In 1812 Polish biochemist Casimir Funk (to isolate) a complex of micronutrients and named them “vitamines”.
Exercise 14.Change the sentences as in the model (using Passive Voice instead of Active Voice):Model: Enzymes need copper for metabolizing. – Copper is needed by enzymes for metabolizing.
1. Iron delivers oxygen to the body’s cells.
2. Vitamins and minerals strengthen each other.
3. The skin creates vitamin D when it is exposed to sunlight.
4. The body absorbs iron through the help of vitamin C.
5. Polish scientist Casimir Funk made up a combination word "vitamine" from vital and amine.
6. Medical men used lipid from fish oil to cure rickets during the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
7. In 1881, Russian surgeon Nikolai Lunin studied the effects of scurvy.
8. Japanese scientist Umetaro Suzuki isolated the first vitamin complex in 1910.
Exercise 15. Translate the questions into English:
1. Який орган накопичує вітамін B12?
2. Хто був нагороджений Нобелівською премією за відкриття деяких вітамінів?
3. Що слід включати до раціону?
4. Скільки є водорозчинних вітамінів?
5. Які вітаміни не слід вживати щоденно?
6. Чому жиророзчинні вітаміни не вживають щоденно?
7. З яких джерел можна отримати вітаміни групи В?
8. За яких умов тіло може виробляти вітамін D?
Exercise 16. Put the sentences into the correct order to explain the term “vitamin”:
__Water soluble vitamins cannot be stored, with the exceptions of В12 and Folic Acid and must be ingested frequently for optimal health.
__Vitamins are classified as either water-soluble or fat-soluble.
__There are 13 universally recognized vitamins: 4 fat-soluble (A, D, E, and K) and 9 water-soluble (8 B vitamins and vitamin C).
__A vitamin is an organic compound that is needed in a small amount for normal growth and activity of the body.
__Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the body's fatty tissue, so they do not need to be ingested every day.
Exercise 17. Put the sentences into the correct order to explain the term “mineral”:
__For example, the body absorbs iron through the help of vitamin C and vitamin D helps the body absorb phosphorus and calcium.
__Minerals are essential for the nutrition of humans, animals, and plants.
__A mineral is an inorganic element, such as calcium, iron, potassium, sodium, or zinc.
__Vitamins and minerals not only help the body function, but they work to strengthen each other.
__There are 20 minerals, which play significant roles in the body.
Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (СРС)
I. Перекладіть словосполучення: різноманітні біохімічні функції органічна сполука виділяти з сечею підтримувати тканини тіла у достатній кількості споживати щоденно накопичуватися у жировій тканині підсилювати один одного виняток з правила приймати після їжі II. Дайте відповіді на питання: What vitamins can be synthesized in the body? How are vitamins classified? How many vitamins are universally recognized? How many minerals are there? How do vitamins and minerals strengthen and help each other? III. Розкрийте поняття: Вітамін, мінерал |
Healthy Food |
Exercise 1. Topic vocabulary:
beneficial, adj | [beni'fi∫(ə)l] | вигідний, корисний |
break down, v | [breik ′daun] | розбиватися |
combustion, n | [kəm'bΛst∫(ə)n] | окислення, горіння |
complicate, v | [ 'kɔmplikeit] | ускладнювати |
composition, n | [kəmpɔ'zi∫(ə)n] | склад |
digest, v | [dai'dƷest] | перетравлювати (їжу) |
enable, v | [i'neibl] | давати змогу |
fat, n | [fæt] | жир |
foodstuff, n | ['fu:dstΛf] | продукти харчування |
maintain, v | [mein'tein] | підтримувати,зберігати |
matter, n | [´mætə] | речовина |
repair, v | [ri'pεə] | відновлювати |
wear out, v | [´wεə ´aut] | зношуватися |
Exercise 2. Guess the meaning of the following words without using a dictionary:
Building, material, activity, produce, energy, constantly, mineral, salt, regulator, nature, absorb, diet, fruit, vegetable, protein, vitamin, organic, inorganic.
Exercise 3. a) Read and translate the following word combinations:
Activity:increasedactivity, mental activity, electrical activity, illegal activity, to stimulate activity
Repair:to repair easily, to try to repair, emergency repair, structural repair, vital repair, to make repair
Substance: harmful substance, poisonous substance, natural substance, pure substance, soluble substance, medicinal substance, to contain substance
Matter: complicated matter, living matter, sensitive matter, personal matter, important matter, legal matter, urgent matter
b) Make up short sentences using the above given word combinations:
Exercise 4. Read and translate the following word combinations:
Essential needs of the body, repair and growth of the tissues, extra building material, fuel supplies, essential foodstuffs, tissue activity, to produce the energy, living thing, digestive juices, blood stream, complicated compounds, plant and animal matter, to enter into the composition, saturated fat, to maintain diet.
Exercise 5. Translate into Ukrainian paying attention to Infinitives:
1. To be of use to the body foodstuffs must be digested and absorbed.
2. Other substances are necessary to enable the tissues to use the building materials.
3. Fuel is required to maintain the heat at which the individual exists.
4. Extra building material is required to build up the new tissue.
5. N.I.Pirogov was the first to use ether as anesthesia during operations.
6. To identify the virus serologic tests were made.
Exercise 6. Read and translate the text:
Foodis one of the essential needs of the body. All food is made up of nutrients which our bodies use. Substances which can serve as food for the body are those which it can use either as fuel for combustion, building material for the repair and growth of the tissues, and regulators of body activity. Fuel is required to produce the energy for the activities of every living thing and to maintain the heat at which the individual exists. Building materials are necessary to repair the body tissues, since they are constantly active and being worn out by their activities; in addition, in infants and children, extra building material is required to build up the new tissues needed for the processes of growth. Fuel supplies and building materials alone are, however, not enough. The vitamins and certain salts act as regulators of tissue activity.
There are six essential foodstuffs with which the body must be constantly supplied through the foods that we eat. These are:
1. Proteins.
2. Carbohydrates—i.e., starch and sugar.
3. Fats.
4. Water.
5. Mineral salts.
6. Vitamins.