Lesson 2 The Nature of War and Warfare
< | Active terms and expressions |
war | війна |
world war | світова війна |
civil war | громадянська війна |
cold war | холодна війна |
limited war | обмежена війна |
nuclear war | ядерна війна |
international war | міжнародна війна |
wage a war v. | вести війну |
warfare | воєнні дії; війна |
guerrilla warfare | партизанська війна; партизанські дії |
total warfare | тотальна війна |
defensive warfare | оборонні воєнні дії |
psychological warfare | психологічна війна |
conflict | конфлікт |
insurrection | бунт; заворушення |
confrontation | протистояння; конфронтація |
revolution | революція |
coups d’etat | переворот (військовий або державний) |
terrorism | тероризм |
armed conflict | збройний конфлікт |
rebellion | повстання |
maintain law and order v. | підтримувати законність і правопорядок |
hostilities | воєнні дії; ворожнеча |
armed strength | збройна міць; воєнна могутність |
treaty | договір |
peace proclamation | проголошення миру |
religious conflict | релігійний конфлікт |
defeat an enemy v. | завдавати поразки противнику |
strategy | стратегія |
tactics | тактика |
battle | битва |
naval battle | морська битва |
combat | бій |
aerial combat | повітряний бій |
logistics | матеріально-технічне забезпечення (МТЗ); тилове забезпечення |
troops | війська |
supplies | постачання |
offense | наступ |
offensive n., adj. | наступ; наступальний |
offensive actions | наступальні дії |
defense | оборона |
defensive | оборонний |
propaganda | пропаганда |
bombardment | бомбардування |
forces | сили |
combatant forces | бойові сили |
nuclear explosive device | ядерний зарядний пристрій (ЯЗП) |
tactical nuclear weapons | тактична ядерна зброя |
aircraft carrier | авіаносець |
heavy bomber | важкий бомбардувальник |
nuclear explosion | ядерний вибух |
nuclear warheads | ядерні боєголовки |
intercontinental ballistic missile (icbm) | міжконтинентальна балістична ракета (МБР) |
icbm | МБР |
the nature of modern warfare | природа/характер сучасної війни |
carry on war on a large scale by land, sea, or air v. | вести широкомасштабні бойові дії на суші, морі і в повітрі |
maintain a small standing army v. | утримувати малочисельну постійну армію |
tactical judgment | тактична грамотність (розсудливість); грамотність (розсудливість) в бою |
leadership | лідерські якості |
continuous supplies | безперебійне постачання |
on the battlefield | на полі бою |
& | Prepare translation of the main text |
The Nature of War and Warfare
According to international law, war is “a state of open, armed, often prolonged conflict carried on between nations, states, or parties”[9]. Likewise, the term “warfare” is understood as “the use of force on the part of two or more nations or other organized groups for the purpose of deciding disputes that cannot be settled by diplomatic means”.
Warfare takes a variety of forms besides organized military confrontations – insurrections, revolutions, coups d’etat, guerrilla warfare, and terrorism.
When armed conflicts assume global proportions, they are known as world wars[10]. War between different parts or factions of the same nation is called civil war. A state of war can also exist without actual recourse to arms, such as the cold war.
A rebellion is not legally considered a war because the rebels must have the power to maintain law and order within the regions occupied by them and carry on war on a large scale by land, sea, or air.
Internationalhostilities sometimes continue for long periods of time without being acknowledged as wars. For instance, The Korean War was regarded by the U.S. government as a police action. Conflicts or wars in which major powers purposely refrain from employing all their armed strength are often known as limited wars. Limited wars are recognized as a preferable alternative to nuclear wars.
International wars are generally terminated by a treaty, and civil wars by a peace proclamation.
The military institutions of a nation and the way it wages war are determined principally by its form of government, social structure, economic strength, and geographical position. For example, before World War II, the United States, taking advantage of its isolated geographical positions, maintained only a small standing army and depended on its navy and that of Britain.
Causes of Warfare
Warfare is employed to bring about or to resist political, social, or economic changes. History provides evidence of such tangible, and frequently interrelated, causes as religious conflict, protection of dynastic succession, or acquisition of territory. War for acquisition of land is directly related to the necessity of providing food for a nation or a group. Wars are also often linked to a desire for security, on the theory that a so-called first strike prevents an enemy from carrying out threats. According to some much disputed theories, such as those of the Austrian zoologist Konrad Lorenz, innate aggressive drives are responsible for human beings' frequent recourse to warfare.