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Chapter 3. Adjectives. Adverbs. Degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs

В англійській мові прикметники (Adjectives) та прислівники (Adverbs) тісно пов’язані один з одним і мають багато спільного.

Існує декілька способів утворення прикметників та прислівників.

І Так, наприклад, багато похідних прикметників утворюється за допомогою суфіксів та префіксів, що надають їм нового значення. Розглянемо детальніше:

1 Суфікси

-ful – надає значення «повноти якості», наприклад:

beautiful– повний краси, гарний;

-able (-ible) –має значення «здатний, можливий», наприклад:

capable– здатний на що-небудь, обдарований; eligible –прийнятний, що має право;

-less –цей суфікс означає «відсутність якості», а також відповідає українським префіксам «без-», «не-», наприклад:

careless – безробітний;hopeless –безнадійний;

-al – цей суфікс утворює багато прикметників від іменників, наприклад:

formal– формальний, офіційний;

normal –нормальний;

-y –часто утворює якісні прикметники зі значенням «має цю властивість», наприклад:

muddy– брудний, вимазаний; healthy –здоровий;

-ive –відповідає українському суфіксу «-ив» та утворює прикметники від дієслів, наприклад:

active –активний;

-ic – утворює прикметники від іменників, наприклад:

magnetic– магнітний, привабливий;

-ent (-ant) – має різні значення, наприклад:

prudent– розсудливий, observant– наглядовий, current– поточний;

-ing – цей суфікс вживається для того, щоб виразити якість того, чим людина займається, наприклад:

interesting– цікаве, tiring– стомлююче;

-ed – цей суфікс вживається для того, щоб виразити ставлення людини до того, чим вона займається, наприклад:

interested– зацікавлений, tired –стомлений.

2 Префікси

un-, ir-, il-, dis-, im-, in-, anti- – префікси, що надають негативного значення. Наприклад:

unsafe – небезпечний, irregular – неправильний, illegal – незаконний, dishonest – нечесний,

immobile – нерухомий, incorrect – неправильний, antisocial – нетовариський.

Для більш детальної інформації див. розд. 12.

ІІ Більшість прислівників утворено від прикметників за допомогою суфікса -ly.

1 З точки зору правопису є правило, згідно з яким прикметники, що закінчуються на букву -у, набувають закінчення -ily. Наприклад:

easy -easily( легкий – легко),

happy– happily(щасливий – щасливо).

2 Прикметники, що закінчуються на -le, для перетворення у прислівник, набувають закінчення -у.Наприклад:

simple– simply(простий – просто).

3) Однак існує багато й інших прислівників, що не вкладаються в рамки цього правила і часто збігаються з прикметниками. Наприклад:

long – довгий/довго, near – близький/близько, late – пізній/пізно.

1 Read the following adverbs, find their Ukrainian equivalents. Try to memorize them:

When, where, why; always, never, sometimes, occasionally, often, seldom, twice; now, then, soon, still, today, yet, lately, early, by, down, here, there, downstairs, near, up, nowhere; coldly, fast, deep, hard, quickly, badly, well, happily; certainly, surely, perhaps, definitely; naturally, rather, quite, enough, too, very, hardly, nearly, so, really, almost.

2 Form the adverbs from the following adjectives by the suffix -ly. Give their Ukrainian equivalents:

Polite, happy, complete, just, real, nice, gay, recent, right, bad, quick, wide, deep, attentive, extreme, high, gentle, careful, close, sharp, loud, simple, hot, strict, uncomfortable, serious, snow, wonderful, warm, exact.

3 State whether the words in italics are adjectives or adverbs:

1 It’s getting late. 2 The Times is a daily paper. 3 She’s a lovely, friendly, lively person. But she seems lonely. 4 It doesn’t seem lovely that your children will be ugly. 5 Look straight ahead. 6 The postman’s early. 7 She speaks English very well. 8 We have monthly meetings. 9 Don’t talk so loud. 10 If you’ve got a fast car, why don’t you drive fast? 11 If you want me to work hard, you’ll have to pay me more. 12 This is the wrong way. 13 The train arrived late. 14 I can’t stand loud noises. 15 Don’t be so silly. 16 I am very well, thanks. 17 I get paid monthly. 18 Try to come home early. 19 He led us wrong. 20 Turn right here.

4 Choose a proper adverb to complete the sentences below:

1 I think you’re working too … . You need a holiday. 2 She sang … . 3 You speak German … – just like a German. 4 Please talk … . I don’t want the baby to wake up. 5 She had no problems at all with the exam. She passed it … . 6 Don’t drive so .. . It’s dangerous. 7 I understood what to do because she explained everything very … . 8 Please carry the glasses … . They were very expensive. 9 She didn’t cry or scream. She just listened very … when I told her the terrible news. 10 I asked him very … but he refused.

5 Supply the right word:

A) still, yet, already

1 Are you in the same job? 2 He’s seventeen, but he’s married. 3 Has Susan arrived? 4 Have you written that letter? 5 9 a. m., and it’s dark! 6 4 p.m., and it’s dark! 7 Have you had breakfast? 8 Look – it’s raining. 9 I haven’t met your brother. 10 Is she in that little flat? 11 I’m bored with my new job. 12 You should go to Scotland. – We’ve been. 13 Why are you in bed? 14 I haven’t received an invitation to the party. 15 I’ve received in invitation to the party. 16 I am waiting for my new passport. 17 She’s only been here a week and she knows all the neighbours. 18 This machine is out of date. 19 Is Masha in hospital?

B) such, so

1 It was … hot weather that nobody could do any work. 2 The book is … boring that I want to stop reading it. 3 I didn’t know that you had … nice friends. 4 It was … a good film that I went to see it three times. 5 And their garden is … beautiful. 6 His voice is … pleasant that I could listen to him all day. 7 They’ve got ... a nice house that I always love staying there. 8 I wish you wouldn’t drive … fast. 9 The canteen served … bad food that nobody could eat it. 10 I was … tired that I went to sleep standing up. 11 He’s … a nice person that everybody likes him. 12 He’s … glad to see me. 13 It’s … dark that I can’t see my hand in front of my face. 14 It was … a boring lecture that I couldn’t keep my eyes open. 15 This language is … difficult that foreigners can’t learn it.

c) very, too, very much (two variants may be possible)

1 I can see that you are … worried about it. 2 I get … confused when people shout at me. 3 She doesn’t think my work is … good. 4 If you think that, you are … mistaken. 5 The coffee is … hot and I can’t drink it. 6 The coffee is … hot but I can drink it. 7 I hear Jack has been .. ill. 8 He hasn’t got … much money. 9 She’s … intelligent to believe that! 10 I didn’t enjoy the meal … 11 I can’t afford it. It’s … expensive. 12 We were … late, but we just got the train. 13 We were … late, so we missed our train. 14 I was … shocked to hear about the accident. 15 Are you thirsty? – Yes, … 16 How are you feeling? – Not … well, I’m afraid. 17 Do you spend much time on it? – Yes, … much. 18 I waited till the … end of the film. 19 John is a … nice man.

D) too, also, either

1 I like cycling and I like driving, … . 2 She can act and she can ... sing. 3 He writes novels and he … writes TV scripts. 4 I don’t swim and I don’t run, … . 5 I can’t knit and I can’t sew, … . 6 Billy can already read and he can write, … . 7 I play volleyball and I … play tennis. 8 The coffee is freshly-made and it’s hot … . 9 I don’t know and I don’t care … . 10 Susan is an engineer. She’s … a mother. 11 I know John well and I like him, … . 12 He runs a restaurant and a hotel, … . 13 I don’t want to buy this jacket. It’s badly-made and … expensive. 14 Don’t drink tea and don’t drink coffee, … .

E) even or only

1 He plays tennis … in the rain. 2 I … liked the first part of the concert. 3 … a child could understand it! 4 … You could do a thing like that. 5 She … gets up at six on Sundays. 6 They’ve … lived here for a few weeks. 7 They’ve lived here … a few weeks. 8 He can … speak Chinese. 9 I work every day, … on Sundays. 10 … my brother understand me. 11 You can borrow it, but … for a few minutes. 12 They do everything together. They … brush their teeth together. 13 … his wife knew that he was ill. 14 Hello! It’s … me. 15 … the cat thinks you’re stupid.

6 Rewrite the sentences choosing the correct word (adjective or adverb):

1 This music is too loud/loudly. We can’t talk. 2 She played bad/badly and she lost the game. 3 We waited patient/patiently for the letter but it never came. 4 Please don’t be angry/angrily with him. 5 She ask intelligent/intelligently question. 6 The children are playing together very nice/nicely today. 7 She’s a very warm/warmly person and everyone likes her. 8 She surprised me when she opened the door sudden/suddenly. 9 You speak English very good/well. 10 It’s dangerous/dangerously to swim in the sea here.

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