Active Words and Word Combinations. To set up –начать, организовать

to set up –начать, организовать

knowledge – знания

fashion –мода

create – творить, создавать

character- персонаж


1. Translate the following words and word combinations into English using the text “Arthur Conan Doyle”.

Переехал из … в; начать; великий писатель; медицинские знания; один из первых; мода; знаменитый персонаж; продолжается; шестью годами позже; впервые появился; в книге, названной; по всему миру.

Answer the following questions.

1. Was Conan Doyle a great writer?

2. Why was he a great writer?

3. What was Doyle?

4. When did Doyle move from Scotland to England?

5. Why did he move to England?

6. What is Conan Doyle’s famous character?

7. Why did Conan Doyle become a popular writer?

8. When did he die?

9. Have you read his novels?

10. Do you like to read Conan Doyle’s stories?

Make up 7 questions of your own on the text.

Combine words into sentences and translate them into Russian.

1. Scotland; was; he; born; in.

2. His; knowledge; medical; was; a; to; great; him; help.

3. Holmes; the; of; name; Sherlock; became; a; name; famous.

4. Arthur; Conan; Doyle was; a; writer; great.

5. Holmes; appeared; first; in; “Study in Scarlet”; a; book; called.

Benjamin Britten


B. Britten was a famous English composer. He was a good pianist and conductortoo. Britten was a vice-president of the peace organization of musicians. I think that he was an outstanding person because he did not only write music but he took an active part in the struggle for peace.

He wrote music mainly for voices, including operas, for example, “Peter Grimes”and his very famous musical work: the “War Requiem”. It was in 1962 but, it is popular now too.

Active Words and Word Combinations

composer -композитор

conductor - дирижер

struggle – борьба

mainly – в основном

voice -голос

“Peter Grimes” (1945) – опера «Питер Граймс»


1. Translate from English into Russian using the text “Benjamin Britten”.

Famous; peace organization of musicians; an outstanding person; an active part; for peace; he wrote music mainly for voices; including; for peace; for example; musical work.

Answer the following questions.

1. What was B. Britten?

2. Was B. Britten a composer or a conductor?

3. Why was B. Britten an outstanding person?

4. Which of his music works do you know?

5. “Peter Grimes” is an opera, isn’t it?

6. When did he write “War Requiem”?

7. Do you like the music of B. Britten?

Make up 7 questions of your own on the text.

Combine words into sentences and translate them into Russian.

1. Britten; a; was; English; famous; composer.

2. He; good; was; a; conductor.

3. Struggle; he; an; took; part; active; in; the; for; peace.

4. Was; he; an; person; outstanding.

5. Britten; wrote; in; “War Requiem”; 1962.

Grammar Presentation

Порядок слов в предложении. Типы вопросов. Отрицательные предложения

Порядок слов в предложении. Отрицательные предложения

I am a student.

Am I a student?

I am not a student.


1. В повествовательных (утвердительных) предложениях на 1-е место ставится подлежащее, на 2-е сказуемое(1-2).

2. В вопросительных предложениях меняется порядок слов (2-1).

3. В отрицательных предложениях отрицание notставитсяна 3-е место.

Типы вопросов

1. Общий (ко всему предложению; предполагает ответ «да» или «нет»)

Did he go to Moscow last week? Is he a student? Has he got a car?

2. Специальный (начинается с вопросительного слова: who – кто; whom – кому, кого; whose – чей; what – что; what – какой; where – где, куда; when – когда; why – почему; how – как; how many, how much – сколько; how long – как долго)

When did he go to Moscow? Why has he bought a car?

Вопрос к подлежащему

Who? / What? Who is a teacher? What is it?

4. Альтернативный (предполагает выбор из двух или нескольких вариантов)

Did he go to Moscow or to London last year?

5. Разделительный (выражает предположение: «Не так ли?»)

He went to Moscow, didn’t he? She didn’t buy a car, did she?

Grammar Exercises

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