Special Courts Created by Congress
1. Magistrate judges: These judges deal with certain criminal and civil matters, often with the consent of the parties.
2. Bankruptcy courts: These courts hear cases arising under the Bankruptcy Code.
3. U.S. Court of Military Appeals: This court is the final appellate court for cases arising under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
4. U.S. Tax Court: This court considers cases arising over alleged tax deficiencies.
5. U.S. Court of Veterans’ Appeals: This court handles certain cases arising from the denial of veterans’ benefits.
Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.
1. What two types of courts can the term “federal court” refer to?
2. What courts does the first type include?
3. What courts does the second type include?
4. What jurisdiction does the U.S. District Court have? What cases does it hear?
5. What cases does the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeal examine?
6. What is the jurisdiction of the U.S. Supreme Court?
7. What cases do the U.S. Court of Claims and the U.S. Court of Inter-national Trade consider?
8. What cases do Magistrate judges deal with?
9. What cases do Bankruptcy courts hear?
10. What cases do the U.S. Court of Military Appeals and the U.S. Court of Veterans‘ Appeals deal with?
11. What cases does the U.S. Tax Court examine?
На основании текста Federal Court System заполните схему, отра-жающую систему федеральных судов США.
The apex of the federal court system is __________________________
Courts for 12 | The final appellate court | ||||
regional circuits | for cases concerning | ||||
are called ______ | armed forces is ________ | ||||
The 13th Circuit Court sitting | |||||
in Washington is ___________ | |||||
Courts of original | Court dealing with | ||||
jurisdiction are | tax deficiencies | ||||
_____________ | is __________ | ||||
Court dealing with | Court dealing with suits | Court dealing with |
international trade | against the government | veterans’ benefits is |
disputes is _______ | is ________________ | ______________ |
Courts dealing with certain | Courts dealing with cases | |
criminal and civil matters | arising under the | |
are _________________ | Bankruptcy Code are | |
____________________ | ___________________ |
State Court Systems
1. a will — завещание
2. to distribute — распределять, рассредоточивать
3. adoption — усыновление, удочерение
4. annulment — аннулирование (зд. судебное решение о призна-нии брака недействительным)
5. divorce — расторжение брака, развод
6. alimony — алименты
7. custody — опека, опекунство (попечительство)
8. delinquent children — дети, совершившие (или склонные к со-вершению) правонарушения (делинквенты)
9. ordinance — указ, декрет, закон, постановление, распоряжение
10. to find guilty/not guilty — признать виновным/невиновным
11. discretionary — предоставленный на (собственное) усмо-
12. government — обвинение как сторона в процессе (амер.)