Match the type of a house with its definition.

1. Terraced house 2. castle 3. bungalow 5. skyscraper 6. duplex 7. detached house 8. wigwam 9. semi-detached house 10. cottage

A) a very tall modern city building

B) a small simple building with only one or two rooms

C) a house that is situated in a long row of houses

D) a structure with a round or pointed roof used as a home by some Native American tribes in the past

E) a very large strong building, built in the past as a safe place that could be easily defended against attack

F) a pair of houses joined together by a common wall

G) a single standing property that doesn’t share any walls with any other structure

H) a small house in the country

I) a vehicle that a car can pull and in which people can live and sleep when they are on holiday

J) a type of house that is divided into two parts, so that it has two separate homes in it

3.3. Complete each sentence (A—H) with one of the endings (1—8):

A. British speakers often say that your home is

B. The state of a person’s home can

C. A house doesn’t only ensure privacy or give a sense of stability and security, but it is also

D. Cottages were originally located

E. The largest part of population in our country lives.

F. A travel trailer is much more comfortable than a tent and it gives travelers the opportunity

G. Travel trailers are especially popular in

H. For every person his house is

1. not to spend their money on a motel or hotel.

2. in blocks of flats

3. a small Universe, a sacred place where love, friendship, mutual understanding and mutual respect reign.

4. physiologically influence his or her behavior, emotions, and mental health.

5. North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand.

6. the place where you belong and feel comfortable.

7. a status symbol.

8. in rural or semi-rural locations, although a lot of cottages have since been developed in cities.

IV.Grammar in Focus

4.1. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to «there +be». Give the negative and question forms:

1. There is a big cottage here.

2. There are travel trailers of various types.

3. There is a new block of flats in our street.

4. There will be a lot of new buildings in the city next year.

5. There was an old house, post office and a bus station next to the supermarket last year.

6. There were some people in the house an hour ago.

7. There is a coffee shop and two chemist’s opposite the bank.

8. There will be a new hospital in our town in two years.

4.2. Make up the different types of questions to the sentences:

1. They had a small house in the country three years ago.

2. There is a beautiful lake behind the bungalow.

3. He gave me the valuable information about the sale of his cottage.

4. There are different types of houses in the world.

5. His sister’s house consists of five rooms.

6. Her brother will move to the new apartment next year.

7. The young family bought one- roomed flat last month.

8. These articles describe difference between a cottage and bungalow.

9. The largest part of population in our country lives in blocks of flats..

10. Houses differ from one culture to another.

Ask several questions to the text paying attention to «there is, there are».

V. Speaking

Agree or disagree with the following statements. Explain your point of view.

1. House is essential for people’s life.

2. Home is where the heart is.

3. A house gives a sense of stability and security.

4. It is rather difficult to keep to one’s native traditions in the modern city.

5. A house can say much about its inhabitants.

6. Living under one roof people become closer and begin to understand each other better.

7. For every person his house is a small Universe, a sacred place where love, friendship, mutual understanding and mutual respect reign.

5.2.* Read the quotations below. Choose any quotation and comment on it:

1. «The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home.» (Confucius)

2. «A house is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body.» (Benjamin Franklin)

3. «Nothing can bring a real sense of security into the home except true love.» (Billy Graham)

4. «He is the happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home.» (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

5. «Go to foreign countries and you will get to know the good things one possesses at home.» (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

6. «Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in.» (Robert Frost)

7. «Home is where one starts from.» (T. S. Eliot)

Comment on the proverbs.

1. My home is my castle.

2. East or west, home is best.

3. Dry bread at home is better than roast meat abroad and many others.

5.4. Tell about the dwelling of your dream using all information you have got. You may use these phrases:

1. I’d like to tell you about …

2. I imagine my house to be …

3. There are lots of … around my house.

4. Our house looks …

5. There we spend …

Supplementary tasks:

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