To understand the grammar of the sentence, you must break it _______into parts

A) up

B) off

C) out

D) down

E) to

60. What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has _________?

A) put out

B) held up

C) given out

D) used up

E) give up


Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімдеріне арналған тест сұрақтары

нұсқа (Variant )

1. – Let us go for a film show. What do you say?

-- ___________.

A) No, I would not

B) I did not say anything

C) Yes, I would

D) All right

E) No problem

2. _______ the story or won’t you?

A) Do you tell

B) Can you tell

C) Would you tell

D) Will you tell

E) you tell

3. —What sort of car shall I get?


A) Get on English

B) Do not get an English one

C) Get none English

D) Do not get any one English

E) Did not get an English one

4. Our classmates played best on their own ground,___________?

A) did not they

B) did not it

C) did it

D) did they

E) do not they

5. Please give me your honest opinion,_________?

A) do you

B) is it

C) have you

D) will you

E) you have

6. Would you like that, __________?

A) do not you

B) would not you

C) did not you

D) had not you

E) would you not

7. __________ wonderful the Great Wall is!

A) What

B) What a

C) How a

D) How

E) Which

8. — Hi, Have not seen you for ages !You look fine!

--__________.You look well, too.

A) Oh , no

B) Great

C) Just fine

D) Thanks

E) It is good

9. — What do you want to do next fall?

-- Next what? I, m sorry________.

A) I do not know

B) I know only a little English

C) It is just impossible to understand

D) I did not know what was happening

E) I do not quite follow you

10. --- You have not been to Astana? Have you?

---_________ how I wish to go there!

A) Yes, I have

B) No , I have not

C) Yes , I have not

D) No , I have

E) No, did not

It was about 600 years ago ________the first clock with a face and hour hand was made.

A) until

B) before

C) when

D) _

E) that

At the door before entering please .

A) Knock

B) Knocked

C) To knock

D) Knocking

E) Be knocked

13. _________ can you expect to get a pay rise.

A) With hard work

B) Although work hard

C) Now that he works hard

D) Only with hard work

E) Only after hard work

The pair of glasses with a metal frame _________ beautiful but expensive.

A) are

B) is

C) was

D) were

E) _

More than one person _______ the strange star that night.

A) was watching

B) were watching

C) is watching

D) are watching

E) to watching

The manager or his secretary ______ to give you an interview.

A) is

B) are

C) were

D) have

E) was

The rich________ always happy.

A) is not

B) are not

C) was not

D) were not

E) have not

Nienty percent of the work ________been done.

A) is

B) are

C) have

D) has

E) was

19. Use your head , ________ you will work it out.

A) so

B) but

C) for

D) it

E) and

I want to buy the jacket, ___________ I have not enough money with me.

A) so

B) or

C) but

D) for

E) and

You_______ I am going to help Tom.

A) Not, but

B) Not only, and

C) Each, and

D) Either , or

E) Not , Either

The soldier was wounded, ________ he pushed on.

A) for

B) and

C) so

D) yet

E) to

23. ---Do you know Jim quarreled with his classmate?

---No, ________.

A) nor do not I came

B) nor do I care

C) i do not care neither

D) i do not care also

E) i do not know

He is teacher, _________a singer as well.

A) but

B) or

C) and

D) _

E) nor

Should a man have courage, ________ he should have wisdom and knowledge.

A) Neither, nor

B) Not only , but

C) Either , or

D) Both, and

E) And ,but

We had studied English for only one year ,_________ we can perform English short plays already.

A) yet

B) and

C) for

D) or

E) but

The work was difficult, ______, he finished it on time.

A) but

B) otherwise

C) there for

D) however

E) never

She could not understand was_______ fewer and showed their interest in her lesson.

A) That , what

B) What, because

C) What, why

D) Why, what

E) _ ,what

Comes the bus.

A) That

B) It

C) This

D) There

E) These

These days is it necessary for women to wear veils.

A) Not longer

B) Not more

C) No longer

D) No more

E) More

Not only did he complain about the food, _________ refused to pay for it.

A) but also did he

B) also will he

C) he also

D) also he will

E) also he

32. ________ but we fall every time.

A) Often have we tried that test

B) We have tried often that test

C) We have tried that test often

D) We often have tried that test

E) We has tired often that test

Hardly had the plane landed ______the news reporters ran toward it.

A) before

B) after

C) until

D) when

E) under

34. _______ the plane took off did I get to the airport.

A) until

B) when

C) till

D) not until

E) before

35. _________ we should go on a picnic.

A) If the weather will be fine

B) The weather be fine

C) Should weather be fine

D) Would weather be fine

E) The weather fine

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