Methods and functions of a political science
Political science methods
The political phenomena and processes are learnt by means of various methods (греч. methodos - a research way). The method is understood as set of the logic operations, allowing to open the maintenance
Object of research. In tab. 4.1 the most widespread methods of a political science are specified. In it used methods are not shown, however they are described further.
Таблица 4.1. Основные методы политической науки
Метод политологии | На чем акцентирует внимание | Как изучает политику |
1. Институциональный | На взаимодействиях политических институтов: права, государства, политических партий и движений и т.д. | Анализ официальных структур и формальных правил принятия решений |
2. Исторический | На политических явлениях и процессах во времени и пространстве | Анализ изменений политических норм, отношений, институтов в контексте связи прошлого, настоящего и будущего |
3. Социологический | На зависимости политики от социальных факторов: экономики, социальной структуры, идеологии, культуры и т.д. | Анализ политики как сферы целенаправленных взаимодействий социальных групп, преследующих свои интересы. Характер интересов обусловлен социальными факторами |
4. Бихевиористский | На личностном измерении политики, поведении отдельного человека | Анализ систематически наблюдаемого поведения индивида, возможность измерения его мотивации |
5. Психологический | На субъективных механизмах политического поведения: побуждениях, желаниях, страстях и т.д. | Анализ индивидуальных качеств, черт характера, бессознательных психических процессов, влияющих на политическое поведение |
6. Системный | На целостности политики и характере ее взаимоотношений с внешней средой | Анализ характера обмена ресурсами и информацией между политикой и другими сферами и способов распределения ресурсов институтами власти |
Table 4.1. The basic methods of a political science
Political science method
On what focuses attention
As studies a policy
On interactions of political institutes: the rights, the states, political parties and movements etc.
The analysis of official structures and formal rules of decision-making
On the political phenomena and processes in time and space
The analysis of changes of political norms, relations, institutes in a context of communication of the past, the present and the future
On dependence of a policy on social factors: economy, social structure, ideology, culture etc.
The policy analysis as spheres of purposeful interactions of the social groups pursuing the interests. Character of interests is caused by social factors
On personal measurement of a policy, behaviour of the separate person
The analysis of regularly observable behaviour of the individual, possibility of measurement of its motivation
On subjective mechanisms of political behaviour: promptings, desires, passions etc.
The analysis of individual qualities, character traits, the unconscious mental processes influencing political behaviour
On integrity of a policy and character of its mutual relations with environment
The analysis of character of an exchange of resources and the information between a policy and other spheres and ways of distribution of resources power institutes
One of the first in political science used the tsennostno-standard approach.It has arisen still in the ancient time. According to this approach, political influences are considered from the point of view
Out of a context of its moral estimation, and also accent on research technics.
The Bihevioristsky method did not allow to present the policy world completely, was not capable to reveal interrelation of its various elements. Therefore already in 1950-1960th there was a requirement for the system approachwhich allows to open steady internal interrelations of components of a policy and by that to define possibility of the adaptation of system to changing environmental conditions. By means of the system approach it is possible to define accurately a policy place in society development, its major functions, possibilities at realisation of transformations. However the system approach is ineffective at the analysis of individual behaviour in the politician (for example, roles of the leader), by consideration of conflicts and research of crisis situations.
The special place among methods of a political science occupies psychoanalysis. Advantage of a psychoanalytic methodconsists in the account of irrational factors of political activity which were ignored before. Psychoanalysis considers psychological mechanisms of political behaviour. The method founder the Austrian doctor-psychiatrist Zigmund Freud (1856-1939) believed that political behaviour of the individual as, however, and any another, is subordinated to special unconscious installations of human mentality which grow out of a dissatisfaction of its base requirements. Main from them 3. Freud considered a sexual inclination. Arising thereof sharp affective experiences of the individual do not disappear from mentality, and are forced out in sphere unconscious and continue to remain motives of political behaviour. On the basis of the account unconscious the explanation of various types of political behaviour is possible: behaviour of crowd, voters, the imperious person etc.
For the Russian political science the comparative methodis rather actual.Its essence consists in comparison of the same political phenomena which develop in the various countries, cultural environments. Consideration of process of formation and development of the state, parties, movements, political system At the various people gives the chance to reveal both common features of political process, and its feature. It allows to make use of positive political experience of other countries for creation in Russia the legal democratic state.
Political science functions
The political science carries out in a society a number of socially significant functions (an armour. functio - execution, realisation). Effective realisation of these functions promotes stable development of a society, Achievement of the civil world and the consent.
Fig. 4.3. Political science functions
Sense of epistemo-logical functionof political science - in revealing of the nature of imperious relations, the states, accumulation of knowledge of the political phenomena and processes, a substantiation of effective forms of development of a society. Generalising world and national experience of creation of political institutes, the political science helps to find an optimum political policy, to formulate scientifically well-founded purposes and means of their achievement. For this purpose diagnosing of a real condition is preliminary spent
Societies, revealing of existing groups of interests and their coordination with tendencies of social progress. Thereby political science выполняетпрактическую function.
Besides, the political science carries out прогностическую function. Theknowledge of world tendencies of political development and their correlation with groups of interests existing in a society allows to define efficiency of prospective political decisions beforehand. Preliminary expert examination presence helps to insure a society from negative consequences and inefficient actions.
At last, the political science carries out important cultural function. Thecitizen should know, how the power, what principles of mutual relations of the state and a society is formed; it is necessary for it to represent precisely the rights and possibilities in change of an unfair political order or influence on the power. Imparting the individual political knowledge, the political science allows to understand logic of social changes, to develop rational and effective ways of conscious participation in political life. Thereby the political science arms with its political experience, political culture, forms as the conscious and independent subject of historical process.