Go over the letters (see Unit Five) and copy down the samples of the complimentary close

2. Write a reply to Judy's letter as if you were the person she wrote her letter to.

Write a letter to a friend sharing the memories of your holiday trip and your feelings at the station on the day of departure.

4. Write a letter to your dean in which you request permission to stay at your parents' several days more. Give your reason clearly and convincingly.

XV. Film "Mr. Brown's Holiday". Film Segment 8 "Caught in the Rain" (On the Way to Yeovil). a) Watch and listen, b) Do the exercises from the guide to the film.


1. Listen to the text "Different Means of Travel", mark the stresses and tunes. Repeat it following the model.

2. Listen to the conversation "At the Station", mark the stresses and tunes; repeat after the tape, learn the text by heart.

3. Listen to the dialogue "A Voyage Round Europe", mark the stresses and tunes. Repeat the text following the model and record your variant. Compare your variant with the model and correct your pronunctalion mis­takes.

4. Write a spelling-translation test: a) translate the phrases into English; b) check them with the key.

5. Listen to some text on the topic "Trawelling", Retell it in class.

Listen to some anecdotes. Put down the word combinations you find useful. Act them out in class (oral and written work).

7. Listen to the poem "From a Railway Carriage". Mark the stresses and tunes. Repeat after the tape. Learn it by heart.


What do you know about

1. Christopher Columbus and the history of his discovery? Why wasn't America named in his houour? After whom was it named and why?

2. Captain Cook, Sir Francis Drake, Roald Amundsen, Mlckloukha-Macklay, the Papanin expedition?

3. The Mystery of the Atlantis, the Mystery of the Bennudian Triangle, the Mystery of the Easter Isle, the Loch Ness Monster?



1. They were about Mrs. Burlow's age, so were the attendants.

"I tell you I was moved. So were you, I dare say."

"I wasn't trying to act. 1 really felt." "So did I, my boy," said Le Ros.

My friend guessed what mystery they were talking about. So did I.

She was greatly impressed by Laurence Olivier's acting. So were they.

2. Rose thought him quite funny.

Christine thought this cheque for twenty guineas rather strange.

They always found Le Ros magnetic.

The Trasker girls considered Fabermacher very romantic.

For the first time in a long while Erik thought himself won­derfully free.

3. She saw his face peering through that mask.

Lanny saw Gret Villier sitting at the table motionless and impersonal.

When passing a coffee stall Lanny noticed two white men staring at him.

Jim and his mother heard the blind man approaching the door.

It was easy to imagine Ida performing as the keeper of a second-rate club.

Dave frowned as he saw Dan leaving.

4. Rose wanted him to stop clowning for them.

When Erik finished reading the letter, he couldn't take his eyes off the paper.

Presently Tom picked up a straw and began trying to bal­ance it on his nose.

The sailor began rowing towards the harbour's mouth.

Meanwhile she went on talking in her earnest, convinc­ing voice.


I. Change the sentences, using the patterns:

Pattern 2: 1. The Murdstones thought that David was disobedient. 2. Everybody found that there was some­thing mysterious about Lady Alroy. 3. We thought that the last scene was quite impressive. 4. I found that the stranger's voice was vaguely familiar to me. 5. Huck Finn couldn't bear his new life at the widow's, in his opinion it was extremely dull.

Pattern 3: 1. Sabina came into the hall, she saw that he was sitting at the telephone. 2. We watched how the seers-off were shuffling from foot to foot. 3. Outside he found that Joe was standing on the platform. 4. She watched how he was waving farewell to his friends. 5. I saw that Bob was playing centre forward.

Pattern 4: 1. Erik started to read the letter again. 2. Soon the porters began to pull luggage along the plat­form. 3. At last Jack finished to write numerous letters of in­troduction. 4. Lev Yashin began to play football when he was a teen-ager. 5. Burton's namesake started to play poker and went broke. 6. The Gadfly pulled a chrysanthemum from the vase and began to pluck off one white petal after another.

II. Think of a situation. Suggest a beginning matching up the end. Use the proper pattern:

Pattern 1: 1. ...; so were ail the passengers. 2. ...; so did we. 3....; so am 1. 4. ...; so can we. 5. ...; so have I. 6. ..;so have you. 7. ...; so was our coach. 8. ...; so did the goal­keeper. 9. ...; so did the opponent. 10. ...; so were our neigh­bours. 11. ...; so was our luggage. 12....; so is she.

Pattern 2: 1. ... vaguely familiar. 2. ... quite sociable. 3. ... rather impressive. 4. ... obedient. 5. ... quite different. 6.... valuable.

Pattern3: 1.... serving another meal. 2. ... making a pause in his story. 3.... rubbing his hands with delight 4.... shrugging her shoulders. 5. ... passing the bread-plate to the man next to him. 6. ...curling her lip and showing her dis­gust for the scene.

Pattern 4: 1. ... stopped breathing. 2. ... started filling in the application form. 3. ... stopped shivering with cold. 4. ... began trembling with fear. 5. ... stopped making notes. 6.... finished reading aloud.

III. Translate the following into English. Use the patterns:

Pattern 1: 1. Они только что проводили своих родствен­ников на станцию. — Мы тоже. 2. В воскресенье мы обедали в гостях. — Мы тоже. 3. Я люблю бифштекс немного недожарен­ным. — Мой брат тоже. 4. Им до смерти наскучил его рассказ. — Нам тоже. 5. Лень непростительна и невежество тоже. 6. Ее сын непослушный. — И мой тоже. 7. Это мое окончательное ре­шение; надеюсь, и ваше тоже, 8. Наши попутчики оказались об­щительными и милыми людьми. — Наши тоже.

Pattern 2: 1. Рикардо встречал Овода раньше и считал его довольно странным (odd). 2. Джуди считала себя совершен­но невежественной во многих вопросах. 3. Когда Джек впервые увидел леди Гвендолен (Gwendolen), он нашел ее совершенно очаровательной. 4. Герствуд (Hurstwood) не считал, что Кэрри достаточно талантлива для сцены, но думал, что сама идея зара­батывать таким образом на жизнь вполне разумна (sensible). 5. Розмэри считала свой поступок благородным и довольно сме­лым (daring). 6. Росс считал, что американцы общительны, ан­гличан он находил негостеприимными. 7. Он Искренне думал, что его работа очень полезна.

Pattern 3: 1. С другого конца стола Эндрю наблюдал, как оперирует Чарльз Айвори. 2. Том и Бекки увидели, что через ма­ленькое отверстие в пещере мерцает (to glimmer) свет. 3. Все, кто стоял на палубе, наблюдали, как садится солнце. 4. Я не могу себе представить, что он занимается спортом. 5. Мы виде­ли, как вы здоровались с ним за руку. 6. Бедняга был страшно удивлен, когда он услышал, что Бертон предлагает ему работу.

Pattern 4: 1. Джемма никогда не переставала думать, что она виновата в смерти Артура. 2. Вскоре люди начали при­ходить группами. 3. Он так и не смог бросить курить и загу­бил свое здоровье. 4. Капитан внезапно прекратил разговор и начал изучать карту. 5. Перестаньте обращаться с ним как с маленьким непослушным мальчиком.

IV. Respond to the following statements and questions, using the patterns:

Pattern 1: 1. Le Ros was delighted to see his old ac­quaintance. 2. Some people feel rather stiff on the platform. What about you? 3. My friends liked the film "Quiet Flows the Don." What about yours? 4. Celia loved Lanny. What about Sarie? 5. Stephen Leacock is a famous humorous writ­er. What about Mark Twain? 6. Some people like things made to order. What about your friend? 7. I'd rather read something by Chekhov, would you? 8. St. Paul's Cathedral is a fine specimen of architecture. Unfortunately I didn't see West­minster Abbey. 9. Martin Eden lived under very hard condi­tions when he was young. What about Jack London himself? 10. I find this exercise extremely easy.

Pattern 2:1. What do you think about Shakespeare's plays? 2. How do you find the screen version of "War and Peace"? 3. In my opinion Ch. Dickens' language is rather difficult. 4. What would you say to a day or two in the mountains? 5. What is your impression of the Tower of Lon­don? 6. What do you think of hitch-hiking as a means of travel? 7. How did you find the last film you saw? 8. What do you think of Le Ros's occupation? 9. Some people like travelling by air. 10. What is your opinion about the English language?

Pattern 3: 1. Have you ever watched the sunrise? 2. Did you have a chance to hear how your friend was recit­ing at concerts? 3. Can you imagine that you are teaching a class of small children? 4. Do you hear any noise? It's com­ing from above, isn't it? 5. What kind of people can you see on the platform and what are they doing there?

Pattern 4:1. When did you start to learn English? 2. Which of your friends have started to learn a second for­eign language? 3. When do they finish to serve meals in your canteen? 4. We shall begin to write the test when ev­erybody comes.

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