V. Give English equivalents from the text to the words given below.

Ограниченные полномочия; возглавляемый; быть у власти; выполнять церемониальные функции; заниматься благотворительностью; назначать встречи; по совету; быть обязанным (вынужденным); заниматься финансовыми делами; обладать правом; гражданские и уголовные дела; убийство; изнасилование; грабеж.

VI. Find the pairs of antonyms.

a) majority, to summon, pageantry, to comprise, to succeed, to approve the bill, to introduce the bill;

b) to precede, to review, to dismiss, minority, to exclude, to delay, poverty.

VII. Find the pairs of synonyms.

a) to reign, to dismiss, to propose, to exercise, to arrange, to consist of, to succeed;

b) to comprise, to carry out, to govern, to follow, to offer, to organize, to dissolve.

VIII. Make sure you know all the words in the box. Read their definitions and match the words with their definitions.

executive bill magistrate appeal legislative judicial minister  

1. A judge in a lower court whose jurisdiction is limited to the trial of misdemeanors and the conduct of preliminary hearings on more serious charges.

2. A senior officer of state in a government department, especially in the parliamentary system of government.

3. A written proposal for a new law, discussed and voted upon by the members of a legislative body.

4. The hearing by a superior court of part or the whole of a previously tried case, a request for such a hearing, or the right to have such a hearing.

5. Relating to lawmaking: involved in the writing and passing of laws.

6. Responsible for or relating to the making and implementing of general decisions in a company, organization, or government.

7. Relating to judges in performance of their duties or to judgment in a court of law.

IX. Fill in the table using the information from the text.

A person (a body) Power Functions
1. The Prime Minister 2. … 3. … executive the head of the cabinet, …  

X. Answer the questions.

1. What is a constitutional monarchy?

2. Is English the official language of the U.K.?

3. What does the monarch do? Speak about the functions of the Queen and the royal family.

4. What is the chief lawmaking body? What does it consist of?

5. Who is the government composed of?

6. Who is the Prime minister of the U.K.? What political party does he belong to?

7. The Constitution of the U.K. is one document, isn’t it?

8. What are the main political parties?

9. Is the U.K. a member of any international organizations?

10. Find similarities and differences in the political systems of Belarus and the United Kingdom.

Comment upon

“Democracy means government by free and equal individuals. In practical terms, equality means the rule of the majority. Yet the rule of the majority can become so cruel, so wrong, so oppressive to individuals and to minorities, that is perverts democracy itself, and the rule of the people becomes the tyranny of the mob.

A people secure in their numbers and certain of their rightness can too easily forget that democracy also requires tolerance.”

(“The Struggle for Democracy”)

“If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, and only one person were on the contrary opinion, mankind would no more be justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.”

(John Stuart Mill “Utilitarianism”)

Ø Compare political and social aspects of the Republic of Belarus and the United Kingdom. Make up dialogues.


Business Letter Structure

(структура делового письма)

I. Learn the parts of a letter.

1. The Notepaper – шапка бланка

2. The Reference - ссылка

3. The Date - дата

4. The Addressee – адресат

5. The Salutation – обращение

6. The Body text – текст письма

7. The Complimentary Close – комплиментарная концовка

8. The Surname and the Signature – фамилия и подпись

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