Complete the sentences with an appropriate preposition.

1. You can’t buy these tablets ….. the counter. You have to get them …..prescription.

2. There is no known cure…….Sterrits disease.

3. He was rushed ….hospital with suspected appendicitis.

4. He couldn’t eat what she had prepared for him because he was allergic….cheese.

5. He had been ….a lot of stress, and it was beginning to take its toll ….his health.

6. You are supposed to finish the course if you are …..antibiotics.

7. Her grandfather died ….cancer.

8. Both of her sons suffer …..hay fever.

9. He was ……pretty good shape for a man of his age.

10. They operated …..him on Monday and he was discharged … on Tuesday!

11. He was……intensive care, his life hanging…..a thread.

12. She takes vitamin supplements in winter because she is susceptible ……colds and flu.

13. She was admitted … with third-degree burns.

14. There’s a long way to go before my leg is totally better but at least it is ……on the mend.

Complete the sentences with an appropriate noun from the list.

Flu, cold, colour, throat, weather, nose, headache, eyesight, ill, breakdown, rain, bug, disease, stomach.

1. I’ve got a stinking ……….

2. She’s got a runny……..

3. He’s got a sore……..

4. I shouldn’t have eaten that curry. It’s given me an upset…….

5. I think I’ve got a touch of…….

6. I’ve got a blinding…….

7. Before he collapsed, he complained of a shooting… his chest.

8. He’s not coming into work today. He says he feels a bit off-……..

9. It’s a highly infectious…….

10. I’ve got a stomach…..

11. She is seriously……

12. He had a nervous…….

13. I am feeling a bit under the …….

14. She’s got very poor…….

15. Take two of these and you’ll feel as right as…..

Translate into Ukrainian.

1. My finger bled so badly that I very nearly passed out.

2. Tommy’s gone down with measles.

3. The doctor has put me on a course of antibiotics.

4. When the anaesthetic wears off, you will be in some pain.

5. When I came round, I was in an ambulance.

6. He’s in critical condition but the doctors have assured us that he will pull through.

7. The doctor gave me some ointment and told me that the rash should clear up within five days.

8. For some reason he is not responding to treatment.

9. The vaccination is being given to those groups in society who are particularly susceptible to flu.

10. It was very serious. He was in intensive care for two weeks.

Translate into English.

1. Симптомами свинки є припухла шия, висока температура, крім того це інфекційна хвороба.

2. Ускладненням після скарлатини може бути запалення вуха.

3. Моя мама злягла на грип. Завтра прийде лікар і випеше ліки.

4. Чому у вас задишка-щось із серцем чи високий кровяний тиск.

5. Завтра я йду до лікаря. Мені потрібно зробити рентген легень.

6. Я страждаю на безсоння. Полегшення шукаю в таблетках.

7. Нам потрібен ковток свіжого повітря.

8. Лікар говорив про серцеву недостатність та інфаркт міокарда.

9. Я здав аналізи крові та сечі.

Match the English word-combination with their Ukrainian counterparts.

Treatment for a cold (a) втрати при очищенні

Impatient treatment (b) шокова терапія

Treatment allowance (c) стаціонарне лікування

Treatment of waste water (d) ефект лікування

Treatment response (e) очисна споруда

Kind treatment (f) невідкладна допомога

Treatment loss (g) шанобливе ставлення

Treatment mode (h) очищення стічних вод

Treatment by spraying (i) допомога на лікування

Red-carpet treatment (j) лікування від простуди

Treatment plant (k) режим найбільшого прияння

Silent treatment (l) добре ставлення

Shock treatment (m) обробка розпилювання

Preferential treatment (n) метод лікування

Emergency treatment (o) бойкот

Translate into English.

Свинка, бронхіт, туберкульоз, кір, червона висипка, гайморит, інсульт, ангіна, серцевий напад, виразка, курячий грип, пронос, апендицит, печія, розлад травлення, запалення легень, вітряна віспа, дифтерит,гастрит, правець, невроз.






для студентів базового напрямку “Філологія”

спеціальності “Прикладна лінгвістика”

освітньо-кваліфікаційного рівня “Магістр”

Укладачі:Карамишева І.Д., канд. філол. наук,

Романишин Н.І., канд.філол.наук,

Левик З.П., асистент,

Рішняк Г.М. асистент.


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