs from it will easily left. The temperature into a fish should be -1... 0 °С.

Fish can be defrosted by high voltage current.

Washing. Defrosted fish can be free of washing because it is washed during defrostation. Cold chlorinated water by temperature not above 15°С may be used for washing. For washing fish by mass 1 ton from 2 till 7m3 (cubic metre) of water is spent.

Descaling. Fish scale is inedible part of fish body. It is removed into drum-type machine. The machine works in periodical regime: loading 1-2 minutes, removing a scale 5-8 minutes, unloading 2 minutes.

Handling is removing of separate parts of fish, which are inedible or defective. Quantity of operations during handling process depends on fish size.

At small fish (anchovy, Baltic herring) necessarily delete a head, a tail fin and an internal organs. At larger fish, except that, fins, and sometimes vertebral chine are removed and a paunch are rip up. Handling is carried out manually or mechanically.

Batching is dividing of handled large and medium fish on pieces corresponded to tin sizes. Small fishes are not cut and put into tins as a whole.

Salting is carried out by several ways: wetting way, adding a dry salt into tins, adding pouring with salt. To produce 1000 conventional tins 7.5 kg salt is spent.

Preliminary heat treatment is carried out in order to remove from fish body surplus of water and giving a special taste to product. Preliminary heat treatment methods are frying, parcooking, cooking firing and hot flue-curing (smoking).

Frying is used to produce canned fish with tomato sauce. Frying is carried out into vegetative oil at the temperature 140-160 °C.

Using of long-term stored fish is not recommended because it does not get production of high quality. Technological process of canned fish production includes such operations as defrostation, washing, descaling, handling, washing, batching, salting, heat treatment, prepacking, closing, sterilization.


1. What is the distinguishing feature of canned meat?

2.How is canning sterilization spend?

3. What might be an appearance of canned meat?

4. What is difference of preservation by pasteurization?

5. What is high food value of fish products caused by?

Lecture# 21,22. Food products drying methods

1. Classification of dried vegetables.

2. Primary process of drying.

3. Methods of drying

1. Classification of dried vegetables is founded on sort of raw material, its age, sometimes diameter, preparation method to drying. It is also important botanic sort, preferred for given method of processing. As monoculture, and blend are produced. In tabla.4.2 assortment of dried vegetables is shown.

Dried vegetables are produce chipped in thickness at least 3 mm, length and width at least 5 mm (cabbage, carrot, red beet, white vegetables of parsley, celery, parsnip), block with side dimension 5-9 mm and slices thickness at most 4 mm, length and width at most 12-15 mm (potatoes, carrot, red beet, white vegetables) , as well as powder (green of fennel, parsley and celery, garden onion, garlic; in recent years receive powders from carrot, cabbage, beet, pumpkin).

2. Majority of food products, among them vegetative subject, in nature are colloidal, and by structure are capillary-porous material, wherein moisture aligned with solid frame. Drying is typical nonstationary irreversible process, wherein humidity content of material varies as in volume, and in time, and itself process aims to equilibrium. Dehydration can happen without change of aggregative state moisture - mechanical dehumidification and contact mass exchange. With change of aggregative state of moisture heat dehydration goes, contents of which is transit of liquid into vaporous state and vapor transfers in environment by means of evaporation.

Combined dehydration is heat dehydration in the course of jump in pressure.

3. There exist two methods of drying depending on nature of heat-carrying agent: natural and artificial. Technology of natural drying is distribution on special ground, on shelf, under overhang, on timber culvert or special net slice grapes, cutted segments of apple, cherry, plum, fig, muskmelon, as well as vegetables and getting product with humidity 14-18 % within a week. Drying is conducted as in the sunlight, and in the shade.

By means of supply of heat to raw material there differ followed forms of artificial drying: convective-by way of direct contact of product with drying agent, mostly air; contact-type- transmission of heat from heat-carrying agent to product through dividing them wall; radiative- conductance by heat of infra-red rays; dielectric- by flow of high and microwave frequency; vacuum and its variety sublimate. The most common and simple kind of drying is convective one. Drying agent (air) is heated with the help of sun energy, over-heated steam. Heat energy, transmitted to raw material, transfers water in vapor, which is absorbed by dry air and is removed.

Varieties of convective drying: sun, shady, heat. First two are the most popular in Southern Region of country and are the very economy, in terms of consumption of heat energy, but their duration time is quite big, which causes product degeneration in consequence of decoloration, flavor and aroma, vitamin destruction, phenolic, colour. Heat dehydration is used in all regions.

Convective drying of fruit and vegetables is carried out mainly on drying installation of various constructions: tunnel; chamber; shaft (шахтные); barrel (барабанные); auger-type(шнековые); tubular; rotor; carousel; vibrational; vacuum-drying and others.

Method of contact drying is founded on heat transfer by means of thermal movement of product’s microparticles by means of heated surface. Given method is used for getting, for example, highly humid puree.

At thermo-radiations drying shortwave infra-red rays enter into thickness of material and deliver warmth from surface of raw material into environment. Therein anomalous temperature distribution forms: at certain deep it is above, than at the surface of material, and notably higher, than inside it. Therefore, at first moisture migrates inside, and then due to surface evaporation begins to migrate from the inside to open surface.

At dielectric drying controlled heating of raw material happens. It is occurred over speeding of formation of steam inside material over speed of its transfer; consequently in raw material gradient total pressure arises, promoting molar transfer of vapor.

Evaporation in acoustic field is accounted for self-evaporation of moisture in consequence of occurrence gradient total pressure in material.

At sublimation drying evaporation of frozen product takes place in conditions of deep vacuum. Water and raw material freeze, and at supply of heat in discharged atmosphere ice sublimates in vapor, by-passing fluid phase. At sublimation drying contact material with atmospheric oxygen is minimal. Bulk of water (70-90%) is moved away at temperature below zero, residual moisture -at 40-60OC. Due to that fine quality keeps, proximal to initial stock. Nutritive losses are not too large, flavor holds constant, product has porous texture, insignificant shrinking, possess advanced reducing ability. In comparison with other means of drying retention of quality of freeze dried product is maximal, however this method is the most complicated and power-hungry.

At quality of dried fruit and vegetables such factors, as sort and quality of initial stock, correctness of realization of preparation processes, supplying necessary drying schedule, as well as packing exercise influence. Preparation step is specific for every kind of raw material, but usually consists of following operations: washing, inspection in order of merit, calibration, purification.

Calibration conduces regular drying of raw material. Paring or removal of wax coating on it intensifies evaporation of moisture. Slicing on pieces, especially of the same size, increases evaporating surface, makes easier blanching and accelerates drying-out. Blanching at temperature 95-100OC causes denaturation of proteins, hydrolysis of protopectin, leads to losses of cell’s turgor. Due to that natural tinge (flesh is not brown), aroma and flavor are preserved, restorability of dried product rises. Blanching before drying of onion and garlic, white vegetables and spicy green in aid of retention their flavor and aroma are not recommended to apply.

Potato drying technological scheme

Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. - Storing

Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. - washing

Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. - size grading


  Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. -

mechanical peeling heat peeling (parcooking)

  Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. -

Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. - processing by sodium bisulphate parcooking of whole potato

Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. -

full peeling peeling

  Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. -   Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. -

Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. - Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. - cutting peeling to end

Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. - Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. - washing cooling

Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. - Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. - blanching cutting

  Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. -


  Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. -

Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. - inspection with magnet separation

prepacking in view bulk or briquettes

  Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. -


Figure 21.1. Technology of vegetable and fruit drying

Final process of preparatory stage is considered to be sulphitation. Dipping in 0,1-0,5% solution of sulfite at several min or sulphuration of prepared to drying fruit and vegetables are applied. Given operation prevents reaction of melanoidin’s formation. Negative consequence of given operation are residual content of sulphurous acid and destruction of thiamin.

Properly drying is carried out with any one of above mentioned methods, in consequence of which we obtain product with residual moisture 10-12 % (at sublimate druing – 4-6%). Most common temperature schedule of drying is 50-70 OC. Control of drying process for deletion of overdrying, burning (at heat drying) is significant; lumps from sticking together fruit and vegetables are crashed. Final stage of drying of fruit and vegetables is clarification from impurities and dust, also incomplete drying, quality classification and packing.

Finished product is sorted on belt conveyer or table, sorting out defective production (underpeeled underdried, burned, particulars and others.) and subdivided into commercial grades.


1. What are advantages and disadvantages of drying as a canning method?

2. What are drying methods used and how?

3. By means of heat supply to raw material what forms of artificial drying do you know?

4. Describe technology of vegetable and fruit drying.

Lecture # 23. Frozen fruits and vegetables.

1. Classification. Preliminary preparation of raw material.

2. Freezing process.

3. The process of sublimation.

Frozen fruit and vegetable products - products made from whole or sliced ​​fruit, vegetables, melons with natural food ingredients or without, packaged and frozen accelerated way to achieve internal product temperature of -18 ° C and for the storage and sale at this temperature.

1. Currently assortment of frozen products in Kazakhstan has about 300 items, including over 50 titles developed in VNIIKOP. This is, basically, berries, fruits, some vegetables and potatoes - frozen monoculture and various mixtures of these (m soup Borshchova sets, salads, stuffing, etc.). The share of semi-alert, ready soups insignificant and consists mainly of cereal and potato products.

Frozen green peas, green beans, tomatoes, sweet corn, spinach, spicy greens, cruciferous vegetables: Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, as well as many kinds of fruit and berries: whole and sliced ​​pome fruits, stone fruits whole (with or without bone) or cut, including grapes (whole grapes, grapes and certain parts of berries), raspberries, blackberries, strawberries (with sepals and without them), cranberry, blueberry, sea buckthorn, black and red currants (all the berries are frozen in whole). Non-traditional fruit crops suitable to freeze berries and honeysuckle Actinidia, other than medicinal and nutritional properties, high in vitamin C, B and PP, phenolic compounds and mineral elements. Promising to freeze are red and black chokeberry (aronia), Saskatoon, cloudberries.

Thus, the freezing are almost all the juicy fruit (except citrus) and vegetables, and dessert, dinner meals and convenience foods, prepared from them.

Preparation of regulatory documents provided 14 kinds of frozen vegetable mixes, which specifies the composition, as well as data on food and energy value.

The basic technology of production.

The main stages of the production of frozen fruits and vegetables are shown in Figure 23. 1.

