Responses Russia Moscow
Practice sport 28% 27%
Correct, balanced feeding 16% 15%
Material well-being 11% 10%
Careful attitude to one’s own health 7% 6%
Good work 7% 9%
Wholesome rest 4% 9%
Active way of living 3% 3%
Family well-being 2% 4%
Abstinence in everything 2% 3%
Favorable ecological conditions 2% 4%
Positive living position 1% 2%
Cultureal leisure 1% 2%
Harmony in everythig 1% 1%
Other 2% 1%
No responses, wrong responses 13% 4%

General Opinion

(% of those surveyed in Russia)

Absence of harmful habits “Drink reasonably and do not smoke”; “abstinence from harmful habits”; “without alcohol, tobacco, drugs”; “always be sober.” 41%
Practice sports “Go in more for sports”; “do physical training.” 26%
Correct, balanced feeding “Eat vitamins”; “healthy, wholesome food”; “possibility to eat correctly”; “when a family has a sufficiently good feeding”; “drink juices”; “eat more fruits and vegetables.” 14%
Material well-being “Be more provided for”; “when there is welfare in the family”; “more money – more health”; “life without troubles.” 9%
Careful attitude to one’s own health “Care about one’s own health”; “when a person doesn’t do anything harmful for his health, but he does what is helpful”; “it is time to visit the doctor.” 6%
Good work “Good and healthy work.” 6%
Wholesome rest “Sound sleep and rest”; “regular trips”; “normal rest.” 4%
Active way of living “Constant movement as a style of life”; “active way of living.” 3%
Family well-being “Healthy and strong families”; “to be a good family man”; “good family relations.” 2%
Abstinence in everything “Nothing to trespass, everything must be measurable”; “absence of redundancy in everything.” 2%
Favorable ecological conditions “Clean atmosphere”; “good ecology.” 2%
Positive living position “Life bringing joy to oneself and other people”; “benevolence, understanding”; “kind attitude to people, not to be angry – all diseases are coming from malice”; “sanity, confidence.” 1%
Cultural leisure “Go to the theater, cinema”; “cultural rest”; “more cultural events for the youth”; “develop culturally.” 1%
Harmony in everything “The harmony of the physical and spiritual condition of a person”; “harmonized development.” 1%
Other “Peace everywhere”; “adherence to the day schedule”; “cheap or free medicines”; “good services in hospitals”; “law abidance.” 2%
No response, wrong responses   13%

2) DO YOU PRACTICE SPORTS, OR NOT? IF YOU DO, HOW OFTEN? (Responses of those saying they have the opportunity to practice sports)

Responses %
I don’t play sports 15%
Every day 7%
A few times a week 11%
Once a week 5%
A few times a month 4%
A few times a year 2%
Hard to answer 1%


Responses Russia Moscow
Excercises 7% 12%
Light athletics, running, walking 5% 6%
Skiing 4% 3%
Games 4% 3%
Swimming 3% 5%
Shaping, aerobics 2% 2%
Heavy athletics 2% 2%
Gymnastics 1% 1%
Bodybuilding, exercises 1% 3%
Walking in the fresh air 1% 2%
Wrestling 1% 2%
Affusion 1% 0%
Tennis 1% 1%
Others 1% 2%
No response, wrong responses 72% 65%

HOW DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE EXPRESSION “HEALTHY WAY OF LIVING,” WHAT DOES IT MEAN? - 9. Read the text and choose the exircises you think are the most useful and healthy for your body.

Sports and Exercises

Sports develop force, endurance, accuracy, and dexterity. It also prevents organisms from various diseases. Physical culture accustoms the man to discipline. It brings up such qualities as will power, boldness, resoluteness, and valiance of the bourses.

Listed below are some exercises that contribute to a healthier way of life:

· aerobic · basketball · baseball · gymnastics · hockey · skiing · ice skating · rugby   · running · walking · soccer · merican football · weightlifting · swimming · tennis · wrestling · yogi  

HOW DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE EXPRESSION “HEALTHY WAY OF LIVING,” WHAT DOES IT MEAN? - HOW DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE EXPRESSION “HEALTHY WAY OF LIVING,” WHAT DOES IT MEAN? - 10. Remember that all kinds of sports can be useful and healthy for your body regardless of the sport you choose. The important thing is to exercise regularly. Talk with your partner who has health problems. Share your experience and give advice. Express your encouragement and regret.

v I'm sorry. v Too bad   v Take it easy (не принимай это близко к сердцу) v Everything will be all right. v Lets hope for the best. v You'll get over it. (вы это переживете, все пройдет) v Cheer up! (не унывайте) v You'd better … v You'd rather … v I think it would be good to …

HOW DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE EXPRESSION “HEALTHY WAY OF LIVING,” WHAT DOES IT MEAN? - 11. Read and translate the text on the keys to living a Healthy Way of Life. Pick out all the unknown words. Compare your list with the list of other students and find whose list is the biggest and the least…

The Keys to Living a Healthy Way of Life –

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