Exercise 16. Translate the following sentences. Define the type of the Participle.
1. The doctor determined the size of the liver by means of palpation.
2. Carrying blood to and from the lungs the vessels of the pulmonary system dilate and contract simultaneously with the action of the heart.
3. Many small lobules connected by connective tissue and bands of vessels and nerves from the liver.
4. The blood passing through the portal vein is carried to the liver.
5. Being asked some questions about the attack of the cardiac pain the patient stated that it was particularly acute on physical exertion.
6. The changing condition of the patient became worse yesterday.
7. Having been relieved of all the painful symptoms the male patient fell asleep.
8. Having passed the final exam well, this student was offered an internship.
Exercise 17. Put questions to the underlined words:
1. First step in the digestive system takes place in the mouth.
2. The soft palate is a continuation of the soft tissues covering the hart palate.
3.The weight of the largest of the salivary glands is 28gr.
4. The liver consists of small lobules connected together by connective tissue, different vessels and nerves.
5. The duodenum is called so because its length measures about the length of twelve fingers.
6. The liver consisting of lobes is covered with a fibrous coat.
7. Foreign body that enters the alimentary tract can cause different problems.
8. Gastroendoscopy shows all the damages in the stomach.
Exercise 18. Open the brackets using the verb in the appropriate form:
1. The mechanical digestion of the food (to start) by the action of mastication and the wetting contact of saliva.
2. The esophagus (to line) with smooth muscle, which forces the food down the pipe to the stomach.
3. When food is swallowed, the stomach (to produce) hydrochloric acid.
4. The shape of the stomach (to change) when it delates and its borders greatly extend.
5. The liver (to play) a major role in metabolism and (to have) a number of functions in the body.
6. Discharged from the liver bile (to store) in the gallbladder.
7. 95% of absorption of nutrients (to occur) in the small intestine.
8. Waste material (to eliminate) from the rectum during defecation.
Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (СРС)
Перекладіть та вивчіть наступні словосполучення: 1. черевна порожнина 2. допоміжні органи 3. найбільша залоза в тілі людини 4. відігравати важливу роль в обміні речовин 5. товста та пряма кишки 6. ряд функцій в організмі 7. тонкостінна м'язова трубка 8. печінка та жовчний міхур Дайте відповіді на наступні питання: 1. What is the digestive system? 2. What does the alimentary tract consist of? 3. What is the stomach? 4. What is the function of the large intestine? 5. What is the function of the gallbladder? Поясніть наступні терміни: Травна система, шлунок, кишечник, печінка, травлення. |
The Anatomy and Physiology of the Urinary System |
Exercise 1.Topic vocabulary:
alert, v | [ə'lɜ:t] | попереджати |
breakdown, n | [‘bre͟ɪkdaʊn] | розпад |
consume, v | [kən'sjuːm] | вживати |
convey, v | [kən'vei] | перевозити, транспортувати |
extremity, n | [ɪk'stremətɪ] | полюс (нирки) |
expand, v | [ik'spænd] | розширювати |
renal pelvis, n | [ˈriːn(ə)l ’pɛlvɪs] | (ниркова) миска |
renal cortex, n | [ˈriːn(ə)l ˈkɔːtɛks] | коркова речовина нирки |
ureter, n | [juǝ'ri:tǝ] | сечовід |
urethra, n | [jʊǝˈriːθrə] | сечовипускальний канал, уретра |
Exercise 2. Read and translate into your native language:
Ureter: There are 2 ureters in the human body. Ureters convey urine from the kidneys.
Duct: bile duct, obstruction of the urinary ducts.
Convey: convey oxygen from the lungs, convey waste substances from the kidneys.
Urethra: Inflammation of urethra, the difference between male and female urethra. The urethra is the organ of the urinary system.
Urinary bladder: urinary bladder infection, rupture of the urinary bladder. Cystitis is an inflammation of the urinary bladder.
Kidney: two kidneys, inflammation of kidneys, kidney extremity, kidney infection, the enlarged boarders of the kidney.
Exercise 3. Form nouns with the help of suffixes:
–sion/-tion:tourinate, to secrete, to eliminate, to manifest, to expand.
-ment: to improve, to enlarge, to move, to attach, to achieve.
-ance: to appear, to differ, to depend, to maintain, to correspond.
Exercise 4. Translate the word-combinations into your native language:
An upper and lower extremity of the kidney; the renal medulla and the renal pelvis; a triangle-shaped organ; to hold in place by ligaments; to discharge urine from the body; soluble substances and waste products; to convey the urine from the kidneys; excess of water; walls relax and expand; to alert about the time to urinate; bacteria, viruses and fungi; to tighten and relax continually; breakdown of active tissues; to consume food; to eliminate waste substances from the body.
Exercise 5. Read and translate the text: