Sensory, sympathetic, automatic, receptor, reflex, neurons, cranial, central, grey matter, ganglion.
Exercise 11. Make special questions:
1. Stimuli pass through three or more afferent neurons.
2. Central nervous system controls all movements of voluntary muscles.
3. Vital functions are controlled by the brain.
4. Neurons are considered to be important components of nervous system.
5. The average adult human brain weighs about 1400 g.
6. Movement is due to nerve stimulus.
7. The cells communicate with each other by means of electrochemical waves.
8. The brain is thought to comprise five main parts.
Exercise 12. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form:
1. The central nervous system (to function) to send signals from one cell to others and to receive feedback.
2. Malfunction of the nervous system can (to occur) as a result of genetic defects, physical damage due to trauma or infection.
3. The medical specialty of neurology (to study) disorders of the nervous system and (to look) for interventions that can prevent or treat them.
4. In the peripheral nervous system, the most common problem (to be) the failure of nerve conduction such as multiple sclerosis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
5. Neuroscience (to be) the field of science that (to focus) on the study of the nervous system.
6. Motor neurons (to carry) signals from the grey matter of the CNS through the nerves of the peripheral nervous system to smooth, cardiac, or skeletal muscle tissue and (to move) a part of the body to respond to the stimulus.
7.A typical neuron (to have) a cell body and long arms that (to conduct) impulses from one body part to another.
8. Autonomic nervous system (to divide) into the sympathetic, parasympathetic, enteric nervous system.
Exercise 13. Arrange the sentences to make a definition of the central nervous system:
1.The cerebrum (brain) also controls the vital functions of the respiration and circulation, the controlling centers being located in the medulla.
2.The spinal cord is the portion of the central nervous system enclosed in the vertebral column, consisting of nerve cells and bundles of nerves connecting all parts of the body with the brain.
3. Central nervous system is the seat of all sensation due to the bringing in of the stimuli from the tissues by afferent fibers to the sensory centers of the brain.
4. The brain is the enlarged and highly developed mass of nervous tissue that forms the upper end of the central nervous system.
5. The brain is a complicated organ which consists of grey matter or nerve cells on the surface, and white matter or nerve fibers in the center.
Завдання для самостійної роботи студента (СРС)
I. Перекладіть словосполучення: спинний і головний мозок жмутик нервових закінчень безумовні рефлекси сіра речовина мозку подразник життєво важлива функція свідомість і пам’ять чутливі центри цілісна система головний і спинний мозок II. Дайте відповіді на запитання: What is the brain? What is the average weight of the human brain? What parts does the brain comprise? What is the most important part of the brain? What processes does CNS control? III. Розкрийте поняття: Головний мозок Центральна нервова система |
The Digestive System |
Exercise 1. Topical vocabulary:
absorption, n | [əbˈsɔːrpʃn] | поглинання |
alimentary tract, n | [ælɪˌment(ə)rɪ trækt] | травний тракт |
caecum, n | ['si:kəm] | сліпа кишка |
colon, n | ['koulən] | товста кишка |
decomposition, n | [ˌdiːkɒmpəˈzɪʃən] | розкладання |
digestion, n | [daɪˈdʒestʃən] | травлення |
duodenum, n | [dju:ou'di:nəm] | дванадцятипала кишка |
excretion, n | [ɪkˈskriːʃn] | виведення з організму продуктів життєдіяльності |
ileum, n | ['ɪlɪəm] | клубова кишка |
ingestion, n | [ˌɪnˈdʒestʃən] | прийом їжі |
jejunum, n | [dʒiːˈdʒuːnəm] | порожниста кишка |
length, n | [leŋθ] | довжина |
pancreas, n | ['pæŋkrɪəs] | підшлункова залоза |
portion, n | [’pɔ:rʃən] | частина, відділ |
rectum, n | ['rektəm] | пряма кишка |
salivary glands, n | ['sælɪvərɪ glænd] | слинні залози |
tube, n | [tju:b] | труба, трубка |