Fraud in economic, financial and consumer spheres
Section 1 DEFINITION OF FRAUD personal gain, hoaxes, forged objects, theft by deception, misrepresentation, result of accident or negligence, alleged victim, to base upon, plaintiff, cancellation of the contract, commercial fraud, consumer fraud, confidence tricks, identity theft, securities fraud, suppression of documents, tort. | Section 2 FRAUD IN ECONOMIC SPHERE petty pilfering, to involve, to carry out, increasingly avoid, payment of duty, to ship, freight forwarder, goods for consumption, consignor, consignee, to reclaim, customs duty loss, to absolve, to relinquish from responsibility, to ship, to forward, place of destination, port of entry, to tow, hauler, to divert, counterfeit stamps, to mislead, to become aware of smth. | Section 3 FRAUD IN CONSUMER SPHERE to be swindled, to be victimized, to convince, inventories, sub- distributorships, recruit, investment, misappropriation, to trap, solicit donations, slick advertising, to misrepresent, utility | Section 4 FRAUD IN FINANCIAL SPHERE imposter, foolproof, outgoing mail, dumpster dive, to accomplish ones needs. wallets, purses, monthly bills |
Active words and word combinations: Unit 2
Section 1 DEFINITION OF MONEY LAUNDERING to conduct a survey, to combat, predicate crime, tax evasion, illicit/ legitimate income, transactions, conversion, transfer of property, to disguise, to evade the consequences, concealment, drug trafficking, to facilitate, to contaminate, constant pursuit of profits, tipping off, to create the impetus for smb. | Section 2 PROCESS AND METHODS OF MONEY LAUNDERING to be accomplished, placement, layering, integration, to conceal, to maintain, to shrink, to be smuggled out, the location of acquisition, asset forms, concealment, audit trail, to disassociate, offshore bank, shell companies, wire transfers, stock, anonymity, to be assimilated with, to verify, the shelf banks, loan. | Section 3 MONEY LAUNDERING TRENDS IN THE EUROPEAN UNION illicit proceeds, tangible assets, rapid succession, real estate, bulk cash, straw men, accountancy, to eliminate, to undertake, to earn interest, bureaux de change, gambling houses, stockbroker, to reveal, bond sector, white collar criminals, threshold, smurfing, wire transfer, to disclose /disclosure, precious metal. | Section 4 BRIBERY AND CORRUPTION to condemn bribery, to proliferate, to succeed in, to curb, to suffer the consequences, widespread, to undermine, to amass, spectacular, embezzlement, selfishness, greed, to inflict, discretion, checks and balances, to weed out , transparency, to disclose, incentive, to gain benefits. |
Active words and word combinations: Unit 3
Section 1 LAYOUT AND PARTS OF BUSINESS LETTERS demise, transmission, communication, convention, hand written messages, expense, badly worded, concise, courteous. | Section 2 TYPES OF BUSINESS LETTERS application, vital impression, tedious repetition, marital status, to gain, to shuffle training body, voluntary work, responsibilities, referee, to bother, binders, folders | Section 3 COMMERCIAL PAPERS commercial paper, unconditional, written order, promise, to deliver, specified amount, to comply with, deposit/ depositor, to indebt/debtor, demand instrument. |
Active words and word combinations: Unit 4
Section 1 FORMS OF BUSINESS market economy, sole trader, sole proprietor, limited/ unlimited company, to be liable for, liability, business assets, commencing trade, statutory requirements, VAT (Value Added Tax), PAYE (pay-as-you-earn), income tax deducting, shareholders, sharing profits, entity, professional bodies, statutory and financial control, pension provision, financial flexibility, expansion. | Section 2 GENERAL NOTES ON CONTRACTS to seek a remedy, breach of contract, contracting parties, inducement, tangible property, to incur legal duties, consideration, subject matter, to seek a remedy, unilateral / bilateral, valid, voidable, void, express/ implied/ quasi contracts, formal/ simple contracts, executed/ executory contracts. | Section 3 BUSINESS CONTRACTS merchantable quality, misrepresentation, standard contracts, to be altered and supplemented, standard clauses and conditions, to be part and parcel, legal title, sale and purchase, specific commodities, bulk cargo, stipulation, permitted quantity tolerance, firm / fixed /sliding prices, to be stipulated in the Specifications, Warranties and Claims, breakage and leakage, Force Majeure, to conform to the requirements, to be final and binding, to be considered null and void. |
Active words and word combinations: Unit 5
Section 1 HUMAN RIGHTS HISTORY deceptively simple, consequences, inalienable, to lose the rights, to be entitled to, hold rights, to deny rights, to claim, to respect rights, to implement a conception of social justice, to exercise rights, divine commandment, contingent political arrangements, treatise, disputes over rights, morally prior to, the apparent universalism, , racial superiority, assertions, acquired virtue, to expand/ to narrow, to provoke controversy, race and gender discrimination, dispossessed groups. | Section 2 HUMAN RIGHTS IN INTERNATIONAL LAW commitment to, historically unprecedented, massacres, genocide, egregious violations, Holocaust, to entrust with the responsibility, individual petition, to lodge a complaint, alleged violations, preliminary examination, to determine admissibility, friendly settlement, respondent State, compulsory jurisdiction, final, binding adjudication, to retain the confidence. | Section 3 THE EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS to be amended, applications, written / oral submissions, to bear the costs of interpretation, to be incompatible, impartiality, substitute members, relinquish jurisdiction, to file objections, uncertainties and contradictions, to stem, inconsistency, to attain, to become overburdened, recalcitrant states, findings. | Section 4 PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS IN UKRAINE inviolable, exhaustive, to abolish, comprehensive development, remuneration; on legal grounds, to grant asylum, unlawful encroachments, pursuant to a substantiated court decision, to challenge the detention; to ascertain the truth; collection, storage, dissemination; to rectify territorial indivisibility; to prevent disturbances; mandatory; restrictions on membership; without prior permission; equal right of access, to notify in advance. |
1. “American Legal English. Using Language in Legal Contexts”, Lee Debra S., Hall Ch., Hurley M., the University of Michigan Press, 1999.
2. “Advanced Learners Grammar”. A self study reference and practice book with answers. Foley Mark, Hall Diane, Longman., Person Education Ltd., 2003.
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11. “Переклад англомовної юридичної літератури” під редакцією д.п.н. Черноватого Л.М та д.ф.н. Карабана В.І., Вінниця, „ Поділля-2000”, 2002.