Ex 3. Read the words paying attention to the pronunciation of endings


Педагогический институт

Погребная И.Ф., Степанова Е.Н., Добрицкая А.В.

  Ex 3. Read the words paying attention to the pronunciation of endings - student2.ru


Учебное пособие

по практике устной и письменной речи английского языка

для студентов 1 курса стационара и ОЗО

факультета лингвистики и словесности

отделения иностранных языков ПИ ЮФУ


УДК 811.111 (075)

ББК 81.2 Англ.-923

П 43

Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета

Педагогического института Южного федерального университета

(протокол № от 2011 г.)

Ответственный редактор:

Кандидат филологических наук, доцент Погребная И.Ф.


доктор филологических наук, профессор Муругова Е.В.

доктор филологических наук, профессор Ласкова М.В.

И.Ф. Погребная, Е.Н. Степанова, А.В. Добрицкая

A Focus on Communication Skills (Part 1): Учебно-методическое пособие по практике устной и письменной речи английского языка для студентов 1 курса факультета лингвистики и словесности ПИ ЮФУ. – Ростов-на-Дону: ИПО ПИ ЮФУ, 2011. – 155 с.

Настоящее пособие предлагает тексты и задания для обогащения словарного запаса, развития и совершенствования профессиональных умений и навыков устной и письменной речи студентов в процессе их работы под руководством преподавателя и самостоятельной работы по 9 модулям: Physical Appearance, Personality Traits, Family Relations, Learning Languages, In and out of class, Accommodation, The Press, Geography, Countries and Nationalities. Пособие содержит вокабуляр по темам, тексты, упражнения, диагностико-квалиметрический тест, ролевые игры, задания для творческих проектов.

УДК 811.111 (075)

ББК 81.2 Англ.-923

© Добрицкая А.В., 2011.

© Степанова Е.Н., 2011

© Погребная И.Ф., 2011

Настоящее учебное пособие отвечает основным целям обучения на 1-м курсе языковых факультетов и направлено на овладение, развитие и совершенствование профессиональных умений и навыков устной и письменной речи студентов в процессе их работы в аудитории под руководством преподавателя и самостоятельной работы. Предлагаемые тексты и задания способствуют обогащению словарного запаса студентов, приобщению студентов к самостоятельной научно-исследовательской работе над языком и развивают у них аналитический подход к изучаемым языковым явлениям. Учебное пособие « A Focus on Communication Skills (Part 1» отвечает основным дидактическим и методическим принципам обучения. Пособие предлагает материал по 9 модулям: Physical Appearance, Personality traits, Family relations, Learning Languages, In and out of class, Accommodation, The Press, Geography, Countries and Nationalities, содержит вокабуляр по темам, тексты, упражнения, диалоги и выборку из оригинальных художественных произведений и списка использованной литературы. Тематический вокабуляр включает слова и словосочетания, как подлежащие активному усвоению, так и не входящие в активный словарь, но нуждающиеся в пояснении.

Упражнения по развитию устной речи имеют коммуникативную направленность, предусматривают групповую работу, основной целью которой является контроль знаний, усвоенных студентами при изучении тем в ходе групповой дискуссии. Система упражнений по письменной практике предусматривает самостоятельную отработку норм современного английского языка, подготовку студентов к написанию изложений и сочинений.

Большое количество упражнений и текстов создает возможность для дифференциации и индивидуализации обучения, а также для организации самостоятельной работы студентов.

Ролевые игры и ситуативные диалоги способствуют быстрейшему запоминанию материала в ситуациях, приближенных к жизни. Диагностика-квалиметрические тесты предлагают задания для проверки своих знаний, умений и навыков.

Ex 3. Read the words paying attention to the pronunciation of endings - student2.ru Module______________________




Face (head): round, long, oval, square, fleshy, freckled, clean-shaven, expressive, common/ plain, beautiful, handsome, (un) attractive, sallow, pretty, ugly, thin, good-looking; beautiful /delicate/ (ir)regular/ heavy bones of face; countenance, to keep one’s countenance; temple, upper/ lower jaw, crown; his face was clouded; neck.

Forehead: broad, narrow, open, prominent, steep, low, high.

Nose: nose bridge; nostrils, hooked, small, long, straight, turned-up, aquiline; snub-nosed.

Chin: Adam’s apple, pointed, double, tiny, protruding, round, firm, massive.

Cheeks: high cheekbones, round, hollow/ sunken, dimpled.

Teeth: perfect, parted, (un)even, (ir-)regular, tightly-set.

Lips: scarlet, full, thin, painted, penciled, compressed.; to pencil, to paint.

Eyes: eyelids, hazel, black, blue, brown, faded, sparkling, almond-shaped, deep/close/ wide(apart) set, short-sighted, far-sighted, slanting, oriental.

Eyelashes: long, short, thick, thin, curving, straight; to thicken/ to colour.

Eyebrows: straight, arched, penciled, bushy, well-marked; plucked eyebrows, to knit one’s brows, to frown; to darken.

Ears: lobe.

Limbs: arms, hands, legs: shoulder, elbow, wrist, finger, foot (feet), ankle, toe, fingernail ( to have one’s fingernails polished/ manicured), long, short, long-legged, bony, soft, slender, shapely, plump, crooked, delicate.

Complexion: fresh, rosy, pale, tanned, fair/dark (-skinned), oriental.

Distinguishing/ noticable features: beard, moustache, side-burns, scar, birth-mark/ beauty-spot, mole, dimple, freckles, wrinkles/ lines.

