Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian
1. When Jean and Henry left the night club in his smart car, they took the road that cuts through the woods.
Anthony saw Jean drive at a smart speed in her two-eater.
3. Captain Nicholas looked upon it as a smart piece of work on Strickland's part that he had got out of the mess by painting the portrait of Tough Bill.
4. For a long time there was silence. When Andrew and Ren did speak again, it was merely to exchange war experiences.
5. "I hardly know her, really," said Cherry. "Just exchanged a few conventional remarks at one time or another."
6. To the usual question "Do you plead guilty?" Anthony replied in a quiet and deliberate voice "Not guilty, my Lord."
7. It is an equal failing to trust everybody and trust nobody.
8. The display of wealth was calculated for effect.
9. It was an effective rejoinder and reduced his opponent to silence.
10. Can you speak about the effect of demand upon supply?
11. Don't try to shift the blame onto me, it's not my fault.
12. No sound reason could be given for his conduct.
13. Her constitution is as sound as a bell, illness never comes near her.
14. Within a year he was promoted from assistant clerk to head clerk.
15. Jane pulled the curtain aside with a hasty jerk, threw the window open and leaned out.
16. His mouth twitched with repressed laughter.
14. Paraphrase the following sentences using the essential vocabulary:
1. Bob Ewell laid the blame on Tom Robinson.
2. He is an impudent fellow who thinks he is clever.
3. Are you sure our arguments will influence him?
4. World festivals, congresses, exchanges help to further understanding between nations. I think his advice is wise and reasonable.
5. He pulled out the knife that was stuck in the wood.
6. You should not believe him, he's dishonest.
7. You look very neat and trim in that new shirt.
8. Mary and Ann didn't actually fight but they certainly spoke to each other
very rudely.
9. Your only bad point is that you won't do what you're told.
10. The firemen acted quickly because lives depended on what happened.
11. He paid her a visit when he got into town.
Choose the right word.
a/ guilt, fault, blame
1. John’s attempt to shift the _____ onto his companion met no response.
2. His __________ are accepted as the necessary compliment to his merit.
3. The colonial system bears the ___________ for the present-day backwardness of some African states.
4. The boy is punished for the slightest __________
5. If anything had gone wrong, I would have had to take the ____________
6. The evidence against the accused was so incontrovertible that he had to admit his ____________
b/ jerk, shove, twitch
1. The boys_________ the chairs and tables from the centre of the room.
2. The train made a sudden____________ and stopped.
3. The dog's nose ____________ as it passed the butcher's shop.
4. A strong gust of wind ____________ the letter from the girl's hand.
5. Jane's face __________ with terror at the sight of the crazy woman.
1. Where is the scene set?
2. What was Tom Robinson charged with?
3. Why did Judge Taylor appoint Atticus Finch to defend him?
4. In what way did Atticus Finch speak to the jury and why?
5. What did Atticus Finch say about the case?
6. What did Atticus Finch say about Mayella Ewell?
7. What did the girl do to get rid of her own guilt?
8. What were the witnesses for the state sure of when giving their testimony?
9. What was the evil assumption of the witnesses for the state?
10. What did Atticus Finch say about people not being created equal?
11. Why didn't Atticus Finch believe firmly in the integrity of their
courts and in the jury system?