The preparatory phase includes the acceptance of raw materials, sorting, calibration, cleaning, mechanical and chemical treatment, blanching.

Sort of quality raw materials produced for inspection conveyors. Removes the inedible parts of the product (stem, sepals, etc.), foreign bodies, as well as immature, overripe, damaged in transit diseases and instances. Calibration is carried out on the size of calibration machines. Appointment of sorting and sizing - the formation of homogeneous quality and size of the parties, which ensures uniform freezing. Discarded substandard in size, color, maturity feedstock used for the production of puree products.

Sink is designed to remove surface contamination of fruits and vegetables ground residues of pesticides, bacteria and impurities. Wash fruits and vegetables in washing machines or showers devices clean cold water (temperature lower than 5 ° C), satisfying all the requirements of drinking water. After washing raw cooled.

Sink is designed to remove surface contamination of fruits and vegetables ground residues of pesticides, bacteria and impurities. Wash fruits and vegetables in washing machines or showers devices clean cold water (temperature lower than 5 ° C), satisfying all the requirements of drinking water. After washing raw cooled.

Mechanical treatment is cleaning products from skin, removing inedible parts (bones, seeds, seed nests, etc.), as well as cutting into pieces of various shapes, grinding to puree the state, pressing for juice. Removing the skin produce mechanical (on machines with grating surface), heat (roasting, steaming) and chemical (immersion in a hot solution of soda) methods. After that, the manual advanced treatment of raw materials.

Chemical processing of raw antioxidants (ascorbic, sorbic, citric, sulfuric acid) are used to prevent browning of frozen food preservation of natural color and flavor, to maintain the level of vitamin C.

Blanching is similar to the preparation of raw materials for preservatives. Destruction of a large part of the microorganisms, partial inactivation of oxidative enzymes improve product quality, preserving the natural color, taste and aroma, prevents loss of the finished product.

Acceptance of the raw materials and grading for quality ↓ Washing ↓ Peeling (if necessary) ↓ Banching (except tomatoes) ↓ Chilling with water ↓ Freezing at T: -30…-35 OC ↓ Packaging, marking, keeping  

Figure 23. 1. Flow sheet of production of frozen fruits, berries and vegetables

When blanching partially removed interstitial gases, which reduces the intensity of the oxidation processes. When processing hot water and steamed waxy film is removed from the skin, partially hydrolyzed protopectin, which increases the permeability of the skin. Denaturation of proteins cells, their plasmolysis increase the permeability of pulp. When freezing to scalding sugar accelerates the penetration of sugar in the fruit pulp. Reduce the loss of vitamin C, sugars, acids and other soluble substances facilitated by the rapid cooling of the product.

Freezing, depending on the rate of temperature decrease to the set divided into four groups: slow, medium speed, fast and ultra-fast.

Better quality products with fast turns and super-fast freezing, so these methods have recently become more widespread.

High speed freezing prevents the movement of water out of the cell into the extracellular space, allowing the cell walls are less damaging ice crystals, fabric fruits and vegetables retain their structure, as almost all of the water into a fine crystals. At first slow freezing water freezes in the intercellular space, crystals rupture the cell walls. As a result, during defrost (defrosted) cell sap follows tissues become flabby.

In frozen fruits and vegetables department juice less than slowly frozen.

Depending on the nature of air and coolant distinguish cryogenic freezing.

With air cooling is used tunnel freezers and gravitational types. Tunnelling machines - a device with a continuous tunnels of 12.5 to 31 m, and a conveyor belt moving at a speed of 6-7 m / s. Located on a conveyor belt raw frozen air flow temperature of -30 ... -35 ° C. Airflow and raw materials are moved on the counterflow principle.

A variation of the tunneling machines are fluidization where our product is frozen in "psevdokipyaschem layer" - due to lower supply air at a higher rate (at least 13 m / s). The products of a number of properties behaves like a fluid. Such devices can be frozen only fruits, vegetables, or small particles (green peas, strawberries, cherries, etc.).

Applied also semiflyuidizatsiyu or poluflyuidizatsiyu: product layer distributed on mobile tape, ventilated cooled air with a temperature of -34 ° C upwards, the air velocity is less than the critical value. This method does not cause mechanical damage to the product, so apply for fruit and vegetables with a delicate texture (berries, color and Brussels sprouts). The duration of freezing, depending on the type of raw material - 3-12 minutes.

Cryogenic freezing of fruits and vegetables produced in nitrogen, which is an inert gas and does not react with food. Evaporation temperature of liquid nitrogen -195,8 ° C. With this method, the product is first cooled with nitrogen gas, then a pre-frozen, the temperature of the surface layer thus rapidly decreasing. Final freezing occurs in the chamber of intense freezing, where surface temperatures below -80 ° C, and then an equalization of temperature throughout. The advantage of the method is the high cryogenic freezing rate 4-30 min.

Packing in containers is the final operation, if the fruits and vegetables frozen in bulk, or earlier - by freezing in the container. Fill the container with the help of special devices. Products with fillers pour sugar syrup or brine. Used cardboard boxes, cans, bags of plastics, bags. As packed before freezing container filled with only 90% in order to avoid rupture as freezing the volume of production increases. Closed containers for overcrowding, bags and bags of plastic materials, heat-sealing, banks roll, labeled telling appropriate details.

