Put the verb into the correct form

Examples: Please don’t make so much noise. I am studying (study).

Listen to these people. What language are they speaking (speak)?

1.Look! It … (snow). 2.Please be quiet. I … (try) to concentrate. 3.Why … (you / look) at me like that? Have I said anything wrong? 4.You … (make) a lot of noise. Can you be a bit quieter? 5.He is still ill but he … (get) better slowly. 6. The population of the world … (rise) very fast. 7.I … (not / work) this week. I’m on holiday. 8.Why … (you wear) your coat today? It’s very warm. 9.The economic situation is already very bad and is … (become) worse.

2.25 Putthe verb into the correct form, Past Continuous or Past Simple.

Example: While Jane was cooking… (cook) the dinner, the phone rang(ring).

1.George … (fall) off the ladder while he … (paint) the ceiling. 2.Ann … (wait) for me when I … (arrive). 3.I … (not / drive) very fast when the accident … (happen). 4.Tom … (take) a photograph of me while I … (not / look). 5.We … (not / go) out because it … (rain). 6.What … (you / do) at this time yesterday? 7.The phone … (ring) when I … (have) a shower. 8.It … (begin) to rain when I … (walk) home.

2.26 Link the sentences. Use and,then,after that,when,before.

1.On Saturdays I meet my friends for coffee. We go to the cinema. 2.She has breakfast. She leaves for university. 3.On Sundays we have a family dinner. We watch a movie. 4.I get up. The alarm clock rings. 5.She has a shower. She gets dressed.


2.27 What do you know about student life in Russia – cultural, sport, scientific? What do you know about student life at your university? Read the text and say which event or activity do you take part in?

At SMTU studying is not confined to the classroom. There is a wide range of social, recreational and sports activities. There are also a lot of annual traditional and cultural events to look forward to.

Students’ social life is planned to encourage their creativity and abilities. A wide range of students’ activities in the SMTU includes a variety of festivals such as “KVN” clubs, intellectual games (“What? Where? When?”, Brain Ring), various competitions and parties. The “Korabel” club offers to try your hand at singing in “Gaudeamus” choir, a patriotic club, dancing, drumming, photo-, theatre-, DJ-, showmen studios and others. Balls, holidays, contests and marine festivals are held all year long.

University students’ scientific life is marked by participating in the All-Russia Science Festival, the International Cultural-educational technical higher school course of the Shanhai Cooperation Union countries and the Student Scientific Forum “Lomonosov’s Land”.

There are sport and fitness clubs at the University. They hold chess, rowing, sailing, billiards, football, basketball, volleyball sport competitions and tournaments. Every spring nearly all the students take part in a sport competition “Lotsmanskaya Mile”.

Read the text and tell your partner about your group and studies.


There are twenty-five students in our group. Most of us entered the university just after leaving school. We have both boys and girls in the group. Our group is friendly and we like spending time together.

Many of us live in the hostel. Our hostel is not far from the University. It takes us about ten minutes to get to the University on foot (by bus, by tram, by metro). There is a library and a reading room in our hostel.

At the University we have lectures, seminars, classes and laboratory works. In the first year we have higher mathematics, physics, chemistry, the history of Russia, science of materials, foreign languages English, German or French and some other subjects. By the way, I am good at history but maths doesn’t come easy to me.

Most of my groupmates get basic grants and three of us get increased grants. All of us take part in social activities. We all go in for sports. I go in for rowing.

The academic year is divided into two terms: the autumn term and the spring term. At the end of each term students take examinations and if they work hard enough, they pass them successfully.

2.29 Answer the following questions.

1.How many students are there in your group? 2.Did you enter the University just after leaving school? 3.Did you work anywhere after leaving school? 4.Do you live in the hostel? 5.How do you get to the University? 6.How long does it take you to get to the University? 7.What subjects do you have in the first year? 8.What foreign language do you learn? 9.Do you take part in social activities? 10.What sports do you go in for?

2.30 Read and pay attention to prepositions of position: in, on, at.

a) 1.There’s nobody in the room. 2.They are walking in the park. 3.I met Tom in the street. 4.Who is the woman in that photograph? 5.There wasn’t a cloud in the sky. 6.Robert lives in a small village in the mountains. 7.Look at the girl swimming in the sea / in the river!

b) 1.Write your name at the top / at the bottom of the page.2.Jack’s house is the white one at the end of the street. 3.Who is that man standing at the bus-stop / at the door/at the window? 4.I couldn’t see very well because I was standing at the back. 5.She studies medicine at university. 6.I’ll be at work until 5.30 but I’ll be at home all evening.

