I think you are not … Maria. Let me introduce you to her.

5. This is a State secret, you can’t … to it.

IV. Закончите предложения, выбрав верный вариант:

1. There are advertisements of different vacancies a) to pay agencies for their service.
2. After graduating from the University or college b) means that you will be satisfied with your future job.
3. Careers centers give you the information about c) you are able to check out your local careers centers.
4. Employers have d) in papers, job centers, magazines, websites and so on.
5. Finding the right agency e) training opportunities, University and college courses, apprenticeships and so on.

V. Укажите, какие утверждения соответствуют тексту (T), а какие нет (F):

1. A jobseeker can be charged a fee for the agency’s service.

You can register only with one agency.

3. You can learn about agencies work by going into contact with Recruitment and Employment Confederation.

4. Connexion Centers give you only the information about vacancies what are on offer.

5. Recruitment agencies differ from each other. They pay their attention to different points.

Text C

Applying for a job

You’ve found the job of your dreams, perhaps there isn’t a job advertised, but you know who you want to work for and you’re going to apply anyway. And now you are worrying about your CV. So how do you make an employer notice you? So we’ll show you how to get an interview. Whether an employer asks you to complete an application form, send a CV or apply online we’ll show you the basics of a good application and what to expect when your application hits their desk.

Covering Letters

Always send a covering letter with any CV or application. This is your opportunity to grab the employer’s attention and make a positive impression. However, if it’s badly presented, you won’t get very far. Covering letters need careful planning.


- You should write your letter on one side of a good quality paper, A4, plain, white paper and use black ink. Unless a handwritten letter is requested, word-processed is best – it looks more professional.

- Use a clear, readable font – Times New Roman, Helvetica and Arial are good choices. If a handwritten letter is requested, make sure it’s clear, neat and smudge-free.

- Aim for no more than three or four paragraphs and keep sentences short.

- Make sure you’ve got good, wide margins and put two line spaces between each paragraph to make it look neater.

- Make sure your letter has both your address and the prospective employer’s address at the top.

- If known, address the letter to a named person, e.g. the one who advertised the vacancy. If no particular name was mentioned, “Madam/Sir”.

If the letter is addressed to a named person, end it with “Sincerely yours”. If not, use “Yours faithfully”.

Sample Covering Letter

Kenmore Road


Fitness First LT 12 9BH

Lake Road 01456783460


LT1 5MX 1st December 2006

Dear Mr. Sands

Re: Fitness Instructor FF/32

I’m writing to apply for the job of Fitness Instructor, as advertised in Thursday’s Courant. This is an ideal job for me given my enthusiasm for sport, my related experience and qualifications.

Sport and fitness training have always been important to me, which is why I chose to take a BTEC Diploma in Sports Science. I obtained distinctions in the Sports Anatomy & Physiology and Sports Injuries modules last year and am confident that I will get similar marks in Exercise Physiology, Mechanics of Sport and Sports Supervision & Management this year. I am confident user of Microsoft Office 2000 and have worked extensively with Fitness Publisher, a program for analyzing fitness.

As you can see from my CV, I’ve taken the opportunity to gain extra qualifications that were on offer at college, which has helped me get part-time work as a pool attendant. I’m called on to provide cover during busy times so am used to working irregular hours at short notice. I’ve also run a lunchtime aerobics class at college since the start of this year.

I finish college in six weeks and am keen to find a job rather than carry on with further full-time study. I could start any part time work or training sooner as many of my classes are finishing and most of my assignments are done. I look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours

Louise Langford

I. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие предлоги:

a) in b) for c) to d) from (2):

1. I advise you to apply … this job.

2. This deal is very important … me.

3. I’ll complete this report … two weeks.

4. She was very glad to hear this news … you.

5. As you can see … CV I have a good experience.

II. Найдите в правой колонке русский эквивалент для английских словосочетаний.

1. application form a) завладеть чьим-то вниманием
2. get wide margins b) анкета
3. handwritten letter c) письмо, написанное от руки
4. grab one’s attention d) жду с нетерпением ответа
5. look forward to hearing from you e) оставлять широкие поля

