Read the text without the dictionary.
The Scientific Method
As man’s knowledge of natural phenomena increased, there came
a time when he recognized that his growing knowledge of nature was the result of his application of a particular method of investigation. This
rather well defined procedure has come to be known as the Scientific Method. Consequently the emphasis passed from the knowledge itself
to the method by which that knowledge was obtained. Let us explore the possibilities and implications of the scientific method. The steps in the procedure may be listed as follows:
First – The recognition of the problem.
Second – Collection of experimental facts or data.
Third – Analysis of data and setting up of a tentative hypothesis.
Fourth – Performance of test experiments.
Fifth – Substantiation, modification, or abandonment of the hypothesis in the light of the results of the test experiments.
If the hypothesis is discarded as the result of the test experiments, a new one will be set up and steps three, four and five will be repeated until an explanation is found which accounts satisfactorily for all the known experimental facts. As the amount of substantiating data becomes larger and larger, the hypothesis advances to the rank of a theory and eventually may be accepted as true.
It should be noted that in general one adopts first the most obvious hypothesis; that is, one that at the moment seems to offer the simplest explanation of the observed facts. This hypothesis may or may not prove to be satisfactory in the light of later evidence.
In coming to a conclusion about any hypothesis, the true scientist is swayed only by experimental evidence. He is not, for instance, governed principally by what he or anyone else wants the results to be, by the reputation of the man who advanced the hypothesis, by what the majority of people think about it, or by any similar emotional reaction to the problem. He will constantly check his conclusions and hypotheses by experiment and be guided solely by the results thus obtained.
Answer the questions.
1. What is the scientific method?
2. What steps does the scientific method include?
3. What is done if the hypothesis is discarded?
4. What hypothesis is adopted first?
5. What is the true scientist governed by in coming to a conclusion about any hypothesis?
4. Read the text again and retell it in English according to the
following plan:
1. The definition of the scientific method.
2. The steps in the scientific method.
3. Scientific approach to the solution of a problem.
4. What hypothesis may be said to be entirely satisfactory.
Give the annotation of the text.
Conversational Practice
1. Remember some of the words and expressions:
scientific innovation – новое в науке
impact – влияние
inventor – изобретатель
to put forward – выдвигать на первый план
to have the advantage – пользоваться преимуществом
2. Read the dialogue “Science: Group or Individual Activity”:
A. Do you think that the isolated inventor is still the usual source of innovation?
B. It seems to me that alone inventor in most fields has been replaced by the group.
A. But more often than we realize the original brilliant idea is still the product of one man’s genius.
B. It may be so. But if you live in a group environment and have the advantage of the scientific and intellectual contacts, that come from working with a large group of people, it can only be good for you.
A. You are probably right. As soon as a new idea is put forward,
it requires many people’s efforts before it can be transformed into a product.
B. Nobody will deny that at this stage innovation becomes
a group and not an individual activity.
A. I fully agree with you. But in each group it is necessary to have the chief, so called “generator of the ideas” who can lead the other members of the group.
B. Right you are. Science is a thing that is especially interesting for me. In future I want to connect my life with science.
A. It is convincing. Good luck for you.
B. Thank you. Good bye.
3. Answer the questions:
1. What kind of inventors is discussed in the dialogue? (Key: the isolated inventor and the group inventor).
2. What is the potential role of the lone inventor? (Key: the original brilliant idea is still the product of one man’s genius).
3. When does science become a group and not an individual activity? (Key: as soon as the new idea is put forward).
4. Tell about one of the well-known scientists with particular
emphasis on his contribution to a certain branch of science.
5. Be ready to discuss the statement: “The original idea is still the product of one man’s genius”.
6. Describe in a short talk the methods by which particular material or object is studied. Use set expressions and phrases given below:
a) I would like to know …
b) I would like to add …
c) I would like to sum up …
d) It is important to say that it is a basic principle …
Progress Test 4
I. Read and translate the sentences paying attention to the
sequence of tenses:
1. After the head of construction had found way out from the situation the engineer understood that it was a great help for him.
2. He underlined in his speech that the work on this scientific problem was rather responsible thing.
3. The curator said that all the students would have a rest on Monday.
4. It was proved that steel framework had remarkable characteristics.
5. If he has good marks in his diploma he could have possibility
to choose a place of work himself.
6. Our lecturer didn’t say he would be late.
7. If he noticed any inaccuracy in the project he would inform about
it our chief.
