Journal of the Institute of Pre-School and Early School Education of Pedagogical University of Cracow

Pre-school and Early School Education journal is published by Instytut Pedagogiki Przedszkolnej i Szkolnej Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego im. KEN in Kraków (Institute of Pre-School and Early School Education – Pedagogical University of Cracow) in the form of a semiannual journal.

The aim of the journal is to enable and stimulate a discussion on the academic level regarding upbringing-related problems that are the most important from contemporary perspective, on preschool and elementary school (grades 1 to 3) levels, as well as enable an international discussion regarding the role of preschool and early school education in different directions and tendencies of Polish, European and world pedagogy.

Each issue presents a theme and is dedicated to a different problem. A wide range of the undertaken discourses has been offered, fitting different scientific fields that provide a basis for reflection on the analyzed problematic aspects.

Basic sections of the journal include: scientific articles, reviews, chronicles of scientific activity, comments, inspirations, reflections and a gallery.

Pedagogika Przedszkolna i Wczesnoszkolna journal is directed at people interested in preschool- and early school-related problems, especially academic teachers and students.

Having considered that, we hope that articles and disputes presented in this journal will interest you, result in comments and reflections, questions being raised, discussions being started and first and foremost – inspire to further scientific searches and publishing their results in our journal.

Reviewing procedure

Each article published in the „Pedagogika Przedszkolna i Wczesnoszkolna” journal is reviewed by two independent reviewers. The review has a written form and is concluded with a permission for printing, conditional permission (after correction) or text rejection. Author and reviewers do not know their identities (a so-called double-blind review).

Editorial guidelines

Sending the editorial team a short abstract in English together with translated title and keywords is a condition for publishing the text. Please also provide a brief abstract and keywords in Polish.

The following text editing scheme should be used:

Author’s name and surname

Title: Times New Roman font, size 12p., bold

Basic text: Times New Roman font, size 12p., interline of 1.5 lines

Please do not place quotations in quotation marks

Method of using footnotes according to the APA editing standards; see

Bibliography at the end of the text:

Dudzikowa M., Ku sprawstwu, współpracy i refleksyjności poprzez ich doświadczanie w edukacji szkolnej. Brunerowskie przesłanie w praktyce, [w:] Doświadczenia szkolne pierwszego rocznika reformy edukacji. Studium teoretyczno-empiryczne, red. M. Dudzikowa, R. Wawrzyniak-Beszterda, Oficyna Wydawnicza „Impuls”, Kraków 2010.

Śliwerski B., Wielopragmatyczność w ponowoczesnej myśli pedagogicznej, „Rocznik Pedagogiczny” 2008, t. 31.

Please provide the access date when quoting Internet sources.
Please send visual art reproductions (sculptures, graphic works, paintings) and photographs for the journal’s gallery using formats: TIFF, RAW or uncompressed JPG (JPEG) ; sizes: minimum width of 13 cm, minimum height of 9 cm, 300 dpi resolution.

The length of texts should not exceed 15 standard pages (approx. 27 000 characters including spaces).

Please send the materials to basic sections: Articles, Reviews, Scientific life chronicle, Comments, inspirations, reflections, Gallery.

Each semiannual issue has a thematic character. Materials that do not correspond with journal’s profile or current theme will not be published.


Publishing agreement


Вартість за статтю обсягом до 15 стандартних аркушів становить

400-450 польських злотих.

Оплату можна буде здійснити під час проведення симпозіуму представнику Педагогічного Університету імені Комісії Народної Освіти в Кракові.

Додаткову інформацію можна отримати написавши на e-mail: [email protected].

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