Germanium; valve; emitter; transform.
1. One of the junctions is called the … the other one – the collector.
2. Transistors are made of small … crystals.
3. The transistors are widely used to … radiant energy into electricity with the help of photocells, or so-called solar batteries.
4. One of the elements in a vacuum … must be heated so that it will give off electrons.
Задание III
А. Найдите в тексте и переведите инфинитивы.
Б. Найдите причастия в тексте, укажите их форму, функцию в предложении и переведите.
В. Найдите модальные глаголы в следующих предложениях и переведите их на русский язык.
1. One of the elements in a vacuum valve must be heated so that it will give off electrons.
2. A junction-type transistor can be regarded as composed of two p-n junctions separated by a thin base region.
Задание IV
Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:
1. Where are vacuum valves and transistor used?
2. What is the transistor used for?
3. What elements are transistors made of?
4. What is the basic element in “electronic brains’?
5. What is the difference in impedance and voltage level between the collector circuit and the emitter circuit?
Задание V
Выполните письменный перевод текста.
Unit 5
Подберите русские эквиваленты следующим словам и словосочетаниям, содержащим интернациональные корни:
Cathode, cinema, effect, fact, fluorescent, medicine, monster, photographic, stop, tube.
Прочитайте текст. Пользуясь словарем, определите значение незнакомых слов и выпишите их в тетрадь.
In the closing month of 1895 the world was such as this: there was no radio, the cinema was only one year old, the first motor-cars had just appeared and the population thought they were horseless monsters.
At that very time there appeared an announcement that a German professor, Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen had discovered a new kind of rays. The rays were invisible, they could pass through skin and flesh, through clothes, but the cast shadows of the bones could be seen on a photographic plate.
Doctor Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen came to his discovery working with cathode ray tubes of Joseph Thompson Crookes who was very much interested in the composition and possibilities of cathode rays, discovered by him.
Scientists thought these rays were valuable only for scientific research. But Crookes’s cathode ray tubes played a very important role in Roentgen’s discovery of his all-penetrating rays.
On this particular day Roengen was working in his darkened laboratory.
Interested in the fact that Crookes’s cathode rays caused certain chemicals to glow in the dark when they were brought close to the window through which the rays were emerging, Roentgen decided to find the reason for it.
Cathode rays could not penetrate the thin black cardboard in which Roentgen enclosed his Crookes tube. But when he switched on the current to his tube to make sure that his black box was light-proof, the scientist was puzzled again when he noticed a strange glow at the far corner of his laboratory bench. He switched on the current again and again and every time he saw a glow. At last he was sure that the glow had come from a small fluorescent screen which was lying there. What mysterious unknown rays caused this fluorescent effect?
Roentgen found that this effect was not due to the cathode rays; these unknown rays were able to penetrate the air much more strongly than the cathode rays came through his light-proof cardboard box, all sorts of opaque materials which he placed between the source of the new discovered rays and the fluorescent screen. These Xrays as he called them, passed through wood, thin sheets of aluminum, the flesh of his own hand and some other materials.
One more detail attracted the scientist’s attention: X-rays were completely stopped by the bones of his hand. When he had tested their effect on photographic plates he saw that they were darkened on exposure to the X-rays.
Roentgen’s discovery contributed much to the benefit of science. The first science to realize its importance was medicine. But medicine is only one field of their wide application.
X-ray examination has found application in various kinds of industrial processes.
Запомните необходимый минимум профессиональной лексики:
light-proof светостойкий
operate работать, действовать
application применение
independent независимый
penetrate проникать, проходить сквозь
cathode ray tubes катодно-лучевая трубка
flesh вспышка
screen экран
discovery открытие
source источник
emerge появляться, всплывать
characteristic характерная черта, особенность
exist существовать
Задание I
А. Определите
а) какой частью речи являются следующие слова:
Population, independent, appearance, valuable, forms, larger, invariably, reflects, similarly, prefers, strongly, contributed.
б) переведите приведенные выше слова, учитывая значение их суффиксов/префиксов.
Б. Образуйте и переведите однокоренные слова, относящиеся к другим частям речи (при затруднении обратитесь к словарю):
Effective (v, n), discovery (v), invariably (v, adj, n), similarly (adj), prefers (adj), n), responsibility (adj, v),
Задание II
А. Подберите синонимы:
2. radio
3. to discover
4. clothes
5. composition
6. possibilities
7. to cause
8. to emerge
9. to penetrate
10. to notice
a) wireless
b) people
c) to emit
d) to invent
e) material
f) to make
g) structure
h) opportunities
i) to see
j) to watch
k) to pass through
l) to explore
Б. Подберите эквиваленты к словосочетаниям, обозначенным цифрами:
1. фотопластинка a) fluorescent screen
всепроникающие лучи b) industrial process
флуоресцентный экран c) all-penetrating rays
промышленный процесс d) photographic plate
непроницаемый материал e) opaque material
В. Заполните пропуски, используя предложенные слова: