Прийменники напряму та руху

to – до, в Не moved tothis town a year ago. Він переїхав до цього міста рік тому
into – в Не came intothe house. Він увійшов у будинок
out of – з Не went outof the house. Він вийшов з будинку
from – від Не walked fromthe house to the road. Він пройшов від будинку до дороги
towards – до Не is walking towardsthe post-office. Він іде до пошти
across – через Не is going acrossthe street. Він іде через вулицю
long – по, вздовж Cars run alongthe street. Машини їздять по вулиці
up – на (вверх) They drive up the hill. Вони в'їжджають на гору
down – з (вниз) Then they go downthe other side. Потім вони спускаються з іншого боку
onto – на The boy climbed ontothe roof. Хлопчик заліз на дах
off – з   Не jumped offthe roof. Він зістрибнув з даху

Прийменники часу

at – о They arrived at 4 o'clock. Вони приїхали о четвертій годині
in – через, в Не was born in1952, inFebruary. Він народився в 1952 році, у лютому. Не will be back inan hour. Він повернеться через годину
by – до   Не will be back by Friday. Він повернеться до п'ятниці
on – у, в   We are leaving onMonday, on May,1. Ми від'їжджаємо в понеділок, першого травня. Не is always busy on weekends. Він завжди зайнятий у вихідні дні
till (untill) – до   They are leaving till August. Вони від'їжджають до серпня

8 Translate the following:

1We attend lectures in Biology on Mondays. 2 The third-year students have their practice in March. 3 They have practical training from the beginning of February till the end of March. 4 We shall finish our work before five o'clock. 5 This doctor continued his work after dinner. 6 They started their work before nine o'clock. 7 My father will come home by six o’clock. 8 During the last year he learned French hard.

9 Complete the sentences with prepositions:

1 We're meeting … the clock tower … North Street … 8 o'clock this evening. 2 I went shopping … town … Friday afternoon. 3 We're thinking … going … the concert … Saturday. Are you interested … coming? 4 She's been studying … the University … Manchester … the past three years. 5 He had great difficulty … finding a job when he was living … the north of England. 6 They live … 148 Dyke Road. Their flat is … the second floor. 7 We took a lot of photographs … our visit … Rome last summer. 8 … my opinion they show too many old films … TV. 9 They went away … holiday … the end of last week. 10 They've been staying … the International Hotel … Oxford Street … they arrived … England. 11 He's suffered … bad headaches … he had the accident. 12 At first I didn't want to go swimming in the river, but … the end I changed my mind. 13 My brother worked … a tourist guide … London … three months … the summer. 14 I found an old photograph … the floor … the bed … my room. 15 When she was a child, she dreamt … being a famous dancer. 16 I'm not very good … making decisions. 17 You can depend … him to arrive … time; he's never late.18 We've arranged to meet … a cafe … a drink … 9 o'clock this evening. 19 I have a very good relationship … my sister. 20 There is no need … you to worry … me. I'll be all right.

10 Complete the sentences using the most suitable prepositions:

l I was sitting … the driver in the back seat of the car. 2 A tall man was sitting … me at the cinema and I couldn't see much of the film. 3 There is a shoe shop … the chemist's and the library. 4 We walked … the stairs to the top floor, then we walked to the bottom again. 5 What time did you arrive … work yesterday? 6 Who was the first person to swim … the Atlantic? 7 There was a woman sitting … the driver … the front passenger seat of the car. 8 We're flying … Paris … Amsterdam tomorrow. We arrive … Amsterdam … 6.00. 9 I got … the cinema late and missed the beginning of the film. 10 There's a post office right … my office. You can see it from my window. 11 The burglars got into the building by climbing … a window. 12 We were driving … the road looking for a petrol station for about half an hour. 13 We walked … the bridge to the other side of the river. 14 The dog jumped … the wall into someone's garden. 15 When the bus came I put out my hand, but it just went … me without stopping. 16 We couldn't see the man's face because he was standing with his back … us.

11 Fill in the prepositions where it is necessary:

1 The patient has been suffering ... congestive heart failu­re ... 1980. 2 Constant overstrain resulted ... an extreme weakness and heart trouble. 3 A severe anginal pain resulted ... functional derangement of ischemic myocardium. 4 Acute myocardial infarction may result ... a prolonged history ... angina pectoris. 5 We are looking forward … meeting you here next week. 6 Hemoglobin combines readily … oxygen. 7 We have arrived … an interesting conclusion. 8 Blood platelets are also referred … as thrombocytes. 9 As a doctor, you will be interested … the patient’s ESR. 10 Do you know what rhesus incompatibility may lead … during pregnancy? 11 Blood may be tested … presence of pathogenic microorganisms or a series of biochemical substance. 12 He is very good … mathematics, yet totally incapable … understanding the rules of grammar. 13 Are you aware … the fact that fibrinogen is responsible … blood clotting? 14 Vegetable diet is inferior … protein diet.

12 Fill in the blanks with prepositions if necessary:

1 My parents lived in Germany ... 1978 ... 1980. 2 I was unwell... the evening … September 3rd. 3 Some … our students worked ... the farm ... last summer. 4 I don't see you ... this photograph. 5 Who lives ... 7 Shevchenko Street? 6 We used to meet... every Sunday. 7 You must come ... time or I'll have to report … your unpunctuality to the Manager. 8 People seldom go out... night. 9 My birthday is ... January 16th. 10 He rang me up ... the early morning. 11 I don't like to sit ... the first row. 12 What are you doing ... this afternoon? 13 Who is coming to dinner ... Christmas Day? 14 I stood ... the rain waiting for her. 15 They will come .... one day ... next month. 16 Peter was operated on ... the day before yesterday. He is still ... the hospital. 17 Who is that girl sitting... your mother and your aunt? 18 The poem is ... page 15. 19 How long have you been living ... this street? 20 There were no clouds ... the sky. 21 It happened ... the afternoon of September 2nd. 22 They were here... the previous evening. 23 He was away ... three weeks ... the summer.

13 Fill in the prepositions where it is necessary:

1 The character and severity ... symptoms depend ... the character and dose ... the irritant. 2 Onset may be sudden ... malaise, anorexia, nausea and varying degrees ... prostration. 3 The abdomen is usually distended … tenderness more common ... the lower quadrant. 4 Acute gastroenteritis may be caused ... excessive indulgence ... alcohol, allergy ... certain ingredients ... food. 5 Esophagus is a muscular tube extending ... the pharynx ... the stomach. 6 The most common symptom is a series ... attacks … bloody diarrhea that vary ... severity and duration ... one person ... another. 7 The most serious complications are associated ... a sudden attack ... bloody diarrhea. 8 Treatment ... corticosteroids ... mouth and as enemas may also be necessary. 9 A multiplicity ... operations is available ... the treatment ... peptic ulcer disease. 10 There is little doubt that bleeding ... a chronic gastric ulcer ... unassociated ... duodenal ulcer is best controlled ... subtotal gastric resection.

14 Put in a proper preposition after/before/during/while:

1 … you cross the street always look both way. 2 … coming home he took off his coat and went to the bedroom. 3 … the lecture everybody was making notes. 4 … cooking the meals she used to listen to music. 5 … I read the text a second time, I understood it better. 6 … my examination session I’m very nervous. 7 She thought … blaming him for his behaviour. 8 … we had supper we went for a walk. 9 … working he used to smok. 10 Phone me … I go out. 11 … we were in Paris we visited many sights there. 12 I try to smoke less … the last two days.

15 Supply the correct adverbs and prepositions where necessary:

1 Hemophilia – a recessively transmitted condition characterized … excessive hemorrhage … very trivial injuries and prolonged coagulation (and normal bleeding) time; occurring … … … males, … transmitted … the female (by, although, in, only, practically, by, from, by). 2 Sickle-cell anemia – a hemolytic anemia of dominant inheritance, … characterized … the presence of sickle-shaped erythrocytes, occurring … … in negroes (almost, exclusively, mainly, by). 3 Dystrophy – any disorder of a tissue or organ, but … of muscle and bone, resulting … a nutritional defect … the tissue concerned (especially, from, in, by).

16 Fill in the blanks with prepositions, where it is necessary:

1 The products of digestion are absorbed ... capillaries in the intestinal wall and carried in the hepatic portal vein … capillaries … the liver. 2 The blood leaves alone the hepatic vein … join the inferior vena cava and pass … the heart. 3 Liver cells also manufacture … proteins and lipids. 4 Unwanted proteins are destroyed and changed... urea. 5 … addition, the liver destroys many poisonous substances. 6 Iron and several other minerals are also stored ... the liver. 7 The liver is a complex organ that can be disrupted ... a number of disorders. 8 Many disorders do not produce any symptoms ... they have reached an advanced stage. 9 Bile salts and bilirubin are formed ... the liver. 10 Each lobule is surrounded … capillaries … hepatic portal vein and the hepatic artery.

17 Fill in the prepositions where it is necessary:

Cystitis rarely is a primary condition. It usually is a secondary ... an infection of the kidney, prostate or urethra. The bladder epithelium normally is highly resistant ... infection. Following major surgical procedures, childbirth and prolonged bed rest, lowered resistance, plus inadequate bladder emptying, predispose to the development ... cystitis.

Pathology may vary ... slight increase … vascularity of the trigonal region … generalized oedema and ulceration. Cystitis … long duration may produce a thick walled, contracted bladder … small capacity. Calcareous incrustations ... the epithelium result … chronic infections due … the urea splitting bacteria. Pain is present … the anterior and side regions. Chills, fever and systemic manifestations, when present, may be … bacterium. Symptoms and signs are the same ... chronic cystitis, but are … lesser degree.

18 Translate the sentences paying particular attention to the combination keep + preposition:

1 Visitors are requested to keep away while the influenza epidemic persists. 2 It is difficult to establish the diagnosis if you keep back the important facts of your family history. 3 Insecticides have helped to keep away mosquitoes. 4 He tried to keep in with the head surgeon by doing him special favours. 5 She was advised to keep off spicy food lest there should be a relapse of nephritis. 6 Keep on talking to the patient; it may help him psychologically. 7 Please keep out of the maternity hospital nursery in order to keep out possible infection. 8 I hope you will excuse my not keeping to the subject of my lecture, though I will keep to my promise to give you a comprehensive view of the problem. 9 Unless we keep together, we’ll never be able to face the dangers of the situation. 10 If we keep up resuscitation efforts, the patient’s circulation may be restored to normal. 11 I didn’t mean to keep you up, but there was an emergency operation, which I had to perform. 12 Medical science is pacing at such a rate nowadays that it is almost impossible to keep up with what is published on one’s own subject. 13 The upkeep of a modern hospital with sophisticated equipment is extremely expensive.

Складені прийменники

according to – відповідно до, згідно з in front of – перед, напроти
because of–з-за, через in order to– для того щоб
by means of– за допомогою in spite of – незважаючи на
due to– через, внаслідок instead of – замість того, щоб
in addition to– на додаток до owing tо– внаслідок, завдяки
in case of–щодо, на випадок thanks to– завдяки

19 Translate the following sentences:

1 According to the information received by us the delegation will arrive tomorrow. 2 They did not come here because of the rain. 3 They will build this house by means of cranes. 4 He achieved good results due to his hard work. 5 We are sending you this letter in addition to our telegram. 6 In front of our house one can see a big park. 7 In case of your illness ring up the doctor. 8 In order to fulfill their plan they worked hard. 9 They finished their work in time in spite of all difficulties. 10 Give me the red pencil instead of the black one. 11 They could not get there in time owing to a severe storm. 12 Thanks to her help we finished our work in time.

20 Translate the following:

1 The doctor finished the examines of patients in time in spite of all difficulties. 2 The X-ray room is on the first floor just in front of the laboratory. 3 This diagnosis was made by means of a computing machine. 4 Give me the big syringe instead of this small one. 5 The surgeon performed some operations by means of new instruments. 6 He went to his work in spite of the fact that he had a bad cold. 7 This therapeutist examines many patients by means of new methods. 8 Instead of being in bed the patient walked in the garden. 9 This patient’s bed was in front of the door. 10 Mr. Smith is absent today in view of his illness.

21 Put in a proper preposition at/of/in/on/for/with:

1 Are you pleased … your results at the exam? 2 I am awfully sorry … my being late. 3 He is good … maths but rather bad … languages. 4 She is so strange, she is afraid … everything. 5 They really like sport. They are keen … it. 6 He is fond … economics. He is really interested … it. 7 Paris is famous … its numerous museums. 8 Children usually get bored … adult’s conversations. 9 He is interested … computers and qualified … programming. 10 Why is he angry … us? – I have no idea. 11 I’m short … money. Can you lend me some? 12 I think they are leaving tonight, but I’m not sure … it. 13 Have a good time. Take care … yourself. 14 It was a weekend when we came there and all hotels were overcrowded … people. 15 I don’t know who is responsible … this part of work.

22 Match the English prepositional phrases from a) with their equivalents from b):

a) at midnight; at the end of January; in early September; in the day-time; on a cold winter day; on the day of their arrival; this time tomorrow; in three weeks; at Christmas; late in the evening; since 1990; from Monday till Friday; before breakfast; in the past; in youth; on my day off; at noon; at dinner; during that week; for a month; for ages; until six; by now; by spring; in/after a minute; on arrival; since dawn; on Sunday morning; at Easter; next Monday;

b) в минулому; з 1990 року; в кінці січня; на Пасху; в молодості; о півночі; в холодний зимній день; с понеділка до п’ятниці; наступного понеділка; через три тижні; на початку вересня; через хвилину; перед сніданком; після прибуття; о півдні; вдень; на Різдво; пізно ввечері; до весни; зі світанку; ціла вічність; за обідом; в день їх прибуття; недільним ранком; завтра в цей час; до шести; протягом того тижня; до теперішнього часу; у мій вихідний день; протягом місяця.

23 Match the sentence beginnings on the left with the endings on the right:

1 Why are you a) he will come in time.
2 Everybody b) was surprised by the news.
3 Were you c) at me like this?
4 I am sure d) angry with me?
5 Florence e) on your success on your birthday.
6 Why are you looking f) disappointed with your exam results?
7 I congratulate you g) rely on him.
8 Did you translate the text h) tea to coffee in the evening.
9 I prefer i) her to help?
10 How much money do you j) to me for his behaviour.
11 Did you thank k) looking forward to your holiday?
12 He is a good friend. I can l) live on it.
13 George’s salary is low. He can’t m) is famous for its art treasures.
14 He apologized n) spend on food each week?
15 Are you o) from English into Russian?

24 Answer the following questions:

1 Where is Ukraine situated? 2 Where are bridges built? 3 Where can we find an unknown word? 4 Where do we make notes, reading an article? 5 Where do you usually write the address? 6 Where do you like to spend your holidays? 7 Where does the sun rise/set? 8 Where is it pleasant to stay when the weather is nasty? 9 Where do people go when they are ill? 10 Where do you go when you want to see a movie? 11 Where is Sumy State University situated? 12 Where do your grandparents live? 13 Where is a TV-set in your living-room? 14 Where do you usually cook your meal? 15 Where do you usually get ready for your classes? 16 Where do you usually go when you want to relax?

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