III. Укажите, какие утверждения соответствуют тексту (Т), а какие нет (F):

1. You’ll complete an application form, that’s why there is no need to send a CV.

2. You should write your letter on two sides.

3. Your sentences should be extended.

4. If you don’t know the name of the person who advertised the vacancy write Madam or Sir.

5. Your letter should be planned before you send it.

IV. Закончите предложения, выбрав верный вариант:

1. I missed a lot of lessons a) because it was badly planned.
2. She left her job b) that’s why I can get only part-time job.
3. Learn me please c) that’s why I couldn’t take my diploma.
4. I must study d) because she didn’t want to work for Mr. Smith.
5. Your project was turned down e) how to make our Executive Manager notice me.

V. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова:

a) addressed to b) there is no need c) make impression on d) grab men’s attention

e) aim for:

1. - I must call the Browns.

- … to do it. I’ve already called them.

2. She isn’t beautiful, but she knows how to … .

3. He is lazy, irresponsible, and careless but he knows how to … the employers.

4. Why did you take this letter? It wasn’t … you.

5. I … attending these courses even once a year.

Text D


Interviewsare scary as hell. But they’re much better when you’re prepared. An interview also gives you the chance to find out if the job and employer live up to your expectations, too. You’re interviewing them as much as they’re interviewing you.

How to impress interviewers:

Most people make up their mind about you in the first few minutes, so first impressions are all important. If you can make people feel positive about you as soon as you enter the room, the whole interview will be a lot easier.

Createa good firstimpression instantly by:

- Making sure you look clean, smart and crease-free

- Smiling, making eye contact and shaking hands with them

- Using a clear and confident voice

What follows will be “a conversation with a purpose”, and that purpose is to find out where you’re suitable for the job and if that job is right for you.

Six ways to impress:

- Be a good listener. Let your interviewer know that you’re listening attentively by nodding, using facial expressions that make you look interested, and asking them to expand on subjects that genuinely interest you. But never interrupt your interviewer.

- Be honest. If you don’t understand a question, ask an explanation. If you’re faced with something you really can’t deal with, the truthful about it – it’s more impressive than pretending to have the answer to everything. Use get-out phrases like “that’s something I’d need time to think about” or “that’s outside my present experience” to give yourself a bit of breather.

- Be consistent. Many interviewers ask the same things in different ways as means of checking you out. Listen to yourself as well as to them. If you feel you’ve made a mistake, put things right by saying, “going back to what I said earlier about … what I really meant was…”

- Avoid the temptation to talk too much. If there are awkward silences when you’ve finished saying what you want, don’t fill them with nervous chatter. Some interviewers use silence to see how you’ll react. Pass the lead back to them by pleasantly saying: “Does that answer your question?” don’t inundate the interviewer with information they don’t need.

- Be aware of your body language. Looking your interviewer in the eye is essential, but don’t overdo it. A smile sets everyone at ease, but a constant grin is unnerving. Try to sit up straight. Leaning forward makes you appear attentive and enthusiastic.

- If you’re not asked about something that you feel is important, raise the subject yourself. This is your one chance to sell yourself, so don’t waste the opportunity.

I. Найдите в правой колонке русский эквивалент для английских словосочетаний:

1. to be suitable for the job a) составлять впечатление о ком-то
2. shake hands b) создавать первое впечатление
3. make up mind about somebody c) пожимать руки
4. pass the lead back d) подходить для работы
5. create first impression e) передавать инициативу

II. Укажите, какая информация содержится в тексте (Y), а какая нет (N):

1. How you should look like.

2. How to create a good first impression.

3. How to use your body language.

4. How to fill the pauses.

5. How to spend an evening before the interview.

III. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова:

a) sets b) lives up c) avoid the temptation d) faced with e) wasting this opportunity:

1. I can’t forgive myself for …; it was the best chance in my life.

2. Your behavior … everyone to feel unpleasant.

3. He is very busy. Try … to waste his time.

4. This offer doesn’t … to my claims.

5. Can you help me? I … a very difficult problem.

IV. Укажите, какие утверждения соответствуют тексту (Т), а какие нет (F):

1. If there is a pause try to fill it by retelling for example a funny story from your life.

2. Try to show you know something about everything.

3. Don’t think over about possible questions, improvisation is better.

4. Try to retell about your skills, even the employer doesn’t ask about them.

5. Try to smile during all the interview.

V. Закончите предложения, выбрав верный вариант:

1. Your questions a) to find out whether you are suitable for this job and if it is right for you.
2. Are you sure this subject b) asking you the same things in different ways.
3. Carefully thought out answers c) make people feel stupid.
4. Employers control your honesty by d) give you a bit of breather.
5. The purpose of the interview is e) genuinely interests you?



An excellent resume may help you get the job of your dreams and a poor resume may mean a lost opportunity.

Since this is the first piece of information a company will receive about you, it is critically important that your resume be well-written.

It should be presented at the beginning of any interview that you have with a company. Ideally, resume should not be longer than one page.

The contents of a resume can be categorized as: 1) personal information (address and telephone number) 2) job objective, 3) education, 4) experience, 5) skills, 6) extracurricular activities, 7) references

The resume begins with personal information, name, address, telephone number centered at the top page.

After your address, a statement of intent or job objective should be written. It should not be too general, eg: "To obtain a managerial position in a Western company."

Think about your job search and career goals carefully, write them down in a way that shows you have given this much thought.

For example: "Objective: To obtain a position in telecommunication that will allow me to use my knowledge of engineering and take advantage of my desire to work in sales."

Notice that your desire to have a well-paid job is not included in this statement. A focus on money in your resume's first sentence will not make the best impression anywhere in the world, not just in Russia.

After the statement of intent, describe your education.

List the universities, institutes and colleges you have attended in reverse chronological order.

Any studying you have done abroad should be included and courses that you have taken that are relevant.

- If you graduated with honors, you should definitely include this. A "red diploma" can be called "graduated with high honors" in English. Do not include your high school.

- Your working experience is the next section. List your experience starting with your most recent place of employment and work backwards. Spell out the exact dates of employment, your position, and the name of the company you worked for.

Provide information about your responsibilities, emphasizing important activities by listing the most relevant to your objective. Do not use complete sentences! List your responsibilities in short statements that do not include the words "my" or "I".

Following experience, you should list your special skills. These include your language skills, computer abilities, and any other talent that relates to your statement of intent.

When describing your language abilities, it is best to be honest about assessing your level, "Fluent English," "native Russian," "intermediate German", and "beginning French" are all ways to describe your language abilities. Extracurricular activities should be included in the next section. Student or professional organizations you belong to, travel, sports and hobbies should be listed here. Do not list "reading" or "writing" as an activity. It is assumed most people with a higher education do these things regularly. The last section of your resume is the reference section. List at least two people, not related to you, who can describe your qualification for the job. Their names, titles, places of work, and telephone numbers should be included. If you do not have space on your resume for this, write "Available upon request." You will then be expected to give this information to a prospective employer if it is requested. The style and format of a resume are extremely important. Your resume must be typed, preferably on a computer in order to format it most effectively. A neat and well-written resume with no spelling mistakes will give an employer the impression that you are accurate and take care of details. A resume will not get you a job. An interview with a company will get you a job. In order to have the opportunity of interviewing with a company you should send your resume with a cover letter.

I. Подберите синонимы для следующих слов:

1. to obtain a) wish
2. objective b) possibility
3. desire c) to begin
4. to start d) to supply
5. space e) to receive
6. opportunity f) goal
7. to provide g) place

II. Заполните пропуски, использую следующие предлоги:

a) upon b) to c) in d) at e) of f) with (2) g) for h) on i) about:

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