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Read the dictionary definitions of “media” and “medium” given below.

A media 1.The media are television, radio, and newspapers/magazines regarded as a group. The media entertain or spread news and information to a large number of people. E.G. The news media are interested only in bad news ... The media is biased ... Figures have been boosted by pre-sales publicity in the media ... The policy shift was an apparent response to heavy media coverage ... 1.2 Media is a plural of medium. B

Paired practice. Read the following statements aloud. Let your partner respond by expressing thanks. Change the roles as you go. Use the patterns below.

Thank you very much; many thanks; thanks a lot; thank you for the pleasure; that’s very kind of you; you are very obliging; I’m very grateful to you. The subject of your contributed paper has given us sufficient food for thoughts. We invite you to take part in the international conference which is going to be held in the Academy of Sciences in the nearest future. To my mind your method of

Define the statements as true or false.

Society does not expect any technological advances and economic benefits from science that can improve its life. Today, one can surely say that the problem of “knowledge divide” is still vital. Joint efforts of scientists have led to remarkable innovations that have been of great benefit to humankind. The improvement of science-industry cooperation brings about great prospects for the

Challenges for UNESCO and international community

In the years to come, a major challenge for the international community will be to ensure the free flow of, and equitable access to, knowledge, information, data and best practices across all sectors and disciplines. For the free flow to be meaningful, access to knowledge will not be enough. Other needs must also be addressed, such as building human capacities and technical skills and developing effective ways to

Scientific research and its impact on international cooperation

1. International cooperation in the field of research and knowledge seeking activities has a long history. Scientific and research activities of scientists and researchers in the course of history have constantly crossed the international frontiers. As such it has provided appropriate ground for the strengthening of interaction and transaction links between nations, cultures, and civilization and ultimately for

The Aims and Principles of the International Scientific Cooperation

1. It is hard to imagine peaceful coexistence of nations without all-round scientific and engineering cooperation among the states. Moreover, there are fields which can not be developed effectively on a national scale, such as environmental protection, space exploration, and development of nuclear and solar energy or the rational use of the ocean’s resources. 2. Scientific and technological cooperation between

Disagree with the statements of your partner.

Example: - Many fields of science and technology can be developed effectively on a national scale, can’t they? - I am afraid you are wrong. There are fields which can not be developed effectively on a national scale. The international character of fundamental research should be strengthened by increasingsupport for long-term research projects and for international collaborative projects. Scientists are

Communicating with Other Scientists

If other scientists do not have access to scientific results, the research may as well not have been performed at all. Scientists need to share the results and conclusions of their work so that other scientists can debate the implications of the work and use it to spur new research. Scientists communicate their results with other scientists by publishing them in science journals and by networking with other

Observation and Experimentation

A scientist begins an investigation by observing an object or an activity. Observation typically involves one or more of the human senses—hearing, sight, smell, taste, and touch. Scientists typically use tools to aid in their observations. For example, a microscope helps view objects too small to be seen with the unaided human eye, while a telescope views objects too far away to be seen by the unaided eye.

Learn and set out the dialogue. Make up your own dialogue on the same subject.

No pains, no gains (Без труда нет плода) A: Next Monday there’ll be an extra department meeting. Peter Smirnov has finished his doctoral thesis and we shall discuss it. B: I like him. He is a talented scientist. He has been working for his doctorate for 5 years with complete absorption and showed remarkable ability as a researcher. C: He deserves a high academic degree Use the

Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) in relation to the information in the text. If you think a statement is false, change it to make it true.

a American inventor Lee De Forest invented an integrated circuit, an extremely small complex of electronic components contained on a thin chip or wafer of semiconducting material such as silicon. b John Logie Baird, English engineer and television pioneer invented the first commercially viable apparatus to transmit and receive visual images. c Sir Robert Watson-Watt, British physicist, is best known for

Achievements of World Science

In the 20th century, scientists achieved spectacular advances in the fields of genetics, medicine, social sciences, technology, and physics. In the field of communications, Italian electrical engineer Guglielmo Marconi sent his first radio signal across the Atlantic Ocean in 1901. American inventor Lee De Forest invented the triode, or vacuum tube, in 1906. The triode eventually became a key component in nearly all

Read the following dialogue in pairs and then act it out using modifications.

Interviewer: What do scientists know about multiple incarnations? Scientist: Nothing, as far as I know. What makes you think we would know anything about it? Interviewer: Is there any reason to believe that it couldn’t be studied scientifically? Scientist: I don’t know. I don’t see offhand how such a study could be done, but I’ve never really thought about it. Interviewer: Has

Make up questions to which the following phrases are the answers. The dialogue is between a newspaper correspondent and professor Grekov, an expert in physics.

The correspondent: __? Prof. Grekov: Oh, yes. I think you’ve heard such names of prominent physicists and Nobel Laureates as Nikolay Basov, Ilya Frank, Peter Kapitza, Aleksandr Prokhorov, Andrey Sakharov, Igor Tamm and Zhores Alferov. The correspondent: __? Prof. Grekov: It’s quite true. They’ve made a remarkable contribution to modern physics and electronics. The correspondent:

Read the dictionary definitions of “science” and “technology” given below.

Минск 2006 УДК 802.0(075.8) ББК 81.432.1 я 73M 54 Авторы: Т.Г. Шелягова, И.И. Илюкевич, С.И. Лягушевич, И.Г. Маликова, Ю.М. Амелина, Н.Н. Крипец, Н.А. Новик Методическое пособие по развитию навыков устной речи и чтения на английском языке для

Transportsystem deutschlands

Eine moderne Industriegesellschaft wie die der Bundesrepublik Deutschland benötigt ein hochentwickeltes Verkehrssystem. Es sichert den Menschen die freizügige Bewegung, erleichtert ihnen die Wahl des Wohnorts und des Arbeitsplatzes. Industrie, Gewerbe und Handel können nur mit einem gut ausgebauten Verkehrsnetz ihre Leistungskraft und die erforderliche Flexibilität entfalten. Dies ist für