Exercise 2. Fill the gaps in the dialogs.

Приложение 2.

Диалоги-иллюстрации по обучению учащихся формам благодарности, извинения, просьбы, совета, предложения в английском языке:

(Выражение благодарности приятелю)

M: Here’s the book I promised you, John.

J: Thanks very much, Martin. I’ll be careful with it. When do you want it back?

M: Any time. I’m in no hurry for it.

J: I should’ve finished it by next week. Thanks again.

(Выражение благодарности друзьям)

P: Many thanks, John, for going to all that trouble for us.

J: Don’t thank me, Peter, thank Dorothy. She’s the one who did all the running around.

P: Well, thank you, then, Dorothy. It was very good of you and we’re very grateful.

D: That’s okay, Peter, I didn’t mind a bit.

(Благодарственное письмо друзьям за любезный прием)

My dear Mrs Robbins,

It was more than good of you to give my husband and me so much pleasure. We enjoyed and appreciated all your kindness to us more than we can say…

Once again thank you ever so much for your generous hospitality. With our kindest regards to you both.

Very sincerely yours,

Dorothy Day.

(На улице Лондона: обращение к прохожему)

A: Excuse me, but I wish to know where the Victoria Hotel is.

B: I’m sorry I don’t know. You’d better ask someone else.

A: Sorry to have troubled you.

B: I’m sorry I couldn’t help you.

(В автобусе: извинение за неловкое поведение)

Man: I’m sorry, I think I trod on your foot.

Woman: that’s all right, it’s a very bumpy ride.

(В гостях у приятельницы: извинение за непроизвольную неаккуратность)

Mrs J: Oh, I’m sorry Ruth, that was my fault entirely.

Mrs M: Never mind, it couldn’t be helped.

Mrs J: I’m so sorry – how clumsy of me. Do forgive me.

Mrs M: Don’t worry about it, we can easily clean it up.

Mrs J: I’ll go and get something to mop it up with.

(Извинение за невыполнимые обещания)

A: I’m sorry I haven’t been able to find those books for you yet. I just haven’t had time to look for them properly since I saw you.

B: That’s quite all right, I’m in no great hurry for them.

A: I really am sorry, but I’ll have them for you next time you come.


M: John, I wonder if you’d mind running down to the shop for some sugar, I’m right out of it.

J: All right, Mum. How much do you need?

M: Two pounds, thanks. And on the way could you please drop this book in at the library for me?

J: All right.

M: If I were you, I’d go now because it looks as if it could start raining at any moment.

J: All right, I’m off now.

(Просьба к приятелю одолжить денег)

K: David, would you mind lending me a bit of money? I’m afraid I forgot to bring any with me.

D: I’m sorry, I can’t, Ken, I’ve only got enough for the bus fare myself. Why don’t you ask Peter? He might be able to help you.

K: That’s an idea. Thanks.

(В туристическом бюро)

Customer N: Which flight should we take, do you think?

Clerk: I’d advise you to take the earlier one, Sir. It’s a direct flight and much quicker.

N: Very well, I’ll take your advice. Can you get us four seats together?

C: I’ll try, but I may not be able to. Evening flights are always heavily booked.

N: If you’ll just take a seat for a few minutes, Sir, I’ll check for you.

N: Thank you.

Приложение 4

1)Дополнить фразы новыми, тематически близкими приведенным. Say it in English:

Wait a minute\a moment, please.

Happy New Year!

May I have this disk, please?

Won’t you be in the party?

See you in an hour.

2)Постройте диалог с использованием фраз из скобок, cоответствующих ситуации:

What do you say…?

1. … when the door bell rings? (Who is here? Come in please)

2. …when you can’t go with your friend? (I’m sorry. I can’t)

3. …when you want to know the time? (What time is it?)

4. …when you don’t remember somebody’s name? (I’m sorry. I’ve forgotten your name)

5. …when you want to buy something as present? (How much is it? Could you help me with present for my friend?

6. …when the telephone rings? (Hello! Who is speaking?)

