A) Participle B) Participle II

1. I must have the mixer (fixing, fixed).

2. I don't find this story (amusing, amused).

3. My room is a mess: I really must get it (tidying, tidied) up.

4. I would stay at horn e after such a (tiring, tired) day.

5. Uncle Franc has a gentle old horse (naming, named) Pete on his farm.

6. Can you smell something (burning, burned)?

7. He opened the letter with (shaking, shaken) fingers.

8. She had rather a (pleasing, pleased) look on her face.

9. Deeply (shocking, shocked) I left them.

10.When (answering, answered) your question yesterday I forgot this fact.

11.He walked along the road with his collar (turning, turned) up, hands in pockets.

12.1 didn't enjoy the party because I was (boring, bored) there.

13.Why not throw away the (breaking, broken) umbrella we are not likely to repair it.

14.She didn't pay any attention to the (ringing, rung) telephone.

15.Don't you think your hair needs (cutting, cut)?

16.Can you think of the name of an animal (beginning, begun) with «B»?

Test 15

Personal pronouns. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate pronouns.

A) he; B) she; C) it; D) they; F) him; G) her; H) them

The United States has three main television networks. _l_ show different programs. Many viewers like news programs. _2_ watch _3_ every day. As for Jack, he watches nature programs. _4_ give _5_ facts about plant and animal life.

One nature program described how bees live. _6_told how _7_ build hives.

Kate came from Russia to visit Jack. _8_ liked American television. _9_ found _l 0_ very different from Russian television. Kate watched a lot of television with Jack. _l l_ helped _12_ with some of the language. Kate saw a program about tigers. _13_ de­scribed how _14_ teach their cubs to hunt. In America Kate learned a lot of English. _ 15_ remembered _ 16_ for many years.

Test 16

Some / any. Fill in the blanks. More than one variant is possible.

A1)some; B1)any; C1) no; D1) every

A2) something; B2) anything; C2) nothing; D2) everything

A3) somebody; B3) anybody; C3) nobody; D3) everybody

A4) somewhere; B4) anywhere; C4) nowhere; D4) everywhere

1. 1 have ____ to tell you.

2. He never puts ____ sugar in his tea.

3. ____ children don't like reading.

4. She doesn't want ____ to talk to.

5. We have ____ to help us.

6. There is ____ to be done about it.

7. I must find ____ for you to play badminton with.

8. There's ____ in my soup. It's a mosquito.

9. - Let's have ____ to drink. How about juice?

- No,.thanks. I'm not thirsty. I don't want ____.

10.There's ____ at the door. I heard the door-bell ring.

11.Remember, don't tell ____ about him. It's a secret.

12.Don't you have ___ to do?

13.Isn't there ____ more interesting to look at?

14.Do they live ___ near Fleet Street?

15.I'm thirsty. Can I have ____ cold water?

16.Let me know if you have ____ trouble.

17. I opened the door, but I could see ____.

18.Don't worry about your mistake. ____ is all right.

19.Susan seldom says ____.

20. I can't find my shoes. I've looked ____.

21. Stop sitting there doing ____ and help me.

22. ____ can speak all the languages in the world.

23. We didn't have ____ milk for our kitten so I went out to buy

24. I wonder if they found ____.

25. Can you get me ____ to eat, please?

26. I can do the job alone. I don't need ____ to help me.

27. I've hardly been ____ since last holiday.

28.Would you like ____ more coffee?

29. I have ____ to read this night.

30.Why are you looking under the table? Have you lost ____?

31.I've got ____ postcards. Perhaps they are in the drawer.

32. Where can I find a good job with plenty of money and no work? - ____.

33.He's ____ more a genius than I am.

34.People cannot close their eyes to the facts ____ longer.

Test 17

Prepositions of place. Choose the correct preposition.

A) at; B) in; C) on

1. There is a nice picture ____ the wall.

2. She never keeps her money ____ her bag.

3. Don't sit ____ the ground.

4. Can you see something strange ____ the water?

5. I think her flat is ____ the third floor of that building.

6. Who is the boy ____ that photo?

7. The car was parked ____ the corner of the street.

8. The children are playing ____ the garden.

9. My friend spent his holiday ____ a small village the mountains.

10.The night is very dark. There are no stars ____ the sky.

11.Let's meet ____ the entrance to the Supermarket.

12.Our dog likes swimming ____ the river.

St. Petersburg is ____ the Neva river.

14. She waited for him ____ the bus stop ____ the end of Green Street.

15. There is nobody ____the building.

16.I think I left my bag ____ the chair ____ the corner of the classroom.

17. When we were Spain we stayed ___ a hotel. We always left keys ___ reception.

18.We live ____ Number 54 (Market Street).

19.There's a big circle. Inside the circle ____ the top there is a small square. ____ the right ____ the side there are two small circles.

20.____ the left ____ the side there's a triangle, and there's a rectangle ____ the bottom.

21.____ the middle there are three small dots.

Test 18

Prepositions of time. Fill in:

A) at B) in C) on

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. _____''9 o'clock _____26 November _____October _____night _____the spring _____the moment _____times _____the present _____his age _____the morning _____Wednesday _____noon _____Sunday mornings _____half past three 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. _____Friday evening _____lunch _____ Veteran's Day _____the end of the concert _____1987 _____Christmas _____Tuesday afternoon _____the end of January _____the weekend (Brit.) _____midnight _____the past _____my birthday just_____time


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