How I Spend Free Time
My day off (or free day) is Sunday. I like this day very much. On Sunday I get up later than usually, at 9 o'clock, for I needn't hurry anywhere.
The greater part of Sunday I spend for leisure. Sometimes I switch on TVand choose the program I like best. Also I see video films with a video recorder. Television helps me to see a lot of interesting things: thrilling movies, different lands and countries, outstandingpeople, sport games, variety performances, entertaining shows. If I want to go out, I usually go to the cinema(if a good film is on) or to discotheques. There are a lot of them in Moscow and it is often very difficult for me to decide where to go in the evening. Sometimes I join my friends and we go to a rockor popconcert to danceand see a great star.
On my days off I also like to be out of town, if the weather is fine. I meet a friend or two and we find a nice place somewhere in the forest or on the bank of the river. On the beach we lie in the sun, play different gamesandswim. In winter my friends and I prefer to go skiing. This is my favourite kind of sport. I also like to play football and watch football games on TV – I am a real football fan.
If the weather is bad or I don’t want to go anywhere, I stay at home, read books and newspapers, watch TV or visit one of my friends. I am not fond of theatre, but my sister is. She likes to go to the theatreto see a play, operaor ballet, but she is interested in rock' n’ roll music as well. Sometimes we go together to a concert hall or to the circus.
And of course every now and then we receive guests at our place or go for a walk to have some fresh air. I enjoy my days off as much as I can.
drama– игра в театре
photography[fә`tפּ:grәfi] – фотография, фотографирование
painting– живопись
pottery– гончарное дело
story writing– сочинение рассказов, литературные опыты
making videos– видеосъемка
golf– гольф
hand-gliding[`hæŋ`glaidiŋ] –дельтапланеризм(hand-glider–дельтаплан)
(horse) riding– верховая езда
gardening– садоводство
collecting stamps– коллекционирование марок
playing the guitar[gi`tα:] – игра на гитаре
reading books– чтение книг
climbing[`klaimiŋ] - скалолазание (to climb[`klaim] – карабкаться, взбираться)
badminton[`bædmintən] – бадминтон
watching TV– просмотр телепрограмм
playing computer games– игры на компьютере
drinking alcohol[`ælkәhפּl] – употребление алкогольных напитков
smoking– курение
taking drugs– употребление наркотиков
fighting– драка, рукоприкладство