Соедините части предложений. Соедините части предложений slap-on-the wrist fine - испытательный срок, условное наказание to supervise / supervisor / supervision /

She will enter the Institute - just now.
They couldn’t meet me - next year.
We are watching TV - yesterday.

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slap-on-the wrist fine - испытательный срок, условное наказание
to supervise / supervisor / supervision / (state) supervision - осуществлять надзор / инспектор, контролер, надсмотрщик / надзор, наблюдение / (государственный) надзор
probation - штраф на месте совершения преступления

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So anyone who has had a heart attack should not fly - earache during take-off and landing.
After an operation, you should stay on - for at least two weeks after the attack.
People with bad colds will probably get - the ground for at least ten days.

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Some doctors think the airplane is a dangerous place, - after hours of breathing less oxygen than usual.
Although the airplane is pressurized, there is - especially for the old or the unhealthy.
Even healthy people find it difficult to concentrate - less oxygen than on the ground.

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The police have many functions - control the actions of members of the public during public demonstrations and assemblies.
Though they are mainly concerned with criminal law, they may also be used - in the legal process.
The police have wide powers to arrest and question people suspected of crimes and to - to enforce judgments made in civil court.

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There are a lot - many people in the street today?
There are lot of - of people in the street today.
Are there - people in the street today.

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There is too much - mistakes in the report.
There are too many - on the table?
Is there much money - snow in winter.

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to accuse (of); to charge (with)- - арестовывать/арестовать
to arrest - - избивать/избить
to beat (up) - - обвинять/обвинить (в чём)

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to bring lawsuit – - привести иск
to commit a crime - - приговаривать/приговорить к смерти
to condemn/sentence to death - - совершать/совершить преступление

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to commit suicide - - допрашивать
to interrogate - - ограбление (с применением насилия), грабёж; разбой
robbery - - покончить жизнь самоубийством

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to file a complaint – - наказывать/наказать
to plead guilty - - подавать жалобу
to punish - - признать себя виновным

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