Note: We say arrive ina country or town:

When did he arrive in Britain / in London?

We say arrive at with other places (buildings etc.) or events:

What time did he arrive at school / at work / at the hotel / at the party?

We say arrive home (without a preposition):

When did he arrive home?

c) 1.Don’t sit on the floor / on the ground. 2.The book is on the table. 3.There’s a report of the football match on page 7 of the newspaper. 4.In Britain they drive on the left. 5.Our flat is on the second floor of the building. 6.London is on the river Thames. 7.We stopped at a pretty village on the way to London.

2.31 Put in the correct prepositions in, at, on. Translate the sentences.

1.My friend lives … Moscow. 2.My flat is … the third floor. 3.I can’t find Tom … this photograph. Is he … it? 4.Paris is … the river Seine. 5.I read about the accident … the front page of the newspaper. 6.Last year we had a lovely skiing holiday … the Swiss Alps. 7.She spends all day sitting … the window. 8.Don’t phone tomorrow evening. I won’t be … home. I’ll be … Ann’s. 9.It’s always too hot … Ann’s house. 10.What time do you expect to arrive … London? 11.What time do you expect to arrive … the hotel? 12.I arrived … home feeling very tired.

2.32 Read the text and discuss what academic mobility is. Would you like to study abroad?


Many students enrich their lives with studies abroad. Those who do this say that they will never be afraid to do anything else in their lives. They spend a term (Am. semester) or more studying in England, Scotland, France, Germany, Finland, and other countries. These students say the months spent abroad help them to love their own country more.

Many of the students who go abroad or even overseas are studying foreign languages, and they say there is no better way to improve language skills and to understand another culture than to immerse yourself into that culture.

Note: immerse v – погружать

2.33 Act out the dialogues. Learn it by heart.

At the Airport

A: Can I have your ticket, please?

B: Yes, of course. Here you are.

A: Do you have just one suitcase?

B: Yes. This bag is hand luggage.

A: That’s fine. Smoking or non-smoking?

B: Non-smoking, please. Oh … and can I have a seat next to the window?

A: Yes, that’s OK. Here’s your boarding pass. Have a nice flight!

2.34 To enter the UWC you must complete the application form with information about yourself.

Name: _____________________________________________

Date of Birth: ________________________________________

Sex: _______________________________________________

Nationality: _________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________

Choice of College: ____________________________________

List of subjects you are studying at university this year


Do you regularly take part in sports? Give details.


Do you have musical or artistic interests?



Complete the dialogue with the words given.

a) Come on! b)I couldn’t hear.c)That’s our flight.

A Ah! …… BA 476 to Madrid. …… (1).

B Was it gate 4 or 14?

A …… (2). I think it was 4.

B Ssssh! There it is again. It is gate 4.

A OK. …… (3).

2.35 Fill in the following forms in your notebooks.


Registration form

Surname ________________ First name(s) _____________ Nationality ______________ Date and place of issue _____ Passport number __________ _________________________ Address _________________ Date of departure __________ Date of arrival ____________ Signature ________________

The Oak Tree School of English

Enrolment form – PLEASE WRITE IN CAPITAL LETTERS Mr/Mrs/Ms* ______________ ___ Family name _________________ First name ___________________ Date of birth _________________ Nationality __________________ Language(s) __________________ Address in your country _____________________________________ Occupation _______________________________________________ Reason for learning English: Business/pleasure/exams/other * (if other, please specify) ____________________________________________ How many hours a day do you want to study? ___________________ How long are you going to stay at the school? ___________________ What date do you want to start? ______________________________ *Delete where not applicable

2.36 Grammar revision. Active / Passive Voice. Complete the information from the leaflet about the United World Colleges (UWC) with correct form of the verbs.

The Colleges (be) ___ international communities where young people of all races (give) ___ the opportunity of living and studying together.

The students (learn) ___ about each other’s country and societies.

Two of the Colleges – Singapore and Swaziland – (provide) ___ secondary education for students aged 11 to 19.