For packing and packaging of frozen food a complex of M 1-AKV. It is made out of plastic bags belts, dispense frozen fruits and vegetables, is separated, packed and weighed bags products. Performance Complex-30 and up to 25 packs per 1 minute mass of 0.5 and 1 kg, respectively.

Modern plants for frozen fruits and vegetables can get the products that best preserves the native properties of raw materials and having excellent organoleptic properties.

Nutritional value.

Frozen products are highly available in it in contrast to other methods of preservation as possible kept biologically active substances, color, taste and smell. For example, to sterilize the vitamin C content is reduced by 40%, freezing - only 8%.

Frozen foods usually contain no preservatives and retain all protein compounds, vitamins and other nutrients.

Minor nutrient losses occur during the preparation of raw materials directly to freezing and freezing (especially when frozen air) reduces the content of vitamins, phenolic, stains due to oxidation processes. However, in the run-up to the freezing occur and hydrolytic decomposition processes of polysaccharides, tannins, thus increasing the sweet and softened astringent taste.

When defrosting the product are undesirable physical and microbiological processes that lead to greater damage, especially notable for extending the duration of the defrost. Implementing thawed fruits and vegetables are not allowed. For example, spinach should be consumed immediately after thawing, as there are a lot of nitrates, which when stored in refrigerator converted to nitrite.


1. What relates to the frozen fruit and vegetable products?

2. What is involved in the preparatory phase?

3. What causes unwanted physical and microbiological processes occurring in the product during defrosting?

Lecture#24. Classification of public catering products.

1. Classification of public catering products.

2. Primary treatment of raw material.

3. Types of catering establishments.

1. Incoming on the shop floor public catering food products are divided into raw material, semi-finished products and ready-to-use goods. Raw material is product, of which production is carried out by complete technological schema. Semi-finished product is product, of which culinary production is carried out by shortcut technological schema. Depending on processing semi-finished product can have various degrees of finishing. Ready for consumption is product, which is realized as finished product after batching. Several of them can be realized to consumer without batching as store-bought goods (kefir, milk).

Products, which before realization are subjected to primary or thermal conditioning, compose owned production. Products and goods, which are realized without cooking, are referred to store-bought goods.

Owned production, in turn is divided into: a) by the nature of raw material - dish from potatoes, vegetables, mushroom, grits, beans, shell eggs, fish, meat, from poultry, game, as well as rabbit, flour products; b) by means of processing - dish and goods from boiled, fried, parboiled, stewed, baked product; c) by the nature of production - dish and goods of bulk production, branded, banquet; d) by the nature of realization - assembled production (dinner, breakfast, supper); e) by priority consumption snack, starters, seconds, third dish ; f) by national spirit Kazakh, Russian, Ukrainian, Korean and others. Besides ready food, catering facilities make and realize diverse semi-finished products.

On different stages of technological process waste occur, which depending on next deduction is subdivide into food, feed and technical. Food waste after relevant processing is used in nutrition (fish roe and milt, cartilage of sturgeon fish, top of beet and others). Screenings are used as feed of cattle. They consist of remainders of ready food and vegetables, except potato, which one ought to use for production of starch. Technical waste is processed by industry with the aim of getting of manufactured goods (bones, fat from flush water and others). Reduction of waste in numbers and their fullest usage is the basic index of correct organization of technological process on the shop floor of public catering.

2. At the present time majority of catering facilities works on raw material or with partial utilization of semi-finished product. Process flow scheme of dish and culinary goods production on the shop floor of public catering, working on raw material, includes four main stages:

1. Reception and keeping of raw material. Incoming on the shop floor raw material and other products are checked with quality and grade of quality in accord with operating standards and specifications and kept in specially equipped storage facilities.

2. Primary treatment of raw material. Goal of primary treatment of raw material is production of semi-finished products for preparation of dish and culinary foods.

3. Preparation of ready-to-eat meal and culinary foods.

4. Realization of products. Semi-finished products and finished products are realized through salesroom, canteen, and convenience store and rarely by supply at home.

Primary treatment includes thawing of product, removing of the pollutants, inedible parts, dividing of product on pieces, having different nutritional value, attachment them proper form, size, composition of product among themselves etc. Methods and types of food processing depend up character of raw material.

To thawing meaty, fishy and some other products are subjected: first of all animal origin, which are received on the shop floor of public catering in frozen kind. For removing of the pollutants, inedible parts and impurities plant product are sorted, sifted, skinned, peeled, i.e. graves are decayed and inedible part. Products of animal origin are deplumed, singed, eviscerated. A number of products are washed.

3. Types of catering establishments.

Various catering establishments are categorised by the
nature of the demands they meet. The following are some of the
catering establishments.

Restaurant. A restaurant is an establishment that serves the customers
with prepared food and beverages to order, to be consumed on the
premises. The term covers a multiplicity of venues and a diversity of
styles of cuisine. Restaurants are sometimes also a feature of a
larger complex, typically a hotel, where the dining amenities are
provided for the convenience of the residents and for the hotel to
maximize their potential revenue. Such restaurants are often open to
non-residents also.

