Выберите одну из цитат, приведенных ниже, и прокомментируйте ее, используя следующие выражения

We (strongly) agree with … We (strongly) disagree with … We think it’s reasonable to be-lieve that ...

We don’t think it’s reasonable to believe that …

We are totally opposed to … On the one hand, …

On the other hand, … However …

Furthermore … In addition … Nevertheless …

Мы полностью согласны с … Мы решительно не согласны с … Мы думаем, есть все основания полагать, что … Мы не думаем, что есть основа-ния считать, что …

Категорически не согласны …

С одной стороны …

С другой стороны … Однако … Кроме того … К тому же … Тем не менее …

1. “The law condemns and punishes only actions within certain definite and narrow limits; it thereby justifies, in a way, all similar actions that lie outside those limits”. — Leo Tolstoy.

2. “There is no liberty, if the power of judging is not separated from the legislative and executive powers”. — Alexander Hamilton.

10. Самостоятельная работа. Прочитайте раздел Конституции, по-священный судебной ветви власти в России, а также Закон РФ«О ста-тусе судей в Российской Федерации»и Федеральный конституционный закон«О судебной системе Российской Федерации». Найдите ответы на


1. In what way has the independence of courts and judges developed?

2. How can citizens take part in the administration of justice?

3. What is the language of proceedings in courts?

4. How is the term “judge” defined?

5. How do you explain the concepts of irremovability and immunity of judges?

6. What are the requirements to a person intending to be a judge?



The Structure of the RF Courts (Part I)


1. to reflect — отображать, отражать

2. to interpret — интерпретировать, истолковывать, трактовать

3. to be consistent with — согласовываться с чем-либо, не противоречить

4. to adjudicate — судить; решать, выносить решение

5. the court of cassation — кассационный суд

6. the highest court of appeal — высший апелляционный суд

7. the court of supervisory instance — суд надзорной инстанции

8. a tier — ярус

9. a district court — районный суд, окружной суд (в США)

10. the implementation of domestic law — исполнение закона, дей-ствующего внутри страны

11. legally binding — юридически обязывающий

12. a provision of the law — положение закона

13. fleet — флот

14. garrison — гарнизон

15. military formation — военное формирование

16. anti-aircraft defenсe — противовоздушная оборона

17. an integral part — неотъемлемая часть

18. economic dispute — экономический спор

Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

1. How are judges appointed to all federal courts?

2. What is the jurisdiction of the Constitutional Court?

3. What is the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court?

4. What is the jurisdiction of Military Courts?

5. What is the jurisdiction of the Higher Arbitration Court?

6. What is the extra duty of the Supreme Court and the Higher Arbitration Court?

The judicial system of the Russian Federation consists of courts at the federal level and regional courts:

COURTS AT THE FEDERAL LEVEL 1.1. The Constitutional Court.

This is the highest judicial body in the Russian Federation. It is made up of 19 judges, proposed by the President of the Russian Federation and

approved by the Federation Council. Since June 2008 the Constitutional Court has been located in St Petersburg.

The Constitutional Court has jurisdiction to interpret the RF Constitution; to decide whether a federal law is consistent with the country’s Constitution; and to adjudicate whether or not laws regulations and normative acts passed by the President of the Russian Federation, the Council of the Federation, the State Duma, the Government of the Russian Federation, constitutions of republics, charters and other normative acts of the subjects of Russian Federation are consistent with the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Courts of General Jurisdiction.

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