Read the text and complete the table below

According to the text what discoveries were made in the following years?

Year Discoveries

Do the following statements reflect the claims of the writer of the text? If Yes, explain it with examples from the text.

a) Herschel was multi-talented

b) It is improbable that there is a planet hidden behind the sun.

c) Herschel knew immediately that he had found a new planet.

d) Herschel collaborated with other astronomers of his time.

e) Herschel's newly-discovered object was considered to be too far from the sun to be a comet.

f) Herschel's discovery was the most important find of the last three hundred years.

8. Complete each of the following statements (Questions 1-4) with a name from the text.
The suggested names of the new planet started with1................., then2........ ......., before finally settling on Uranus. The first five rings around Uranus were discovered by 3................. From 1948 until 1986, the moon 4................ was believed to be the moon closest to the surface of Uranus.

Discuss the questions below

· What do you think the chances are of finding a planet similar to Earth?

· What kind of people do you think space scientists are?

· What other historical landmarks in space exploration do you know of?

· Do you think governments should spend money on space exploration?

Look back at the article and write down some questions you would like to ask the class about the text.

  • Share your questions with other classmates / groups.
  • Ask your partner / group your questions.

Work in groups. Critically analyze and discuss the latest news about technology, new trends of robotics and modern inventions. After the discussion prepare a critical review.


Part 1

Ask your partner about his or her attitude to the impacts of science and technology, recent scientific advances and problems caused by new technology.

Candidate A:

Questions that may be addressed to the partner:

  1. Do you feel comfortable with the idea of Artificial Intelligence (that robots can think)?
  2. Do you think the stereotype of the 'mad scientist' is true?
  3. Does the potential that science has to change the world scare you?
  4. How will science change the world in the next 100 years?
  5. What changes would you like to see science make to the world?

Candidate B:

Questions that may be addressed to the partner:

  1. Do you think that one day science will find a way to make people live forever? If so, do you think that that would be a good or a bad thing?
  2. How have technological advances affected our life?
  3. Do you think technological advances are always good?
  4. Or can they sometimes be bad and harmful?
  5. How have technological advances affected communication/ how we receive news/ the medical field/ education?

Part 2 (1 minute)

Candidate A:

Give your points of view on science and technology. You may talk on:

- the recent scientific discoveries

- the greatest technological achievements

- the impact of technological achievements on our life

- advantages and disadvantages of modern technology

- negative effects of technology on climate change

Candidate B:

Give your points of view on translation and technology ners faceest sucessful ng processs. You may talk on:

- the impact of information technology on translation profession

- benefits and drawbacks of technology for translators and interpreters

- risks of unemployment might be caused by technological developments in translation sphere

- how to use effectively modern information technology in translation

Part 3 (3 or 4 minutes)

Share your points of view on the following topic.

Discussion topic:

Discuss the following issue

“Importance of promoting investment in the development of science and technology in Kazakhstan”.

Discuss the following issues in groups and share with class.

“Translators will be replaced by computers”

“Nanotechnology: are we ready for that?”


1. Write a magazine article about whether or not it is worth it to spend money on space exploration. Include imaginary interviews with NASA’s space science boss Ed Weiler and some poor people who have little money for food, healthcare and education.

2. Write an argumentative essay on the given statements:

a) Innovation is of importance not only for increasing the wealth of nations in the narrow sense of increased prosperity, but also in the more fundamental sense of enabling people to do things which have never been done before. It enables the whole quality of life to be changed for better or for worse”

b) “Intangible investment in new knowledge and its dissemination are the critical elements, rather than tangible investment in bricks and machines”

Write a report on the following topics

“Ten great scientific discoveries in the last 10 years”


Read the text and complete the table below - As a project work get prepared for a Toastmaster’s meeting in which the appointed speakers will be making a speech on the topic “Great scientific discoveries in the last 10 years that have changed our life”

Meeting procedure

Ø Sergeant-at-Arms (SA) (name________________) prepares room for meeting.

Ø SA opens meeting and introduces Presiding Officer (PO).

Ø Presiding Officer (name________________) makes preliminary remarks and introduces guests.

Ø PO introduces Toastmaster of the Evening (TME) (name________________) and explains TME’s duties.

Ø TME introduces the following people, who explain briefly in turn their duties.

(a) Grammarian (name________________)

(b) Ah-Counter (name________________)

(c) Timer (name________________)

(d) General Evaluator (GE) (name________________) and GE introduces Speech Evaluators.

Ø TME introduces prepared speakers, giving brief comments about the speakers

and topic.

Ø Prepared Speakers (three or four) speak on topics, usually for 5 to 7 minutes.

Ø After each speaker is finished, TME introduces Table Topics Master (name________________)

Ø Table Topics Master (TTM) describes topic and selects person who has no role in the meeting to answer.

Ø After that TTM turns control of meeting back to TME.

Ø TME calls for Timer’s (name________________) report on Prepared Speakers’ times.

Ø Speech Evaluators comment in turn on Prepared Speakers. Evaluators have two to three minutes evaluation time

Ø GE calls for Grammarian’s report

Ø GE calls for Ah-counter’s report

Ø GE calls for Timer’s report on Evaluators.

Ø TME calls for vote on Best Prepared Speaker.

Ø GE calls for vote on Best Evaluator.

Ø GE evaluates the evaluators and the meeting.

Ø GE turns control of meeting back over to PO.

Ø PO gives awards to Best Table Topics Speaker, Best Prepared Speaker, and Best Evaluator.

Ø PO asks guests for feedback about the meeting


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