Lesson 13 Military Uniform

< Lesson 13 Military Uniform - student2.ru Active terms and expressions
uniform форма одягу; однострій
service ~ повсякденна ~
dress ~ парадно-вихідна ~
mess ~ вихідна ~
green service ~ зелена повсякденна ~
green dress ~ зелена парадно-вихідна ~ (для військовослужбовців рядового складу)
blue ~ блакитна ~
white ~ біла ~
utility ~ робоча ~
field ~ польова ~
hospital duty ~ ~медичного персоналу
food service ~ ~особового складу їдальні
organizational ~ спеціальна ~
optional ~ додаткова/необов’язкова ~
Battle Dress ~ (BDU) польова ~
Woodland Battle Dress ~ (WBDU) польова ~для лісистої місцевості
Desert Battle Dress ~ (DBDU) польова ~для пустелі
Improved Physical Fitness ~ (IPFU) покращена спортивна ~
flight ~ льотна ~
khaki [′kəiki] хакі; форма одягу для походу (ВМС)
uniform item предмет форми одягу; предмет одягу
uniform package комплект форми одягу
clothing bag issue обов’язковий/базовий комплект форми одягу
service coat кітель
trousers брюки
shirt сорочка
four-in-hand tie Syn. necktie; tie краватка
bow tie краватка-метелик
undergarments нижня білизна
undershirt майка; футболка
outer garment верхній одяг
all weather coat універсальна куртка
belt ремінь
neckgaiter захисна накидка на шию
gloves рукавички
scarf шарф
gear спорядження/обмундирування
cold weather ~ утеплене ~
wet weather ~ водостійке ~
headgear головний убір
beret берет
drill sergeant hat панама
field hat кашкет (для польової форми одягу)
garrison cap пілотка
insignia знаки розрізнення
unit ~ ~частини
rank ~ ~військових звань
branch ~ ~роду військ; емблема роду військ
grade ~ ~військового звання
shoulder sleeve ~ нарукавний ~
placement розташування
combat leaders identification нашивка військового звання для польової форми
shoulder board погон
name [distinguishing] tape іменна нашивка
U.S. Army [distinguishing] tape нашивка СВ США
stripe стрічка; нашивка стрічкою
organizational flash нарукавна нашивка роду військ
collar insignia pins причіпні знаки розрізнення на комірці
Award нагорода (премія)
decorations нагороди (ордена та медалі)
medal set нагородна планка
precedence for awards порядок розміщення нагород
Badge значок; емблема
qualification ~ ~класності/майстерності
combat ~ ~за участь в бойових діях
special skill ~ ~навички
identification ~ іменний ~
subdued камуфльований
footgear взуття
combat boots черевики з високими берцями; берці
Socks шкарпетки
accessories аксесуари
accouterments спорядження
organizational items спеціальне спорядження
handbag речовий мішок; сумка для одягу
brassard нарукавна пов’язка
identification (ID) tag; Slang: dog tag індивідуальний ідентифікаційний жетон
neat appearance охайний зовнішній вигляд
Wear носіння
special weather conditions особливі погодні умови


male class A service uniform чоловіча повсякденна форма одягу класу А
make distinction between servicepeople of different ranks and services розрізняти військовослужбовців за військовим званням та видами ЗС
in compliance with regulations у відповідності з вимогами положень
basic visual means of information основні візуальні засоби інформування
check the fit and location of sewn-on items перевіряти припасування та розташування нашивок
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Uniform and Insignia

The Army is a uniformed service where discipline is judged, in part, by the manner in which a soldier wears a prescribed uniform, as well as by the individual’s personal appearance. Therefore, a neat and well-groomed appearance by all soldiers is fundamental to the Army and contributes to building the pride and espritessential to an effective military force.

The Army Regulation 670-1 (Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia) prescribes the authorization for wear,composition, andclassification of uniforms,and the occasions for wearing all personal (clothing bag issue),optional,and commonly worn organizational Army uniforms. It also prescribes the awards, insignia, and accouterments authorized for wear on the uniform, and how these items are worn. This regulation applies to active and retired Army, Army National Guard of the United States (ARNGUS) and U.S. Army Reserve (USAR) personnel. It does not apply to generals of the Army, the Chief of Staff of the Army, or former Chiefs of Staff of the Army, each of whom may prescribe his or her own uniform.

Uniforms are classified by classes and types. Classes may be A, B and C. The types of uniform are: service, dress, mess and all types of class C uniform. The color of the uniform (green, blue or white) depends on the unit and kind of activity the serviceperson is to attend.

The male class A service uniform, for example, consists of the Army green (AG) service coat and trousers, a short- or long-sleeved AG shade 415 shirt with a black four-in-hand tie, and other authorized accessories.

The male class B service uniform is the same as class A, except the service coat is not worn. The black four-in-hand tie is required with the long-sleeved AG shade 415 shirt when the long-sleeved shirt is worn without the class A coat, as an outer garment; the tie is optional with the short-sleeved shirt.

Class C uniforms are the utility, field, hospital duty, food service, and other organizational uniforms.

The Army green service uniform (class A) and authorized variations (class B) are authorized for year-round wear by all male personnel when on duty, off duty, or during travel. These uniforms also are acceptable for informal social functions after retreat, unless the host prescribes other uniforms.

The Army green dress uniform(authorized for enlisted personnel only), with white shirt and bow tie, is equivalent to the Army blue and white uniforms. It comprises the Army green coat and trousers, a commercial long-sleeved white shirt, and a black four-in-hand tie (before retreat) or a black bow tie (after retreat). The blackberet is authorized for wear with this uniform. When the enlisted Army green dress uniform is worn for evening social occasions (after retreat), headgear is not required. Combat boots and organizational items, such as brassards and militarypolice (MP) accessories, are not authorized for wear with the Army green dress uniform.

For the most time in his service a soldier will use his organizational uniforms. Among them are the Battle Dress Uniform (BDU), either woodland or desert, Improved Physical Fitness Uniform (IPFU), or flight uniform for flight crews. Cold and wet weather gear is designed for special weather conditions. Field hats, garrison caps or berets are a necessary component to the uniform package.

The black beret became the standard headgear for utility uniforms in garrison environments on 14 June 2001. The beret is not worn in the field, in training environments, or in environments where the wear of the beret is impractical, as determined by the commander.

Insignia is placed on the uniform to make distinction between servicepeople of different ranks and services. Besides unit and rank insignia some types of uniform may have full-sizedecorations, medal sets and qualification badges.

The following accessories are normally worn with most types of uniform: belt, leather black combat boots, blackall weather coat, gloves, handbags, drill sergeant hat, military police accessories, neckgaiter, scarves, socks, undergarments, brownundershirt, organizational clothing and equipment, as determined by the commander.

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