More easy (most easy, the easiest)
3) The ^ purpose of computers is to solve complex problems.
Most (main, main)
4) What is ______ way to compile a program?
A good ( a better, the best)
5) A bit is _l__n_i_r_ unit of information.
A small (the smallest, the small)
Упражнение 8. Choose correct variant: Выберите правильный вариант:
1) Much (fewer, less) details are necessary for the new model.
2) BASIC is a (low, high) level programming language.
3) (Higher, high) mathematics is a basic subject.
Упражнение 9. Compare: Сравните:
1) ARJ is efficient with large documents. ARJ is much more efficient with larger
2. The old computers were less efficient than the modern ones. The old computers were by far less efficient than the modern ones.
3. ARJ is the best in compression. It compresses a little better than ARJ.7.00.
Упражнение 10. Translate:
Logical operations are as reasonable as mathematical ones.
The old method is not so efficient as the new one but it is less expensive.
The capabilities of an analog computer are not so great as those of a digital one.
Упражнение 11. Translate:
The more you read the more you learn.
The smaller the computer the faster it operates.
The more complex the apparatus is the more reliable it is.
Упражнение 12. Translate:
' The material becomes less and less difficult.
Henry is more and more satisfied with his job.
Лексика и чтение
Список слов к текстам урока
Прочтите вслух и переведите однокоренные слова, используя знания суффиксов:
to affectвоздействовать, влиятьsequenceпорядок, последовательностьto takeполагать, считать, понимать
is taken to be____________
to exceedпревышать, превосходить
to encloseокружать, заключать, вкладывать
valueценность, стоимость, оценка
to desireжелать, просить, требовать
optionalнеобязательный, факультативный, произвольный
precisionпрецизионность, точность
to enumerate перечислять
to achieve достигать
to surround окружать, охватывать array матрица, массив
Упражнение 13. Translate:
Переведите, помня, что эти словосочетания из области языков программирования:
Block loading; sequential load; load-and-go; terminating load; only loadable; linkage loader; compile time procedure reference; multiple reference; upward (downward) reference; control token; word space; memory space; double space; N-unit space; private space; decision space; multideclared identifier; array identifier; universal identifier; variable identifier; fault identification; interrupt identification; adjacent identifier; adjacency; test nest; completely nested; nesting; nesting of statements; block nesting; recursively defined sequence; checking sequence; exit sequence; sequencer; sequencing; sequent; sequential; complex integer; single precision integer; odd integer; signed machine integer; double precision; extended precision; desired precision; relative precision; triple precision; arbitrary constant; named constant; structural constant; structured constant.
Упражнение 14. Underline English equivalents to the following in the text: Подчеркните в тексте соответствующие английские словосочетания и поставьте под ними номера русских словосочетаний:
1) состоящая из
2) считается восьмеричной
3) которой предшествует Ох
4) за которой немедленно следует /
5) является цифровой величиной
6) может быть представлена согласно следующей таблице
7) значение желаемого символа
8) особый случай этой конструкции
9) если символ, следующий за \
10) один из тех
11) не может быть представлен точно
12) имена, объявленные как
Упражнение 15. Read the texts: Прочитайте Тексты:
Text I
There are several kinds of constants, as listed below.
Hardware characteristics that affects sizes are summarized in #2.6.
Integer constants
An integer constant consisting of a sequence of digits is taken to be octal if it begins with 0 (digit zero), decimal otherwise. The digits 8 and 9 are not octal digits. A sequence of digits preceded by Ox or OX (digit zero) is taken to be a hexadecimal. Hexadecimal digits include a or A through f or F with values 10 through 15. A decimal constant whose value exceeds the largest signed machine integer is taken to be long; an octal or hex constants are taken to be int.
Explicit long constants
A decimal, octal, or hexadecimal integer constant immediately followed by 1 (letter ell) or L is a long constant.
Character constants
A character constant is a character enclosed in single quotes, as in *x'. The value of a character constant is numerical value of the character in the machine's character set. Character constants are taken to be int.
Certain non-graphic characters, the single quote and the backslash \, may be represented according to the following table of escape sequences:
new-line | NL(LF) | \n |
horizontal tab | NT | \t |
vertical tab | VT | \v |
backspace | BS | \b |
carriage return | CR | \r |
form feed | FF | \f |
backslash | \ | w |
single quote | X | V |
bit pattern ddd \ddd
The escape \ddd consists of the backslash followed by 1, 2 or 3 octal digits which are taken to specify the value of the desired character. A special case of this construction is \0 (not followed by a digit) , which indicates the character NULL. If the character following a backslash is not one of those specified, the backslash is ignored.
Floating constants
A floating constant consists of an integer part, a decimal point, a fraction part, an e or E, and an optionally signed integer exponent. The integer and fraction parts both consist of a sequence of digits. Either the integer part or the fraction part (not both) may be missing; either the decimal point or the e (E) and the exponent (not both) may be missing. A floating constant which cannot be represented exactly as a single-precision float is taken to be double precision; see #2.6.
Enumeration constants
Names declared as enumerators (see #8.5) are constants of type int.
Declared constants
An object (#5) of any type can be specified to have a constant value throughout the scope (#4.1) of its name. For pointers the *const declarator (#8.3) is used to achieve this; for non-pointer objects the specifier const (#8.2) is used.