Find a pair of synonyms

1. foreign ex­change markets seller
2. con­venient salary
3. buyer comfortable
4. supplier job
5. occupation growth
6. wage currency market
7. increase influence
8. affect demander

Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions: with, of in, at, on, by, to

1. ___ a competitive industry each buyer and seller acts as a price-taker, believing that individual actions have no effect ___ the market price.

2. Where a monopoly and a competitive industry can be compared, the monopolist producers smaller output ___ a higher price.

3. Natural monopolies ___ large economies ____ scale could not exist as competitive industries.

4. Most purely monopolistic industries are natural monopolies and therefore subject ___ social regulation.

5. Pure monopoly status can be conferred ___ legislation, as when an industry is nationalized or a temporary patent is awarded.

7. Fill in the blanks using the words from the bottom:

1. __________ is a force that influences the way we live, the incomes we earn, and our relationships with other countries

2. Government frequently grants _________ to a single firm to supply water, natural gas, electricity, telephone service, or bus transportation.

3. In return for this sole right to supply electricity, water, or bus service in a given geographic area, government reserve the right ________ to prevent abuses of the monopoly power it has granted.

4. The institution of private property can be used by a monopoly as a means of achieving an effective ____________ .

5. Because the higher profits attained by a monopoly will attract envious entrepreneurs, ___________ are needed to prohibit other firms from expanding market supplies.

a. obstacle to potential rivals

b. an exclusive franchise

c. to regulate the operations of such monopolies

d. market power

e. barriers to entry

Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning.

The first Spaghetti House restaurant opened in London in 1955. There’s now a chain of 14 restaurants in the London area. The chain has an (0) excellent regulation and has managed to develop a product range that appeals to all ages and all income groups. A few years ago they launched a range of (1) ____________________ pasta dishes which were desighed to go on sale in supermarkets, so that the most popular dishes are now (2) __________________ to the public all over Britain. They have a nice slogan: “From our House to your Home” and a really nice (3) ________________ package with preparation (4) _____________ and so on. The Spaghetti House product is different from other products on the market in that it’s a complete ready-to-cook meal for one or two people, no extra sauces or cheese is required. The product is designed to be (5) ________________ and it’s ready to serve. The most popular (6) __________ are Lasagna and Cannelloni. EXCELLENCE     PREPARE     AVAILABILITY   COLOUR INSTRUCT     MICROWAVE VARY

Some nouns are always followed by the same preposition(s). Match the prepositions with the nouns below. In some cases it may be possible to use two prepositions

with for of on into in
a the result …….. of f satisfaction ………  
b an enquiry …….. g a percentage ………  
c involvement …….. h a tax ………  
d an interest ……… i research ………  
e support ……….. j an effect ………..  

Match the verbs (1-8) with the word or phrase (a-h) that has a similar meaning

fix a repair
set up b depend on
build c make
create d construct
afford e start
rely on f pay for
maintain g give work to
employ h look after


Give translation to the following words: foreign exchange markets

1. внешние рынки

2. внутренние рынки

3. валютные рынки

4. зарубежные рынки

5. зарубежные валютные рынки

Give translation to the following word: resource

1. поставка

2. процедура

3. исследование

4. полезное ископаемое

5. ресурс

Give translation to the following word: entrepreneur

1. переводчик

2. частное лицо

3. юридическое лицо

4. предприниматель

5. платеж

Give translation to the following word: entrepreneurship

1. партнерство

2. предпринимательство

3. содружество

4. производство

5. сотрудничество

Give translation to the following word: to distribute (among)

1. издержки (на)

2. распределять (среди)

3. распространять (между)

4. отправлять (от)

5. разделять (среди)

Give translation to the following word: interaction

1. сотрудничество

2. взаимовыручка

3. разрешение

4. взаимодействие

5. общение

Give translation to the following words: affect prices

1. эффективные цены

2. влиять на цены

3. эффектные цены

4. аффективные цены

5. приемлемые цены

Give translation to the following words: job opportunities

1. рабочие места

2. условия работы

3. работа по найму

4. вакантные места

5. возможности трудоустройства

Give translation to the following words: policy decisions

1. экономическая политика

2. политические проблемы

3. политические мнения

4. политические ограничения

5. политические решения

Give translation to the following words: market adjustment

1. размер рынка

2. регулирование рынка

3. законы рынка

4. величина рынка

5. доступность рынка

Give translation to the following word: transactor

1. переводчик

2. переговоры

3. транслятор

4. участник сделки

5. коммуникант

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