Обведи вспомогательный глагол и напиши отрицание.

am Обведи вспомогательный глагол и напиши отрицание. - student2.ru am not has Обведи вспомогательный глагол и напиши отрицание. - student2.ru hasn’t
is Обведи вспомогательный глагол и напиши отрицание. - student2.ru isn’t have Обведи вспомогательный глагол и напиши отрицание. - student2.ru haven’t
are Обведи вспомогательный глагол и напиши отрицание. - student2.ru aren’t can Обведи вспомогательный глагол и напиши отрицание. - student2.ru can’t

a) The pupil has got five pencils.

The pupil ____________ got five pencils.

b) The rubbers are little.

The rubbers _____________ little.

c) I am a teacher.

I ______________ a teacher.

d) His brother can dance on the chair.

His brother ___________________ dance on the chair.

286. Напиши отрицание (Используй don’t или doesn’t) .

a) My little brother sleeps on the sofa.

My little brother _____________________ on the sofa.

b) Liz speaks English at the lesson.

Liz _______________________ English at the lesson.

c) The pupils look at the board in the lesson.

The pupils __________________ at the board in the lesson.

d) The boy listens to his teacher in the lesson.

The boy ___________________ to his teacher in the lesson.


1) Мои ручки в пенале.


2) Его портфель на парте.


3) У Лиз есть две линейки. (Лиз имеет…)


4) Тим может видеть свою (его) стирку под стулом.



[u] Belarus, ruler, put(класть, положить)

[ei] snake, cake, pencil-case,table,take (брать, взять)

I take a rubber. We put the pens.

She take__ a pencil. He put__ the ruler.

He ________ a bag. She ________ the book.

Put his ruler in the bag, please. Put his rubber in the bag, too. Thanks. My mum puts my dolls, cats, robots, bears in the box.

I haven’t got a pen. – Please, take my pen.

And I haven’t got a pencil. – Please, take my pencil.

And I haven’t got a rubber. – Please, take my rubber.

And I haven’t got a ruler. – Please, take my pencil-case.

[ɔ:] four, board(доска), near the board, under the board, on the board, one board – two boards What is under the board?—Look! It’s a rubber! My desk is near the board. Mary is at the board. She can write (писать) on the board very well. Can you write on the board well? My friend can draw (рисовать) on the board well.

Напиши отрицание.

a) I am in the lesson.

I ___________________ in the lesson.

b) They have got three exercise-books.

They _____________________ three exercise-books.

с) Mary can draw on the board.

Mary _____________ draw on the board.

d) His friends sleep in the lessons.

His friends _______________________ in the lessons.

e) The girl writes tests well.

The girl _________________________ tests well.

290. Read. ( I’m sorry – извини, them – их, with – c,

toy – игрушка )

Mother: Jack! Look! Your big bear is on my table!

Jack: Oh! I’m sorry, Mum.

Mother: Take your bear and put it in your box.

Jack: And where is my box?

Mother: Oh, Jack! Your box is under the chair. And your robot is near the bag. Take your toys and put them in the box.

Jack: O.K.

Mother: And put the box with your toys under your little table.

Jack: O.K., Mum!

291. Посмотри на рисунок и ответь.

Обведи вспомогательный глагол и напиши отрицание. - student2.ru

a) Where is the pencil-case? It’s on the desk.___________

b) Where is the pen? _______________________________

c) Where is the bag? _______________________________

d) Where is the ruler? _______________________________

e) Where is the exercise-book? __________________________

f) Where is the chair? _______________________________

g) Where is the rubber? ______________________________

h) Where is the pencil? ______________________________

i) Where is the book? ______________________________


[ei] play, day, say(говорить) They say, “Good bye”. She says , “Hi!”. He says ,“O.K.”

[i:] eat, meat, read, speak(разговаривать), speak English, Don’t speak! The teacher says, “ Don’t speak at the lesson!”

[əu] no, open (открыть) I open my pencil-case. We open the books. Do they open the exercise-books? – Yes, they do. She opens the window. He doesn’t open the box. The teacher says: “Open your books, pupils!”

[əu] nose, close(закрыть) We close the books. She closes her eyes. Does he close his bag?- No, he doesn’t. Please, close your exercise-books!

[i:] three, green, sweet, sleep(спать) Don’t sleep!

Mum says, “Sleep, my little son! Close your eyes, please!”

[i] milk, drink, pink, listen(слушать), listen to the teacher

Listen! They speak English. Look! They are from Britain.

[ai] five, nine, white, write(писать), I write a letter to my friend. She writes on the board. Her brother writes in his exercise-book. Sam likes to read, but (но) he doesn’t like to write.

draw (рисовать) I like to draw. They draw in pencil. She draws well. He doesn’t draw on the board. The pupils draw in the lesson.

[au] how, how old, how many, brown, sit down The teacher says , “Sit down, please! Put your hands on the desks!”

293. Вставь артикль a, an или the, если нужно.

a) Let’s go to _____ school. c) It is ______ blue.

b) We have got _____ pen. d) It is ______ blue pen.

e) I can see ______ pencil. ______ pencil is in the bag.

f) Please, open _____ books!

g) She has got _____ rubber. ______ rubber is grey.

h) Nick has got ______ two rulers.

294. Выберите и обведите правильный вариант.

1) My sister draw / draws very well. She open /opens her pencil-case and take / takes her coloured pencils. She have / has got ten pencils.

2) His aunt have / has got two little sons. They want / wants to sleep. Her sons go / goes to bed and close / closes their eyes.

3) Her sister Ann speak / speaks English well. She read / reads very well, too. Ann write / writes letters to her friends.

4) Do / Doesyou like black pens? No, I don’t / doesn’t.

Do / Does his sister like fish? No, she don’t / doesn’t. Do / Does her friends listen to the teacher in the lesson? Yes, they do / does.

295. Составьпредложения и напиши их в тетради.

1) books, Open, the, please

2) has, five, She, pencils, got

3) under, My, is, ruler, the chair

4) your, Take, pencils, draw, and

5) read, We, and, at school, write

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