Hair colour, style: golden, ashy, chestnut, fair, white, grey, mousy, silvery, blond(e), dyed, natural, red, ginger, auburn, bald, a brunette, a blonde, a redhead, to grow out the colour, curly, wavy, straight, smooth, rich, closely-cropped, bobbed, a hairdo (M), a hair style (W), a crew-cut, a mop, a plait, a braid, a pigtail, pony-tail/ bunch, a bun/ knot, a flattop, dreadlocks, a fringe, a parting, highlights, silky hair, (side-) whiskers, locks/ strands of hair, to dye ( to have one’s hair dyed); a touch of grey in one’s hair

· to wear one’s hair loose/ shoulder length/ parted in the middle/on the right/ left side/ combed back/ done in a knot/ plaited/ braided/ pigtailed/ swept back; to smooth down.

· to pull (to put up/ wear) one’s hair in a pony tail/ a pig tail/ a bun/ plaits/ braids; to plait/braid one’s hair.

Build (physique, constitution): slim (slender), plump (stout, obese, overweight, fat), skinny, lean, a bag of bones , well (powerfully, heavy, strongly, stately)-built, broad-shouldered, narrow-shouldered, delicately built (F), stocky, muscular, straight, erect, a shapely figure, graceful, robust, , bent, stooping,

Height: to be below/ above /of medium height, tall, short.

Ages and stages in life:

· A baby/ infant/ child/ kid/ eight-year-old/ toddler/ adolescent/ teenager/ adult/ grown-up/ middle-aged person/ pensioner/ retired/ elderly person/ old man/ senior citizen

· look one’s age, look old/ young for one’s age,

· infancy/ childhood/ adolescence/ in his teens/ in his early (mid, late) 20s, 30s/ adulthood/ to be of age/ to be under age / to come of age/ middle age/ retirement/ in old age

Describing people in comparison:

to bear no resemblance to, to be a perfect type / image/ picture/ replica/ edition of smb., to be very much the same in appearance, to resemble smb., to look like; to be alike; to be as like as two peas; to take after, to be similar to.


Ex 3. Read the words paying attention to the pronunciation of endings - student2.ru Ex.1. Be ready to answer the following questions on the topic.

1. Describe what your friend looks like. Is she tall or short? Fat or slim? Beautiful or ugly? Does she have any noticeable features'? For example, does she wear glasses? Does she have freckles? Does she have a beauty spot on her cheek?

2. Have you got a picture of all of your family? Is there anyone who has a beard or moustache? Is there anyone well-built? Bald? Over­weight?

3. Whom do you consider beautiful? Describe you ideal of beauty. Whom of the famous people do you consider an ideal handsome man? What do you like about him?

4. Were there many people in your class who had naturally blond hair? dark hair or red?

5. How did the majority of girls wear their hair: short, long, or shoulder-length? Did most girls prefer curly hair or straight hair? Was there anyone with a pony-tail or with plaits?

6. What about the boys? Was there anyone with a flattop? Crew-cut? Or may be dreadlocks?

7. Ask a partner about his/her friend, their height, their weight.

8. Try to describe yourself. How tall are you? How would you de­scribe your build? How much do you weigh? What kind of hair have you got? What colour is it? Do you think you have any spe­cial features? Are there any special features you would like to have?

9. Do most people overestimate or underestimate their own attractiveness?

10. What influence does someone's physical appearance have on their personality? And vice versa?

11. Is beauty only a physical quality?

12. Discuss the following observations about beauty:

"Beauty is m the eye of the beholder (i.e., the observer)' (anAmerican proverb)

• Do you think this proverb is true or are there certain norms (i.e. widely accepted standards) of beauty?

• Is physical attractiveness easier to identify and more important in women or

13. What would you say about the people with the following appearance:

a) a woman who wears unusually heavy make-up ; b) a 60-year-old man with long untidy hair

Ex. 2. Write down the transcription and translation of the following difficult words and memorise them:

Appearance [ ______________________ ]

Forehead [ ______________________ ]

Beard [______________________ ]

Moustache [______________________ ]

Eyebrows [_______________________]

Jaw [_______________________]

Crooked [_______________________]

Loose [_______________________]

Muscular [_______________________]

Masculine [_______________________]

Closely-cropped [_______________________]

Plaited [_______________________]

Ex 3. Read the words paying attention to the pronunciation of endings

Freckled, snub-nosed, dimpled, compressed, penciled, far-sighted, tanned, arched, well marked, long-legged, dyed, cropped;

[d] [t] [id]

Wrinkles, lashes, strands, whiskers, lines, eyebrows, cheekbones, eyes, lips.

[z] [s] [iz]

Ex.4. Find the equivalents in English to the following words:

Красить губы, красить/подводить губы карандашом, красить ресницы, красить брови, красить волосы, красить ногти

Ex. 5. Where can you find these parts of the body?

Breast, calf, cheek, chest, elbow, eyebrow, eyelid, forearm, forehead, heel, hip, knee, lip, little finger, little toe, mouth, navel, nose, nostril, palm, shin, shoulder, shoulder blades, stomach, thigh, thumb, tummy, waist, wrist, Adam's apple, ankle, armpit, back, big toe, bottom.





Upper torso:

Lower torso:



Ex. 6. A person with dark hair is dark-haired. Make compound adjectives:

1.somebody with broad shoulders

2.somebody with long legs

3.a person with grey hair

4.a person with a thin face

5.a person with long arms

6.people who white with their left hands

7.people who write with their right hands

8.a person with green eyes.

9.people with short/ near sight

10.people with long/ far sight

11.a person with bare feet

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