Transport Catering. The provision of food and beverages to passengers, before,
during and after a journey on trains, aircraft and ships and in buses
or private vehicles is termed as transport catering. These services
may also be utilised by the general public, who are in the vicinity of a
transport catering unit. The major forms of modern day transport
catering are airline-catering, railways catering, ship catering and
surface catering in coaches or buses which operate on long distance
Airline Catering. Catering to airline passengers on board the air craft,
as well as at restaurants situated at airport terminals is
termed as airline catering. Modern airports have a variety of
food and beverage outlets to cater to the increasing number
of air passengers. Catering to passengers en route i s
normally contracted out to a flight catering unit of a reputed
hotel or to a catering contractor or to the catering unit
operated by the airline itself as an independent entity.
Railway Catering. Catering to railway passengers both during the
journey as well as during halts at different railway stations is
called railway catering. Travelling by train for long distances
can be very tiring; hence a constant supply of a variety of
refreshment choices helps to make the journey less tedious.
On-board meal services are also provided on long distance
Ship Catering. Ship catering is catering to cargo crew and passenger
ship passengers. Ships have kitchens and restaurants on
board. The quality of service and facilities offered depends on
the class of the ship and the price the passengers are willing
to pay. There are cruises to suit every pocket. They range
from room service and cocktail bars to speciality dining
Surface Catering. Catering to passengers traveling by surface transport
such as buses and private vehicles is called surface catering.
These eating establishments are normally located around a
bus terminus or on highways. They may be either
government run restaurants, or privately owned
establishments. Of late there has been a growing popularity
of Punjabi style eateries called dhabas on the highways.
Outdoor Catering. This catering includes the provision of food and drink away
from home base and suppliers. The venue is left to the peoples'
choice. Hotels, restaurants and catering contractors meet this
growing demand. The type of food and set up depends entirely on
the price agreed upon. Outdoor catering includes catering for
functions such as marriages, parties and conventions.
Retail Store Catering. Some retail stores, apart from carrying on their primary
activity of retailing their own wares, provide catering as an additional
facility. This type of catering evolved when large departmental stores
wished to provide food and beverages to their customers as a part of
their retailing concept. It is inconvenient and time consuming for
customers to take a break from shopping, to have some
refreshments at a different location. Thus arouse the need for some
sort of a dining facility in the retail store itself. This style of catering is
becoming more popular and varied nowadays.
Club Catering. Club catering refers to the provision of food and beverages to
a restricted member clientele. Some examples of clubs for people
with similar interests are turf clubs, golf clubs, cricket clubs etc. The
service and food in these clubs tend to be of a fairly good standard
and are economically priced. Night clubs are usually situated in large cities that have an affluent urban population. They offer entertainment with good food
and expensive drinks.

Welfare Catering. The provision of food and beverages to people to fulfil a
social obligation, determined by a recognised authority, is known as
welfare catering. This grew out of the welfare state concept,
prevalent in western countries. It includes catering in hospitals,
schools, colleges, the armed forces and prisons.
Industrial Catering. The provision of food and beverages to 'people at work,' in
industries and factories at highly subsidised rates is called industrial
catering. It is based on the assumption that better fed employees at
concessional rates are happy and more productive. Catering for a
large workforce may be undertaken by the management itself, or
may be contracted out to professional caterers. Depending on the
choice of the menu suggested by the management, catering
contractors undertake to feed the workforce for a fixed period of time
at a predetermined price.

Leisure-Linked Catering.This type of catering refers to the provision of food and
beverages to people engaged in 'rest and recreation' activities. This
includes sale of food and beverages through different stalls and
kiosks at exhibitions, theme parks, galleries and theatres. The
increase in the availability of leisure time and a large disposable
income for leisure activities has made it a very profitable form of


  1. How are public catering food products divided?
  2. Give the classification of public catering products.
  3. What four main stages does public catering include?
  4. What are various catering establishments categorised by?

Lecture#25. Technological process of preparation and delivery of soups.

  1. Assortment of soups and peculiarities of their preparation.
  2. Changes, happening in products at preparation of soups.
  3. Technological process of preparation of sauces

1. For soups (first dishes) in catering, with a separate workshop or soup, depending on the capacity of the company it may be a branch of hot soup shop. The enterprise is not implemented soups, in the range of the office may not be.

If the menu includes soups, they are boiled in the hot shop. Shop for soups must be properly equipped and have the necessary equipment.

Type of heating - gas, electricity, steam. Capacity of the equipment depends on the capacity of the enterprise. The inventory in the shop include a screen to straining broth, colanders, razdevatelnye spoons of different sizes.

Soups can stimulate the appetite and active digestive glands. This is attributed in most soups extractives. Caloric content of soups, as a rule, not great, but the nutritional value is enhanced with the addition of vegetables, soups enriching vitamins and minerals. Products used for soups in quality must meet the requirements of technical standards.

Soups dividing by hot and cold. By the nature of foundations soups are divided into several groups: a group of broths, soups and broths - the most extensive, and further divided according to the method for preparing soups filling, puree and transparent. These soups are also divided not only in taste but also in consistency.

In filling and puree soups ratio dense and liquid parts ranges from 1 to 1 ÷ 1,5 ÷ 4. In clear soups are bouillon base, dense part - garnish with a mass of 20-70g, if it is served separately - 100-175g, and the side dishes are released into the broth (a piece of fish, dumplings, etc.)

