Make up your own conversation using the vocabulary of the recording.
Here are some words and word combinations that you will hear in the recording. Make sure you know them.
available—свободный, незанятый
stone cold—совершенно холодный
short-staffed—недоукомплектованный (о штате работников)
burnt underneath—подгорелый снизу
overcharge smb — обсчитать кого-либо
I. Listening and comprehension tasks
Listen to the people complaining about the service at a restaurant and answer the questions that follow.
1. Who are the people making complaints?
a) a daughter and a father;
b) husband and wife;
c) two strangers.
2.Who are they making complaints to?
a) the owner;
b) the waiter;
c) the manager.
3.Who is going to check the bill?
a) the owner;
b) the waiter;
c) the manager.
4. What service charge will be paid?
a) none at all;
b) 4 pounds;
c) 40 pounds.
Choose the complaints from the dialogue.
soup not hot enough/too hot
steak undercooked/overcooked/tough/raw/soggy
wrong course/wrong dessert only
one fish course/only one dessert
no bill brought/overcharged
II. Language focus and auditory memory check
Fill in the prepositions or postpositions as in the dialogue.
l. Calm____ !
2.We're a bit short-staffed _ present.
3.Um, mainly___ illness.
4.I'll pass ____ your complaints _____ the people concerned.
5.1 don't feel satisfied__ it.
6. Can you check__ the bill again, please.
Give the English equivalents used in the recording for the following Russian sentences.
1. Что-то случилось? 2. Мне очень жаль! 3. Я посмотрю, свободен ли менеджер. 4. Это не оправдание. 5. Невероятно! 6. Очень сожалею об этом. 7. Нас обсчитали! 8. Я очень извиняюсь. 9. Нам совсем не понравилась еда.
III. Follow up activity
When did you have a meal at a cafe or a restaurant last? Did you like the service? Have you ever made complaints at any eating place? How would you behave if you were a manager and a visitor complained to you about the service or /and the food? (Act out the situation).
I. Pre-listening tasks
The italicized words in the following sentences will help you understand the recording. Try to guess the meaning of these words from the context.
1. Some parents spend a lot of time teaching their children goodmanners.They want them to have good behaviour at the dinner table and in public.
2. If you do not wear gloves when you plant flowers inthe dirt, you willhave dirty hands and fingernails.
3. Driving at night is difficult. Light from oncoming cars can impairthe driver's vision.
4. Little children love to play the game of peek-a-boo,hiding from adults and then looking around the corner for attention.
5. When you drink out of glass, your lips touch the rimof the glass.
6. City streets are often dirty and unsanitarybecause garbage isleft on them.
7. Wine glasses look more elegant than regular drinking glasses because they have long stems.
8. A quick way to wipe your mouth is to dabit with a napkin.
1.2. Match the words and expressions with their definitions and synonyms.
a. manners | 1. make it difficult to see |
b. fingernails | 2. habits or behaviours |
c. impair vision | 3. not clean; not healthy |
d. peek-a-boo | 4. top of a glass |
e. rim | 5. touch lightly and gently |
f. unsanitary g. stem | 6. thin bottom part of a wine glass |
h. dab | 7. small child’s hiding game |
8. the hard ends of the fingers |
Here some more new words and word combinations that you will hear in the recording.
decline – упадок, ухудшение
niceties of life – прелести жизни
sip of wine – глоток вина
at half-mast [ma:st] – в приспущенном состоянии
unsightly – некрасивый
annoying – раздражающий, беспокоящий
still (wine) – неигристое (о вине)
mar [ma:] – портить
drip – капать, стекать
peel off – (зд.) снять (этикетку)