Elephants have their own way to tell the shape of an object and __________it is rough or smooth

F) _

G) how

H) what

I) weather

J) which

Water will continue to be __________ it is today _next in importance to oxygen.

F) how

G) which

H) what

I) that

J) it

The mere fact_________ most people believe nuclear war would be madness does not mean that it will not occur.

F) what

G) which

H) why

I) that

J) which

Is known to the word, Mark Twain is a great American writer.

F) That

G) As

H) Which

I) It

J) So

The residents,__________ had been damaged by the flood, were given help by the Red Cross.

F) all their homes

G) all whose homes

H) all of their homes

I) all of whose homes

J) all homes


Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімдеріне арналған тест сұрақтары

V нұсқа (Variant V)

The _________ of the cottage were covered with _________.

F) roofs, leafs

G) roves, leafs

H) roofs ,leaves

I) roves, leaves

J) leaves , roves

Hawks eat more field ________ than _________.

F) mouse , chickens

G) mice, chickens

H) mice , chicken

I) mouse, chicken

J) more mice , more chicken

I wonder why _______ are interested in watching TV plays.

F) people

G) the people

H) peoples

I) the peoples

J) all peoples

There are three ______ in our factory.

F) woman doctors

G) woman doctor

H) women doctors

I) women doctor

J) women is doctor

We have finished our _________.

F) home works

G) job

H) homework

I) works

J) working

There are ________ books in our school library.

F) piles and piles

G) pile and pile of

H) pile of

I) piles and piles of

J) a pile

The village is far away from here indeed, it is _______walk.

F) a four hour

G) a four hours

H) a four hour’s

I) a four –hours

J) four hours

His second room is the ________ office.

F) teacher’s

G) teacher

H) teachers

I) teachers,

J) teachers

69. Did you ask for a _______leave?

F) two days,

G) two days

H) two day, s

I) two-days

J) two day

We called at _________yesterday.

F) my uncle

G) my uncle’s

H) my uncles,

I) a friend of my uncle

J) it is my uncle

I bought this coat at the _________ around the corner.

F) tailor

G) tailors

H) tailors,

I) tailor’s

J) tailored

To regain their _______ after an exhausting game, the players lain the grass.

F) force

G) power

H) health

I) money

J) energy

There are usually at least two _________of looking at every question.

F) means

G) views

H) direction

I) ways

J) opinion

The lion is considered the king of the forest as it is a(n)________of courage and power.

F) symbol

G) example

H) sing

I) mark

J) point

Ty ___________of this weekend,s activity is going out with some good friends.

F) idea

G) opinion

H) mind

I) thought

J) thinking

76. _I do not think it is my ________ that the TV blew up.Ijust turned it on ,that,s all,-said the boy.

F) error

G) mistake

H) fault

I) duty

J) badly

The cakes are delicious. he would like to have __________ third one because__________. Second one is rather too small.

F) a ,a

G) the, the

H) a, the

I) the , a

J) _ ,the

I knew_______ John lennon, but not ________ famous one.

F) _ , a

G) a , _

H) the, a

I) _ ,_

J) a , the

The two girls were ________ the same age.

F) at

G) on

H) with

I) of

J) _

Many people agree that ________knowledge of English is a must in _______international trade today.

F) the , _

G) the , the

H) _ ,the

I) A, _

J) _, _

81. What happened?

-- They left in such ______hurry that they forgot to lock ______door.

F) a ,a

G) _ , the

H) _ , a

I) a , the

J) _ , _

I played_____ tennis with Mary yesterday evening.it was really _______ enjoyable game. We stopped playing only after ________sun had set.

F) _ , an , the

G) a ,a ,_

H) _ , a, the

I) the , _ , the

J) _ ,_ ,_

Summers in _________south of France are for ________most part dry and sunny.

F) _ , a

G) the , _

H) _ , _

I) the ,the

J) _ , the

The most important thing about cotton in history is _______part that it played in ________Industrial Revolution.

F) _ ,_

G) the , _

H) the , the

I) a , the

J) a , a

The warmth of ________ sweater will of course be determined by the sort of ________wool used.

F) the , the

G) the, _

H) _ , the

I) _ , _

J) a, the

I do not like talking on _______ telephone. I prefer writing ________letters.

F) A , the

G) the, _

H) the , the

I) a , _

J) _ , _

Most animals have little connection with _______animals of ________different kind unless they kill them for food.

F) the , a

G) _ , a

H) the , the

I) _ , the

J) _ , _

Henry was made ________captain of them.

F) _

G) the

H) a

I) an

J) by

I go to work very early, I do not usually have _______breakfast, but I always. Eat _________ good supper.

F) _ , a

G) _ ,_

H) the, _

I) _ , the

J) a , a

90. Mr. Smith, there’s a man at _________front door who says he has _______news for you of great importance.

F) the, _

G) the , the

H) _ , _

I) _ ,the

J) it, the

He was once thrown into _______prison for nothing.

F) a

G) _

H) the

I) an

J) by

92. What have you to say ______?

F) to yourself

G) for yourself

H) by yourself

I) between yourself

J) yourself

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