To hot soups are cooked in broth soups and broths and soups with milk.Cold soups do most often on the kvass.

General technological scheme of soups

Mechanical culinary processing products

  Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. -

Preparation of separate componenets

  Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. -

Connecting them in a certain order to the liquid-based soup

  Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. -

Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. - Bringing to the ready taste

Storage on the steam table before the sale

  Process of retting of vegetables and fruit. -

Realization of ready dishes

Hot soups are stored on steam table and let the consumer heated to 75 ° C. Cold soups are stored without heating, the temperature should not exceed 14 ° C. The structure of many soups are vegetables that contain vitamin C. Keeping them on the steam table leads to the destruction of the vitamin, so the timing of soups limited.

Filling soups, puree, clear stored at 75 ° C for up to 2-3 hours filling soups with pasta milk stored at 75 ° C for up to 0.5-0.7 hours.

A distinctive feature of this group of soups - the presence roasted vegetables. In filling soups, vegetables should be well cleaned, cut to shape appropriate for the type of soup, and will continue through the duration of the implementation period. Hot soups in storage on their steam table before they are released to the consumer, the properties of the first dishes worse, so we have to maintain the standards of their storage.

In catering, working in the vegetable raw materials or semi-finished products, produce the following components:

Brees. When cooking meat, bones, poultry, fish, prepared broth. Meat broth cooked rare, often when cooking soups use meat and bone or bone broth.

Assortment and technology of filling soups.

By filling soups include borscht, cabbage, rassolnik, and potato soup with vegetables, grains, legumes and mannymi products, soups with pasta or noodles, kasha. Each of these groups the features cooking, recipes, shape cutting vegetables.

Puree soup a homogeneous mass with mashed consistency of thick cream. Most often, soups are common in childhood and diets.

The group of transparent soups are made ​​up of clear broth and garnish.

Brees - bone, fish, poultry - are the basis for the preparation of clear soups.

Soups Transparent soups are different from other smaller output: a la carte bowls served 400 grams, and in soup bowls - 300 grams per serving.

Technology making clear soups.

Transparent, or clarified, broth soups prepared from traditional manufacturing. For clarification of the finished broth injected protein solution (extracts from raw meat, egg white solution). To evenly distribute them throughout the volume of broth mixed and then heated. When heated, proteins denature and coagulate with flocculation, which capture particles suspended in the broth, making it lightened.

2. Meat broth. Of beef bones to make broth for the traditional scheme. One should not use the vertebral bone located in the spinal cord are involved, because it consists of a lipid cholesterol, lecithin, cephalins, cerebrosides and sphingomyelin, the presence of which adversely affect the outcome clarification broth. For clarification of broth made sling. For this cutlet meat mince, pour cold water at volume ratio of 1: 1.5, add table salt and insist on a cold 1-2hours. Readiness guy determined to change the color: minced meat becomes grayish and aqueous extract - red. When insisting of minced meat extracted water - and salt-soluble proteins, including myoglobin, may influence the color of muscle tissue. At the end of the infusion in the sling add slightly beaten egg whites and mix.

Besides the traditional way of clarifying broths recommended clarification of their sling, made ​​of a mixture of carrots with egg whites. For clarification 1000gramm broth made ​​from purified mixture of grated carrots (100gramm gross) and beaten egg whites (1 ½ eggs), which are thoroughly mixed.

To make the meat clear broth brown color carrot, onion and white roots podpekayut without fat until dark brown.

After cooking the soup is cooled to 50-60C, then diluted with a small amount of his sling, pour it into the pot with the rest of the broth and stir gently. There also introduced podpechennye onions and spices. Broth with sling gently heated and boil at low boil for as long as the guy does not settle to the bottom. In this soup not only lightens but enriched gone over to it from the guy solubles (extractive, gluten). With the finished broth remove fat dosalivat it to taste and carefully filtered. Clear broth should have a brown shade and a pleasant aroma.

Cold soups.Liquid foundation for cold soups can brew preferably okroshechnom (unsweetened kvass). On the grain - hash, beetroot.

Okroshek for cooking hard-boiled eggs yolks pounded with sugar, salt, mustard, sour cream part, the mixture is diluted with kvass, whites finely chopped. The fourth position on the recipe of green onions rubbed with salt and add to the prepared liquid base soup.

The composition of meat hash garnish with fresh cucumbers, egg whites, lean beef, vegetable hodgepodge prepare the same as the meat, but the meat is replaced with boiled potatoes, carrots, turnips, cut into cubes. Hodgepodge can not cook to mouth, and the yogurt, diluted 1:1 with boiled water.

For beetroot carrots and beets diced or julienned, pripuskayut separately (add to beet of 3% vinegar), cooled and put into kvass.

Ing for cooking with egg green sorrel and spinach adjusted separately until tender, rub together with broth, mixed, diluted with water, season with salt and sugar, bring to a boil and cooled. Garnish - potatoes, green onions, cucumber, egg.

3. In cooking, a sauce is liquid, creaming or semi-solid food served on or used in preparing other foods. Sauces are not normally consumed by themselves; they add flavor, moisture, and visual appeal to another dish. Sauce is a French word taken from the Latinsalsa, meaning salted. Possibly the oldest sauce recorded is garum, the fish sauce used by the Ancient Romans.