8. It is necessary that you should take part in our research.
II. Choose the right variant of the translation of the following sentences:
1. We didn’t know where our friends went every evening.
A. Мы не знали, куда наши друзья ходят каждый вечер.
B. Мы не могли узнать, куда наши друзья ходят каждый вечер.
C. Мы не знали, куда наши друзья уходят каждый вечер.
2. He said he would bring and show us the schedule.
A. Он сказал, что принес и покажет нам расписание.
B. Он говорит, что принес показать нам расписание.
C. Он сказал, что принесет и покажет нам расписание.
3. Our teacher says he is sure Mike and Nick will be excellent engineers.
A. Наш преподаватель говорит, что он уверен, что Майк и Ник стали отличными инженерами.
B. Наш преподаватель говорит, что он уверен, что Майк и Ник будут отличными инженерами.
C. Наш преподаватель сказал нам, что уверен, что Майк и Ник уже становятся хорошими инженерами.
4. My friend asked me whether I would like to be an engineer.
A. Мой друг спрашивает меня хочу ли я стать инженером.
B. Мой друг спросил меня хотел ли бы я стать инженером.
C. Мой друг спросит меня хочется ли мне стать инженером.
5. I was sure that he had done all this.
A. Я был уверен, что он сделал это.
B. Я уверен, что только он мог сделать это.
C. Я был уверен, что он сделает это.
III. Complete the sentences given below:
1. Science is
a) a cumulative body of knowledge about the natural world;
b) a body of knowledge about man;
c) a body of knowledge about stars.
2. The word “scientist” was introduced
a) only in 1940 by a Cambridge professor of psychology;
b) only in 1840 by an Oxford professor of philosophy;
c) only in 1840 by a Cambridge professor of philosophy.
3. There is often a special sequence of procedures which is Involved
a) in the working up of the main principles of science;
b) in the solving of the scientific problems;
c) in the establishment of the working principles of science.
4. This sequence is as follows:
a) deductions are tested by experiment, a solution (i. e. a hypothesis) is proposed, a problem is recognized;
b) a problem is recognized, a solution (i. e. a hypothesis) is proposed, deductions are tested by experiment;
c) a problem is recognized, deductions are tested by experiment,
a solution (i. e. a hypothesis) is proposed.
5. The scientific method is the method by which
a) nature is investigated;
b) man is studied;
c) knowledge is obtained.
6. The scientific method includes
a) 5 steps;
b) 6 steps;
c) 4 steps.
7. Analysis of data and setting up of a tentative hypothesis is
a) the second step of the scientific method;
b) the third step of the scientific method;
c) the forth step of the scientific method.
8. If the hypothesis is discarded as the result of the test experiments
a) it is necessary to stop the work;
b) a new one will be set up;
c) a new theme will be chosen.
9. In coming to a conclusion about any hypothesis the true scientist is governed by
a) experimental evidence;
b) what he or anyone wants the results to be;
c) what the majority of people think about it.
10. The former science deals with
a) fundamental laws of outer space;
b) the application of knowledge in practice;
c) fundamental laws of nature.
Single Infinitive
Инфинитив – неопределённая форма глагола; отвечает на вопрос «что делать?» или «что сделать?». В английском языке показателем инфинитива является частица to.
Вид | Active | Passive |
Indefinite | to write | to be written |
Continuous | to be writing | - |
Perfect | to have written | to have been written |
Perfect Continuous | to have been writing | - |
Инфинитив в предложении может выполнять функции всех членов предложения: стоять на месте подлежащего, быть частью сказуемого, дополнением, определением, обстоятельством.
To operate this complex device is rather difficult (подлежащее).
Управлять (управление) этим сложным механизмом довольно трудно.
We hope to get new data in a week or two (дополнение).
Мы надеемся получить новые данные через неделю или две.
1) существительным;
2) неопределённой формой глагола;
3) придаточным предложением.
Следует обратить внимание на перевод инфинитива в функции определения – инфинитив в функции определения всегда стоит после определяемого существительного и переводится:
1. Определительным придаточным предложением, сказуемое которого выражает долженствование, возможность или будущеевремя (должен, может, будет…):
The gadget to be used in our work is to be well tested.
Прибор, который будет (нужно, можно) использовать в нашей работе, должен быть хорошо опробирован.
2. Неопределённой формой глагола, существительным:
The idea to use this new substance didn’t leave us.
Мысль использовать (об использовании) этого нового вещества не покидала нас.
3. Инфинитив после слов the first, the last и т. д. также является определением и переводится глаголом в том времени, в котором стоит глагол to be:
S. Kovalevskaya was the first among women to become a professor.
С. Ковалевская первой среди женщин стала профессором.
С. Ковалевская была первой среди женщин, кто стал профессором.
Обратите внимание на перевод инфинитива в функции обстоятельства цели: когда он стоит в начале предложения, то переводится на русский язык неопределённой формой глагола с союзом чтобы, для того чтобы или существительным с предлогом для.
To reinforce a bearing wall our engineers use steel constructions.
Чтобы (для того чтобы) усилить несущую стену, наши инженеры используют стальные конструкции.
Entry Test