Learn the names of the faculties

1.The Faculty of Shipbuilding and Ocean Technology – факультет кораблестроения и океанотехники

2.The Faculty of Marine Engineering and Automation – факультет корабельной энергетики и автоматики

3.The Faculty of Designing Marine Devices – факультет морского приборостроения

4.The Faculty of Economics – факультет экономики

5.The Faculty of Evening and Distance Education – вечерне-заочный факультет

6.The Faculty of Natural Sciences and Humanities – факультет естественнонаучного и гуманитарного образования

7.The Faculty of Technical Secondary Education (College) – среднетехнический факультет (колледж)

8.The Faculty of Contract Education – внебюджетный факультет

9.The Faculty of Special Purpose Contract Education – факультет целевой контрактной подготовки специалистов

2.16 Read the text, sum up the main facts and do the exercises given after the text.


The history of St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University goes back to 1902 when a special department for professional education in naval architecture was established in St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute. The first twenty seven graduates of this department received the degree of naval engineers and were trained to “construct any ships and ship machines”.

In 1930 the Shipbuilding Faculty of the Polytechnic Institute gave birth to the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute which became the leading educational institution of marine engineering and ocean technology in the country. In 1992 it was renamed the Marine Technical University (MTU).

At present the MTU offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes leading to degrees of a specialist, Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, candidate and doctoral degrees, equivalents to Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science.

Within the MTU there are many faculties. The main are as follows: the Faculty of Shipbuilding and Ocean Technology, the Faculty of Marine Engineering and Automation, the Faculty of Designing Marine Devices, the Faculty of Economics.

2.17.What new things have you learned from the text? What faculty did you enter? Why? Talking about your choice, use the expressions:

I like the sea; I would like to build ships; this University is not far from my home; I am good at maths; I would like to go into research (industry, business, teaching); I will have fundamental knowledge of many sciences.

2.18 Read about the faculties. Translate the text about your faculty.

For nearly a century the Faculty of Shipbuilding and Ocean Technology has been one of the leading centres of ship research and design and it is widely recognized for its contribution to such areas as ship design, structural mechanics, applied mathematics, hydromechanics and naval architecture. Students can also take programs concerning all phases of discovering, producing and delivering offshore oil and gas resources. Much attention is also paid to new technologies making the exploration of the ocean economically attractive and environmentally friendly. The dominating area of research concerns the development of mathematical modelling and computer simulation of all types of waterborne vehicles.

Notes: structural mechanics – строительная механика

applied mathematics –прикладная математика

naval architecture – кораблестроение, теория кораблестроения

environmentally friendly – экологичный

computer simulation – компьютерное моделирование

waterborne vehicle – плавучее транспортное средство

TheFaculty of Marine Engineering and Automation trains mechanical engineers covering the spheres of research, design, manufacturing and assembly of marine power installations, i.e. ship engines of all types. At the faculty fundamental subjects comprise mathematics, physics, mechanics, materials science, computer science with further emphasis on thermodynamics, heat transfer, electronics, electrical circuits, etc. These subjects along with the humanities are an integral part of any program at the faculty.

Notes: assembly n. – сборка

marine power installation n. – судовая силовая установка

i.e. – that is – то есть

electrical circuit – электрическая цепь

heat transfer – теплопередача

along with – наряду с

The Faculty of Designing Marine Devices was organized in 1945. Most of the educational programs are designed to train students for developing and operating modern naval systems, including navigation and control. The students are taught to design, control and operate underwater robots with some elements of artificial intelligence. The following programs are provided: underwater technology control systems, marine electronics and hydrophysics, computer systems and networks.

Note: artificial intelligence – искусственный интеллект

The Faculty of Economicswas established in 1939. It was originally intended for training professionals in the sphere of financial activities at shipbuilding enterprises. Now the graduates of the faculty have a great range of career opportunities – from an accountant to the head of an enterprise. The faculty offers the courses of Principles of Macroeconomics and Microeconomics, Theory of Economic Development, Marketing, International Business.

Grammar: the Participle Present Participle
  Active Passive
Simple building being built
Perfect having built having been built

Past Participle

constructed, built

It's a very tiring job. (What kind of job? Tiring.)

He's very tired. (How does he feel? Tired.)

Having done her homework, she watched TV.

(= After she had done her homework, she watched TV.)

He broke his arm (while) playing hockey.

(= He broke his arm while he was playing hockey.)

Being late, Adam took a taxi.

(= Because he was late, Adam took a taxi.)

The man standing at the door is my boss.

(= The man who is standing at the door is my boss.)

The information presented in the article was invaluable.

(= The information which was presented in the article was invaluable.)

2.19 Choose the correct word.

a) 1. A: Have you read that new book yet?

B: Only some of it. It's very bored/boring.

2. A: Did you enjoy your holiday?

B: Oh, yes. It was very relaxed/relaxing.

3. A: I'm going to a lecture tonight. Do you want to come?

B: No thanks. I'm not interested/interesting in the subject.

b) 1.The film was really interested/interesting. I was quite shocked/shocking. 2.There was a really excited/exciting basketball match on television last night. 3. I was a bit disappointed/disappointing that my team lost. 4. I was very pleasing/pleased with the results of my exams.

2.20 Translate the sentences and make difference between Past Simpleand Past Participle.

1.Money spent on brain is never spent in vain. 2.My sister is called Jane. I have a sister called Jane. 3.Cheese is produced from milk. 4.Cheese produced at this factory is popular. 5.The text read was too difficult to understand. 6.In Russia, there are at least two cities founded by Peter I: Saint-Petersburg and Taganrog. 7.The food served was too hot.

Grammar: Quantifiers

С исчисляемыми существительными С неисчисляемыми существительными
a lot of (много), lots of (очень много) plenty of (много)
many (много) much (много)
a few (несколько) a little (немного)
few (мало) little (мало)

2.21 Fill in (very) little, a little, (very) fewor a few.

1.I’m going shopping, I need to buy … things for tonight’s party. 2. … people swim in the sea in the winter. 3.I can’t wait for you. I’ve got … time. 4.There is … snow on the ground. The children can’t make a snowman. 5.He knows … people who can help him find a job. 6.We need … milk and … eggs to make the cake. 7.I have … free time for hobbies because I work a lot.

2.22 Exam task.Read the text, answer the questions, make up your own story and retell it.

1.When was the Institute (later the university) organized? 2.What subjects do you study? 3.What forms of teaching are there at the university? 4.What faculties are there at the university ? 5.Can students combine their work and studies? 6.How long does it take a student to graduate from the university? 7.What activities do graduates usually go into?

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