Sauces need a liquid component, but some sauces (for example, pico de gallo salsa or chutney) may contain more solid elements than liquid. Sauces are an essential element in cuisines all over the world.

Sauces may be used for savory dishes or for desserts. They can be prepared and served cold, like mayonnaise, prepared cold but served lukewarm like pesto, or can be cooked like bechamel and served warm or again cooked and served cold like apple sauce. Some sauces are industrial inventions like Worcestershire sauce, HP sauce, or nowadays mostly bought ready-made like soy sauce or ketchup, others still are freshly prepared by the cook. Sauces for salads are called salad dressing. Sauces made bydeglazing a pan are called pan sauces.

A cook who specializes in making sauces is a saucier.

There are also many sauces based on tomato (such as tomato ketchup and tomato sauce), other vegetables and various spices. Although the word 'ketchup' by itself usually refers to tomato ketchup, it may also be used to describe sauces from other vegetables or fruits.

Sauces can also be sweet, and used either hot or cold to accompany and garnish a dessert.

Another kind of sauce is made from stewed fruit, usually strained to remove skin and fibers and often sweetened. Such sauces, including apple sauce and cranberry sauce, are often eaten with specific other foods (apple sauce with pork, ham, or potato pancakes; cranberry sauce with poultry) or served as desserts.


1. How should be equipped and equipped shop for preparation of soups?

2. From what the process begin general technological scheme of production soup?

3. Which soups include borscht, cabbage, rassolnik, and potato soup with vegetables, grains, legumes and mannymi products, soups with pasta or noodles, kasha?

4. Why are sauces not normally consumed by themselves?

Lecture # 26.

  1. Dish and side dish from vegetabless and mushrooms.
  2. Technological process of preparation, delivery of dish and side dish from grits, bean and macaroni products.

1. The technological process of preparation of various dishes of vegetables includes cooking, pripuskaniya, roasting, stewing and baking.

Cooking vegetables for cooked dishes and side dishes are produced in salt water at low boil. Exceptions are beets and peas that are cooked without added salt, as salt hinders their cooking and affect the taste of beets. To reduce the length of cooking and better preservation of soluble nutrients vegetables lay in boiling water, the layer of water over the vegetables should not exceed 1.2 cm for potatoes and root water makes up 60-70% of their weight.

Total losses of dry matter for many vegetables are 5-10% or more, so the cooking broth or pripuskaniya vegetables are valuable foods that once used to make sauces, soups and other products.

To better preserve nutrients in vegetables and flavor, they are recommended to steam (mainly potatoes and carrots).

Green vegetables for better preservation of color cook in plenty of water (3-4 liters per 1 kg of vegetables) for rapid boiling and the lid is open to prevent the formation of pheophytin, which has a green-brown color.

Peeled potatoes are boiled in salted water, AH prevent cooking potatoes, it is cooked by steaming or after 15-20 minutes of boiling broth is poured and bring the potatoes until ready to heat in a pot with the lid open for 3-5 minutes.

Boiled potatoes used as a separate dish, fill it with oil, cream, or as a garnish.

Potatoes are also fed with fresh, salted or pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms, sauerkraut salad or sauerkraut.

To prepare the potatoes in milk cleaned, cut into large cubes and boil for 3-5 minutes in water, then the water is drained potatoes and cook a little longer in the milk. In the finished potatoes put oil and bring it to a boil. At holiday potatoes sprinkled with oil. If the potatoes in milk is used as a garnish for steak, then before the end of the milk provarivaniya potatoes seasoned passerovkoy flour mixed with oil.

Mashed potatoes are made of hot boiled potatoes. After obsushivaniya potatoes rubbed in hot conditions, is introduced into the butter, heated, with stirring, pour hot boiled milk and knock. The finished sauce is white and soft fluffy texture. Mashed vegetables garnish the same as boiled potatoes. As a side dish it is served to the boiled meat products, burgers and other dishes.

In peel the potatoes are cooked, filling it with hot or cold water, which was quickly brought to a boil. Use it for frying. To reduce the amount of waste potatoes cleaned in hot, then peel easily depart from the tuber.

Carrots and beets for cold dishes cooked in the skin. To reduce losses vegetables clean warm.

2. Cruciferous -крестоцветный -vegetables are put into boiling salted water and cook until tender. Served as a separate dish with butter or sauce. Boiled cauliflower is used as a garnish for meat, fried brussels - accompaniment to roasted meats.

Green vegetables (except peas) is cooked until tender in boiling salted water. Canned peas bring to a boil in its own broth, frozen, put in boiling water without defrosting, dry soaked and cooked in that same water. Ready peas recline on a sieve. When ready to leave peas seasoned with butter or milk sauce. As a side dish it is served to the ham, roast meat dishes.

Cooking in its own juice or a small amount of liquid (product filled no more than half) is pripuskaniya. Produce it in a pot with the lid closed, part of the product is not covered by the liquid is heated with saturated steam. Sometimes during the product pripuskaniya add oil. Pripuskayut carrots, turnips, squash, zucchini, cabbage, spinach and other vegetables. To do this, root vegetables, pumpkin and zucchini cut into cubes or slices, cabbage large swords. To avoid unnecessary strain vegetables, they are placed in a bowl layer no more than 5 cm in order to improve the taste of vegetables added to them with the part of the recipe oil. Pumpkin, squash, tomatoes and other vegetables, easily distinguishing juice when heated pripuskayut in juice without added liquid. Root vegetables and cabbage pripuskayut for 25-30 minutes, pumpkin and squash for 15-20 minutes, 10-12 minutes spinach.

