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Кафедра «Иностранные языки»

Уровень образовательной программы – АСПИРАНТУРА

Терминологический словарь

Б1.Б.2 Иностранный язык (английский)

Направление подготовки 09.06.01

«Информатика и вычислительная техника»

Профиль подготовки


(указывается наименование и код профиля подготовки)

Выполнил аспирант _____________________________

Проверил к.п.н., доц. О.А. Дёмина

Новосибирск – 20___ г.

Образец оформления термина в терминологическом словаре

Industry (n) - distinct group of productive or profit-making enterprises - manufacturing activity as a whole
  As a result, according to the World Bank, from 2001 to 2002 growth accelerated in the industries that export natural resources but slowed in those that produce goods for the home market. The property and telecoms industries in the Philippines may now undergo an invigorating consolidation. The effectiveness of SRA's relationship with Network Rail is critical as the industry strives to recover confidence and stability. Bowker does not belong to the school that argues for the structure of the industry to change. Despite EU Directive 91/440, which requires the separation of infrastruc­ture from train operations, in most countries the integrated nationalized railway industry remains the centrepiece. However, the authors came to feel some unease about whether these were producing standards which will best serve the long term interests of the industry. The Report concludes that this needs in particular an industry body, which is much stronger than the present AEIF structure, established to implement the interoperability directives. In a year of stabilization, the question remains whether there should be fewer players in the rolling stock industry to provide a worthwhile investment for shareholders. Many have argued that the indus­try's troubles have been exacerbated by subsidies keeping too many facto­ries open, when a normal industry shake-outwould have stripped out surplus capacity a long time ago. Only a few options exist to change the industry significantly. Some bits of the economy, such as a grow­ing software industry, are world-class, al­though admittedly they are still small.
  - branch of industry отрасль промышленности  
  domestic industry отечественная промышленность
  light/heavy industry легкая/тяжелая промышленность
  key industry ведущая отрасль
  related industry смежная отрасль
  develop / expand industry развивать промышленность

Пример объявления о виртуальной конференции

3rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference (ScieConf 2016)

On Advanced Research in Scientific Areas

Online research conference – multidisciplinary 25 - 29 March 2016

Conference web page: www.scieconf2016-conf.com
Please help us to share information about this conference - it is conference for researchers

Researching & Developing for humanity

Dear Colleague, It is my great pleasure to invite you for participation at the upcoming ScieConf 2016 (already in its 5th year). This International online Conference gives researchers a great opportunity to participate in the fully fledged, scientific and professional conference without physical attendance. The conference is fully supported by academic community and academic institutions and organized by non-for profit society. The ScieConf 2016 will run continuously during March 25 to 29, 2016 at conference portal www. scieconf 2016-conf.com.

We are inviting you to submit original and previously unpublished papers written in valid formal English(scholarly work) and addressing research challenges and advances in your scientific field

Conference ScopeInternational Scientific Conference (ScieConf) 2016 proposes a multidisciplinary forum for online (virtual) meeting of researchers, PhD students and practitioners. We specially invite Junior Scientists. This CFP (Call for Papers) contains information about important dates and Conference main tracks.

ScieConf 2016 Online Conference Dates: March 25-29, 2016

Submit Manuscript to: [email protected]

Abstract Submission Date: January 10, 2016

Full Paper Submission Date: January 30, 2016

Early Bird Discount Date: December 30, 2015

Submission deadline: February 4, 2016

Extended Submission Deadline: 4 March 2016

Notification of Authors (acceptance): 15 March 2016

Official online Conference opening: 25 March 2016

ScieConf 2016 announced best paper award: The 3 best papers from all sections will receive symbolic financial support for research (read more).

The multidisciplinary character of the conference proposes interesting opportunity for researchers to receive different view on their work. Prospective authors are invited to submit papers in any of the following areas (Conference Main Tracks):

Business , Management and Marketing, Economics Studies
Engineering & Technology Studies

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