The Colleges of Canada, Italy, the UK and the USA (offer) ___ two-year upper-secondary courses to students aged 16-19.

Waterford Kamhlaba College (found) ___ in 1963. It was the first school in South Africa (open) ___ to all races and religions.


Complete the dialogue with the words given.

a)Thank you very much. b) I’m sorry.c)Excuse me.

A ………. (1). I think that’s my suitcase.

B ………. (2). My suitcase is red, too.

A Is this yours?

B Yes, it is. ………. (3).


Making a personal call

Hi, it’s Pete.

Can I speak to Frank?

Could I leave a message?

Answering a personal call

Hello, this is Frank Green.

Who’s this (US) / that (UK)?

I’m sorry, Mary’s out at the moment.

Can I take a message?

Sorry, you’ve got the wrong number.

Making a business call

Could I have the sales department?

Can you ask him/her to call me back, please?

Could I speak to Ms Howe, please?

Answering a business call

Can I help you?

Thank you, goodbye.

Can I take a message?

I’m sorry, there’s no answer.

Can you hold, please?

I’m sorry, the line’s busy.

Who’s calling, please?

CULTURE NOTE: In Britain and the USA, people usually give the reason for their call first and make small talk afterwards.


Grammar:Perfect tenses, Modal verbs


ancient a ­древний

approve(of) v ­одобрять

approach v ­ приближаться

award­ награждать

belong v ­ принадлежать

collapse n ­ крушение, крах

concern v ­ касаться, иметь отношение

defeat v ­ наносить поражение

defend v ­ оборонять(-ся), защищать(-ся)

dig v ­ копать

establish v ­ основывать, создавать

executive a ­ исполнительный

independence n ­ независимость

involve v ­ включать

judicial a ­ судебный

legislative a ­ законодательный

literacy n ­ грамотность

represent v ­ представлять

set up v ­ учреждать

treaty n ­ договор (международный)

undergo v ­ испытывать

unemployment n ­ безработица

3.1 Match English to Russian word combinations.

1. to undergo changes a) назначить министров

2. to enforce a law b) одобрить законопроект

3. to improve the situation c) претерпеть изменения

4. to become a law d) улучшить ситуацию

5. to appoint ministers e) проводить закон в жизнь

6. to approve of a bill f) стать законoм

3.2 Read the text about the Russian Federation and answer the questions.


The State System.The Russian Federation was set up by the Constitution of 1993 after the collapse of the Soviet Union. According to the Constitution, Russia is a Presidential Republic. The President is the head of the State. The President is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, he signs treaties, enforces laws and appoints ministers. The State System consists of three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. All of them are checked by the President.

The legislative power is represented by the Federal Assembly. It consists of two chambers. The Upper Chamber is the Council of Federation. The Lower Chamber is the State Duma. To become a law, a bill must be approved of by both chambers and signed by the President. The President may veto the bill.

The executive power belongs to the President and the Government which is headed by the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister forms his Cabinet.

The judicial branch is represented by the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and regional courts.

The state symbol of Russia is a three-coloured banner with three horizontal stripes. The National Emblem, the Coat of Arms, is a two-headed eagle which is the most ancient symbol of Russia.

Notes: Coat of Arms – герб

Supreme Commander-in-Chief – Верховный Главнокомандующий

Federal Assembly – Федеральное собрание

Constitutional Court – Конституционный cуд

sign a treaty – заключать договор

enforce a law – проводить закон в жизнь

1.What is the official name of our country?2.What is the structure of the Russian state system?3.What chambers does the Federal Assembly consist of?4.Who is the head of the Government?5.What is the National Emblem of Russia?

3.3 Complete the sentences.

1.The greater part of the territory of Russia is … . 2.The Urals divide Russia into … . 3.Lake Baikal is … . 4.The Arctic Ocean influences … . 5.Our country is very rich in … . 6.In 1957 …was launched in Russia. 7.On the 12th of April we celebrate … . 8.The Russian Federation is … . 9.The legislative branch is … . 10.The executive branch is … . 11.The judicial branch is headed by … .

3.4 Look at the title of the text. Why is Novgorod called the Father of Russian cities? Read the text again and match the paragraphs to the headings: History, Trade, Famous Citizens, Novgorod today, Art and Education.

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