7. …when you attempt to ask a girl out for the first time? (Do you want to go to a party? Will you go out with me? I’d like to spend more time with you.)

3)В этом задании от учащихся требуется определить, какие формулы речевого этикета можно использовать в следующих ситуациях:

1. Introduce your friends to your parents \others.

2. To be grateful for somebody to his\her present.

3. Invite your friends to a party. Ask them to bring the music disk themselves.

4. You are going to make the New Year party. Write a plan for organizing it.

5. Say a few words to a person who is going to a party.

4)Возможен вариант и в письменной форме:

Everyone has a New Year card. Please, write your wishes to whom you want.

5)В задании продуктивного речевого характера от учащихся требуется составить диалоги на основе предложенных ситуаций с использованием формул речевого этикета: просьбы, извинения, отказа, благодарности.

Situation A

Invite your friend to the New Year Fancy Dress Ball party, which will be in the evening and there will be prizes for the best costumes!

Situation B

Say a few words to a foreign friend who has arrived in Tashkent on a short visit and has come to the party.

Situation C

Ask the girl out for the first time.

Situation D

Your friend is busy with organizing the party and needs help.

6)Весьма эффективен также следующий вариант ситуативных упражнений:

Make up short dialogs on the following situations:

Two friends meet after Christmas.

You are sitting with your friend and you are looking for your pen.

You are in a hurry and meet your friends who want to talk about the party.

You are planning to go to the party and ask your mother to give you a permission to go there.

See the models:

Situation: Olga meets her guests.

O: Oh, Nancy! I’m happy to see you here.

N: That wasn’t easy. My mother was against this party, but I tried to persuade her. … This is for you.

O: Thank you very much for your nice present, Nancy!

N: Oh, I’m glad you like it.

O: Yes, of course. It’s wonderful!

7)На дом дается следующее задание:

Think and write a celebration of one of the suggested holidays: Cookie Day, Grandparents Day and Favourite Movie Day.

You can use expressions: my holiday is…; it is selebrated…; because there is not…; I think…


Главная задача этой игры заключается в том, чтобы научить учащихся использовать различные варианты комплимента в речи, формировать лексические и фонетические навыки, воспитывать культуру речевого поведения.

Дети, в соответствии с игровой задачей игры «Эхо», повторяют вслед за педагогом произнесенную им фразу, точно следуя образцу или корректируя ее (по договоренности). Преподаватель использует отдельные фразы комплимента, а затем присоединяет к ним обращение и мотивировку и подчеркнуто демонстрирует проявление доброжелательности в интонации, жестах, мимике.

John, you have a good sense of humour!

Mary, you have a beautiful smile!

Jane, you are a good singer!

Your mum is great!

You are handsome!

You look well!

You are so intelligent!

You are good-natured!

You are kind-hearted!

She is pretty!

You are beautiful!

You are wonderfully kind!

How well you look!

You are a person of good taste!

It’s a pleasure to talk to you.

«Чудесные превращения»

Главной целью этой игры является формирование лексических навыков (формы комплиментов), активизация усвоенных фраз, стимулирование воспроизведения фраз комплиментов, воспитание культуры речевого поведения.

Меховая игрушка обращается к ребенку с просьбой похвалить ее, а за это обещает превратиться в кого-нибудь. Ребенок вспоминает комплимент. Преподаватель незаметно заменяет игрушку на новую. Так повторяется несколько раз.

- John, you like my new dress, don’t you?

- You look wonderful in it.

- Marry, do you like my blouse?

- Yes, I do. It’s beautiful. The blouse goes well with your colouring.

- Phil, you like my suite, don’t you?

- The suite becomes you to great advantage.

- Do you like my new hairstyle?

- This hairstyle is just right for you.

«Вежливые отгадки»

Главной задачей этой игры является обучение учащихся быстрой реакции на речевую ситуацию, развитие навыков говорения, организация устной тренировки, развитие долговременной памяти, воспитание культуры речевого поведения.

Дети становятся в круг, выбирается ведущий; он встает в середину круга и закрывает глаза. Дети. Держась за руки, идут по кругу, приговаривая:

«Раз, два, три, четыре, пять,

Постарайся угадать,

Кто тебя сейчас похвалит,

Комплимент тебе подарит?»

“One, two, three, for,

Try to guess right

Who now compliments you for?”

С последним словом дети останавливаются, преподаватель дотрагивается до одного из них. Он немедленно произносит похвалу, а водящий должен угадать, кто произнес. Следует стимулировать детей на употребление различных форм, так же как и на многократное повторение одних и тех же выражений:

You are nice. You are kind. You are clever. What a good girl (boy)! How beautiful! What a nice dress! You read well. You run fast. You look lovely. How kind you are! You are very intelligent. You are handsome. You’re beautiful. You look well. She sings well. He writes correctly. You have nice eyes. You have beautiful hair. You have a good voice.

Ситуативные упражнения

Exercise 1.

Закончите приводимые ниже предложения обращениями, выбранными из предлагаемого списка. Если нет необходимости использовать обращения, пишите рядом с этим предложением слово nothing. Некоторые из списка слов могут быть использованы в нескольких случаях, другие же ни в одном.

Приведем три примера:

a) Department store assistant to a woman customer: Can I help you,…?

Answer: Madam.

b) Parents to their child: What are you doing,…?

Answer: dear, love, darling.

c) Railway traveler to a ticket clerk: one ticket to Lancaster, please,…

Answer: nothing

Grandma Sir Mum Mr Granddad love Officer Caller Mummy My friend Madam Dad Viewers Gentleman Listeners Granny Dear Mate Ladies and Gentleman Your Majesty Man and women Daddy Darling Grandpa

a) child to his or her mother: Can I go out,…?

b) Telephone operator: Please, hold the line…

c) Television presenter to people watching at home: Welcome to the Saturday Night Show,…

d) Child to his or her Grandfather: Thank you for the present,…

e) Someone to a bank clerk or librarian: Can you help me,…

f) Someone making a speech to his audience: I’ll try to be brief,…

g) Polite shop-assistant to a mate customer: Can I help you,…

h) Someone to the Queen: Good evening,…

i) Customer to a shop-assistant: Can I try on this coat,…?

j) Wife to her husband: you look tired,…

k) Radio presenter to people at home: Now we have a surprise for you,…

l) Workman to a man passing by: What’s the time,…?

m) Policeman to a man who asks for help: Yes,…

n) Policeman to a woman who asks for help: Yes,…

o) Someone to a policeman: Excuse me,…

p) Child to his or her grandmother: here are your glasses,…

q) Woman shopkeeper in a small, friendly shop to a customer: What would you like,…

r) Soldier to his commander: Can I go,…?

s) Child to his or her father: Good night,…

t) Someone to a stranger in the street: Excuse me,…

Exercise 2. Fill the gaps in the dialogs.

(обращение к водителю такси)

- …! …, ….!

- Yes, … Where to?

- Take me to the Savoy Hotel,…

- …, sir.

(случайная встреча со старым знакомым по прошествию длительного времени)

- …, but haven’t we met before?

- … …, I can’t place you.

- Last Summer at Brighton.

- But …, you are Mike. How stupid of me. I … … …, I should have remembered.

(выражение благодарности друзьям)

- … …, John for going to all that trouble for us.

- Don’t …, Peter, … Dorothy. She is the one who did all the running around.

- Well, … …, then, Dorothy. It was very good of you and we’re very grateful.

- … …, Peter, I didn’t mind a bit.

(разговор по телефону)

Mrs Garret: …?

Joey: …. This is Joey Burke speaking. … … speak to Sasha,…?

Mrs G.: … … Sasha! There’s somebody … … … for you.

Sasha: … This is Sasha

Joey: …, Sasha. This is Joey Burke … … New York.

Sasha: …, Joey! … … …?

Joey: I’m fine. How are you doing?

Sasha: …I’m having a great time in Atlanta!

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