The Сoncept of Law. Classification of Law

1.Vocabulary notes.

to refer to-относиться, ссылаться на obedience-подчинение, послушание

behaviour-поведение common law-обычное право

descriptive-описательный civil law-гражданское право

prescriptive-предписывающий to adopt-принимать

custom- традиция, обычай decision-решение

to recognize- признавать consistent-последовательный, плотный

to apply-применять private law-частное право

to underline- подчёркивать public law-общественное право

compulsion-принуждение tort-гражданское правонарушение

trust-опека, доверие

precise-точный property-имущество, собственность

Read the text given below and find the equivalents of the Russian words and expressions.

The Concept of Law.

The English word “ law” refers to limits on different forms of behaviour. Some laws are descriptive: they describe how people or natural phenomena usually behave, e.g. the laws of physics, mathematics, economics, football. Other laws are prescriptive-they prescribe how people must behave, e.g. the speed limits. Some of them are customs- informal rules of social and moral behaviour. And some are precise laws made by nations and enforced against all citizens with their power. A simpler definition is that law is a set of rules recognized by the majority of people in the country and applied by the state. So, two ideas underline the concept of law: order( a method or a system) and compulsion- the enforcement of obedience to the rules of laws.

Classification of Law.

Each country in the world has its own system of law. There are two main traditions of law in the world. One is based on English Common law (adopted by many English- speaking countries and most of the USA). The other tradition is Civil law or Continental law developed in most of continental Europe, Latin America and many countries of Asia and Africa, in Japan.

Common law system is a system of “judge made” law developed through the decisions of juges. Civil law systems are codified legal systems which has been codified or systematically collected to form a consistent body of legal rules. They resulted from governments` attempts to produce a set of codes to govern every legal aspect of a citizen`s life.

Another classification of law devides it into Civil ( Private) law( disputes between citizens in a country) and Public law(disputes between citizens and the state or between states. The main branches of Civil ( Private) law are: Law of Contract, Law of Tort, Law of Propety, Law of Succession, Family Law, Law of Trusts. The main branches of Public law are: Criminal Law, Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, International Law.

Формы поведения, природные явления, описательные законы, предписывающие законы, признанные большинством, применяемые государством, посредством судейских приговоров, управлять аспектами.

Answer the questions.

1. What does the word “law” refer to? 2. What kinds of laws do you know? 3. What are two main traditions of law? 4. What are the main branches of Civil ( Private) law? 5. . What are the main branches of Public law?

Retell the text.



5.1. Give Russian equivalents to the following:

sleeper, adviser, dreamer, lawyer, teacher, climb­er, drinker, singer, thinker, hatter.

5.2. Complete the sentences:

1. A person who lives on an island is called...

2. A man or a woman who delivers a lecture is called...

3. A person who eats a great deal is called a heavy...

4. A man who climbs a mountain or a tree is called...

5. A person who likes to joke is called...

6. A man who teaches you English is called...

7. If you loose the game you are called...

8. A person who lives in a village is called...

9. A person who calls on you early in the morning is an early...

10. That who listens is called...

11. That who drives a car is called...

5.3. Answer the questions:

1. Are you a good dancer?

2. Are you a smoker?

3. Are you a heavy sleeper?

4. Who's an early riser in your family?

5. What famous thinkers do you know?

6. Who's the founder of Moscow University?

7. Do you know what a thriller is?

8. Is your friend a great talker?


Respect for written word

The judge asked a murder on trial: «Why did you break into the house and, taking the box with jewels, return to kill the owner?»

«I did it out of respect for the written word», — pleaded the defendant. «What do you mean?» — «It was written on the box: «Open after my death».

murderer — убийца

plead — (зд.) заявлять

trial — суд (процесс)

defendant—подсудимый6. Practice in communication


6.1. Read and learn:


1 I'd like you to meet...

2. Have you met...?

3. Let me introduce (myself) you to...


1. Hallo,...

2. How do you do?


1. (I'm) pleased to meet you...

6.2. Introduce:

1. a close friend/to your mother;

2. yourself/to a new colleague;

3. your teacher/to a friend.

6.3. Dramatize the dialogue:

Meeting people to the sound of loud music and cheerful voices...

PAUL And this is Jane.

ROBERT Hello, Joan.

JANE Jane (she laughs, correcting him). Hello, Robert. Pleased to meet you.

PAUL Look who's arrived! John, nice to see you. Let me introduce you to some friends. These are Jane and Robert.

JOHN Hello. I'm very pleased to meet you.

JANE Nice to meet you too.

PAUL Oh, hello, Mr. Martin. May I introduce you to some friends? Jane Spense, Robert Anderson, John Allwright. This is Mr. Martin, my bank manager.

Mr. MARTIN: How d'you do? I'm very pleased to meet you.

ROBERT Nice to meet you. Enjoying yourself?

JOHN Mr. MARTIN Very much. The music's rather loud though, isn't it? I couldn't quite catch your names. Did Paul say your name was ... er ... er ...?

6.4. Individual work. Prepare a report about main branches of Civil and Public law.

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