Ready meals from one type of vegetable or mixed vegetables seasoned with butter or milk or cream sauce. By cabbage sauce served separately. Stewed vegetables served as a separate dish or as a side dish to meat and fish.

Roasted vegetables raw or cooked. Raw fried potatoes, squash, pumpkin, eggplant, onions, tomatoes. Cruciferous vegetables and root crops pripuskayut or boiled and then fried.

Prepared for roasting vegetables are cut. Potatoes are washed with cold water to wash the starch grains, as when heated, they stick together and gelatinized potato slices, then dried and fried in a small amount of fat layer to 5 cm is used to cook potatoes as a side dish to roasted and braised meat products, poultry, fish, and as a separate dish. Potatoes sprinkled with oil, sprinkle with herbs and served with cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.

When deep-frying oil is heated to 170-1800S and immersed in a prepared potato. To prevent clumping and uneven roasting potatoes periodically stirred. Ready to use potatoes as a side dish to grilled meat products, poultry, and fish.

By fried potato products are zrazy, croquettes and burgers.

Designed to extinguish vegetables are pre-cut and cooked. Cooked beets, carrots, parsley pripuskayut, Passer or fried, potatoes, onions, turnips, mushrooms, fried, etc.

Cabbage cut into strips, add water or broth (no more than 20-30% of the weight of cabbage), tomato puree, Fat (fresh cabbage vinegar) and stew until soft. Then add the browned vegetables, bay leaf, pepper, and for 5 minutes until tender, salt, sugar and flour passerovku. Ready cabbage used as a separate dish or component for more complex dishes.

To prepare the stew of potatoes it sliced ​​or diced, fried, add tomato sauce, browned onions, roasted spices, salt, pepper and stew. At holiday sprinkle with herbs. Potatoes are also stew with fried mushrooms in red or tomato sauce.

Vegetables for stew cut into cubes or slices and fried, then fried potatoes and pumpkin, radishes and onions Passer, cabbage cut into checkers and pripuskayut, cauliflower boiled. To extinguish use sour cream, tomato or red sauce. Vegetables in the sauce lay consistently with the terms of their heat treatment. Cauliflower, canned peas and spices lay for 5 minutes until cooked stew.

Fresh white mushrooms before extinguishing sliced ​​and fried. Stew them in sour cream, as well as in red or cream with tomato sauce, along with raw potatoes and onions passerovannym. If the mushrooms stewed in sour cream, then before the end of the fighting for them, you can add raw tomatoes.

Most vegetables before baking heat treated. Baking Ovens to produce at 260-2750S. Dish of roasted vegetables are divided into 3 groups: baked minced vegetables, baked stuffed vegetables, casseroles.

Baked minced boiled or fried potatoes, fried mushrooms, boiled cauliflower, fried zucchini. Prepared vegetables mixed with cream or milk sauce, spread into portions pan, sprinkle with oil, sprinkle with grated cheese and baked.

Used for stuffing peppers, zucchini, eggplant and tomatoes.

Before cooking pasta sorted out, removing impurities. Before cooking the pasta does not break down, and slice them boiled. Cook pasta in boiling salted water, stirring occasionally them. Finished products recline in a colander and, washing, fill with melted butter to prevent sticking and clumping.

Pasta is used as the finished dish or side dish, other products - as a garnish. Pasta seasoned oil or sour cream, cook them well with cheese, cheese, cheese, vegetables, meat, tomato. At holiday boiled noodles mixed with prepared foods. As a side dish pasta is seasonedwith butter.


1. What does the technologicasl process of various vegetables dishes include?

2. When did the process begin general technological scheme of production of vegetable dishes?

3. Why beans are sorted, washed and soaked?

Lecture#27. Technological process of preparation and delivery of fish.

  1. Technological process of preparation and delivery of fish and seafood dish in assortment.
  2. Physico-chemical processes, happening at thermal conditioning.

1. Hot meals and snacks fish and non-fish seafood boil, pripuskayut, fried, stewed and baked.

Selecting the method of treatment is determined, above all, flavor characteristics of fish, taking into consideration their bony, age, changes in the properties of tissue by freezing and thawing and other factors.

The best side dishes for fish are boiled potatoes, roast and mashed potatoes. Release the fish with tomato, sour cream, Polish, Dutch, and other sauces.

For cooking fish is cut portions with skin and bones. Prepared bone placed in a fish pot in a row skin side up and fill with hot water.

Cooking time portions of fish for 15-20 minutes, and large parts of the sturgeon fish carcasses 1-2.5 hours to improve the taste of the fish with bony skeleton in the water, add the white roots, onion, pepper, cooking fish, you can use cucumber pickle. Exit cooked portions of about 80%, links sturgeon 85%. Last cooked without spices and vegetables, not to drown out the natural flavor of the fish. Fish are placed on a plate or dish skin side up, and around the s

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