Межелік және қорытынды бақылау сұрақтары
І аралық бақылау сұрақтары
1. Standard English vocabulary.
2. Neutral vocabulary.
3. Common colloquial vocabulary.
4. Common literary vocabulary.
5. Special literary vocabulary.
6. Poetic and highly literary words.
7. Terms.
8. Barbarisms and foreign words.
9. Archaic words.
10. Literary coinages.
11. Special colloquial vocabulary.
12. Professionalisms.
13. Slang.
14. Jargon.
15. Dialectal words.
16. Vulgarisms.
17. Colloquial coinages.
18. Phonetic expressive means.
19. Onomatopoeia.
20. Alliteration.
21. Rhyme.
22. Rhythm.
23. Lexical expressive means.
24. Metaphor.
25. Metonymy.
26. Simile.
27. The Epithet.
28. Irony.
29. Antonomasia.
30. Oxymoron.
31. Belles-letters style.
32. The language of poetry.
33. Emotive prose.
34. The language of drama.
35. The Language of Publicistic Style.
36. Oratory and Speeches.
37. The essay.
38. Articles.
ІІ аралық бақылау сұрақтары
1. Newspaper Style.
2. Brief news items.
3. Headlines.
4. Advertisements and announcements.
5. The editorial.
6. Scientific Prose Style.
7. The Style of Official Documents.
8. Lexical expressive means.
9. Zeugma. Euphemism.
10. Periphrases. Hyperbole.
11. The cliché.
12. Proverbs and sayings.
13. Epigrams.
14. Quotations.
15. Syntactical expressive means.
16. Rhetorical Questions.
17. Litotes.
18. Parallel Constructions.
19. Detached Constructions Interjections.
20. Exclamatory words.
21. Allusions.
22. Syntactical expressive means.
23. Decomposition of set phrases.
24. Stylistic inversion.
25. Chiasmus. Repetition.
26. Enumeration.
27. Suspense. Climax.
28. Antithesis. Asyndeton.
29. Polysyndeton.
30. The Gap-Sentence Link.
31. Ellipsis.
32. Break-in-the-narrative.
33. Question-in-the-narrative.
Емтихан сұрақтары
1. General notions of stylistics and style
2. The connection of stylistics with other branches of linguistics.
3. Functional styles of the English language.
4. Language varieties, registers, genres, discourses.
5. The language of literature and the language of non-literature.
6. The stylistic classification of the English vocabulary.
7. The main divisions of stylistically relevant language means.
8. The classification of tropes.
9. The effect created by a mixture of styles.
10. Syntactical expressive means, their classification.
11. Phonetical expressive means.
12. Morphological expressive means.
13. Graphical expressive means.
14. Publicistic styles and its substyles.
15. Scientific style. The language of drama.
16. Business (official) style. Poetical style.
17. The structure of an image, its semantics.
18. Stylistic use of phraseology.
19. Colloquial styles.
20. Represented speech.
21. Types of narration.
22. Rhythm of poetry and rhythm of prose.
23. Alliteration
24. Оnomatopoeia
25. Assonance, paronomasia.
26. Allegory, antonomasia.
27. Semantic structure of an English word.
28. Connotations.
29. Stylistic use of foreign words and archaisms.
30. Repetitions (different types).
31. Ellipses, one-member sentences, aposiopesis, apokoinou.
32. Climax.
33. Litotes.
34. Irony. Bathos.
35. Hyperbole.
36. Oxymoron.
37. Personification. Parenthesis.
38. Asyndeton, polysyndeton, gap-sentence link, coordination instead of subordination.
39. Zeugma and pun.
40. Antithesis and oxymoron.
41. Periphrasis and euphemism.
42. Epithet.
43. Detachment, parcellation, inversion.
44. Parallelism and chiasmus.
45. Simile, metaphor.
46. Metonymy, synecdoche.
47. Standard English vocabulary.
48. Neutral vocabulary.
49. Common colloquial vocabulary.
50. Common literary vocabulary.
51. Special literary vocabulary.
52. Poetic and highly literary words.
53. Terms.
54. Barbarisms and foreign words.
55. Archaic words.
56. Literary coinages.
57. Special colloquial vocabulary.
58. Professionalisms.
59. Slang.
60. Jargon.
61. Dialectal words.
62. Vulgarisms.
63. Colloquial coinages.
64. Phonetic expressive means.
65. Onomatopoeia.
66. Alliteration.
67. Rhyme.
68. Rhythm.
69. Lexical expressive means.
70. Irony.
71. Antonomasia.
72. Oxymoron.
73. Belles-letters style.
74. The language of poetry.
75. Emotive prose.
76. The language of drama.
77. The Language of Publicistic Style.
78. Oratory and Speeches.
79. The essay.
80. Articles.