The system of Education in Russia
Russia is the first state in the history of mankind where a real possibility has been created for people to acquire an education. Russia has a uniform system of public education (1) - the same in all rural & urban & localities, etc., - the same for all children, whether their parents be collective farmers or academicians. Its aim is to give young people a general education & vocational training, to develop healthy mids & healthy bodies & to prepare the young people for life.
Our educational system is continuous, uniform & interconnected: it embraces (2) all forms & stages of training . This task is dealt with on a state scale.
The system of public education in Russia covers preschool education, general secondary education, out-of-school activities (3), vocational-technical education, specialized secondary education, higher education.
Preschool education is considered to be part of a unified system of education. It is organically linked with the entire system of public education in the country. Preschool education includes creches which look after children from one year old & up to three years, & nursery schools (or kindergartens) which accept children aged from 3 to 6 years inclusive.
Primary school consists of a three-year course for children at the age of six years old. Another five years of studies give children eight-year education. At this stage pupils take exams. After completing the 8 th form some pupils enter technical or vocational schools where, in three or four years, they get their secondary education as well as a sound knowledge of the fundamentals of the production process (4) & a high level of technical knowledge. Vocational & technical schools train future turners (5), technicians, builders, designers, medical assistants, elementary school teachers, midwives (6), nurses, trained service personnel, etc. The rest graduates of the 9th form receive 11 - year education at general secondary schools where they study three more years.
The aim of the new school reform is to achieve a combination of general secondary education with overall vocational training.
There is a network of boarding schools in our country where pupils not only study, but live, have their meals & clothes.
Apart from ordinary nursery & secondary school there are special ones for physically & mentally handicapped children (7). Those suffering from poor health go to sanatorium-type nursery & secondary schools, most of which are located in suburbs & the seashore localities.
Besides there are schools with a bias (8) to mathematics, physics or chemistry. The senior forms are composed of pupils who have displayed particular interest in & ability for these subjects. Those senior form pupils also have a general educational curriculum enabling them to enter any higher school.
Higher education includes Universities, Institutes, Drama studios, conservatoires, etc. The duration of studies is four, five or even six years.
In Russia there are three systems used in higher & special secondary education: full-time, evening, & correspondence (extramural) courses.
In full-time courses students do not work. Those doing evening classes combine their work with studying. Correspondence courses are carried out by mail alone between exam terms at which attendance is required. For evening & extramural students there are many privileges, including paid leaves for taking exams, for preparing diploma theses, etc.
Education in Russia is free at every level.
The entire system of public education in our country has a role to play in developing & satisfying the intellectual & moral requirements of the people. During their studies, students acquire definite minimum amount of socio-political knowledge, & this enables them to become active & socially conscious builders of the new society & to make full use of the extensive socio-economic, political, & personal rights & freedoms.
1. a uniform system of public education - единая система народного образования
2. embrace [im’breis] - включать, охватывать
3. out-of-school activities - внеклассная работа (занятия)
4. a sound knowledge of the fundamentals of the production process - прочные знания основ процесса производства
5. turner - токарь
6. midwives - акушерки
7. for physically & mentally handicapped children - для детей с умственными и физическими недостатками
8. with a bias to - с уклоном
1. Read the text once again & choose the key sentences dealing with:
a) Preschool education.
b) Primary education.
c) Nine-year education.
d) Vocational - technical education
e) Specialized education.
f) Higher education.
2. Give English equivalents for the following words & word – expressions. Make up your own sentences.
Дошкольные учреждения, обязательное образование, единая система народного образования, внеклассная работа (занятия), для детей с физическими и умственными недостатками, предмет с уклоном, способность (склонность), учебный план (программа), младший , старший, начальная школа, детский сад, детские ясли, создавать (творить), школа - интернат, укреплять(ся), учитель, обучать (учить).
3. Fill in the blanks with the words & word - expressions.
1. All the citizens in our country have equal right to ... an education.
2. Nursery schools accept children aged from ... to ... years.
3. Preschool ... are very popular among parents.
4. ... education includes creches & nursery schools or ... .
5. It is not easy to ... the problems of children’s upbringing.
6. You are to ... your knowledge & skills all the life.
7. Teachers & parents are to broaden pupils ... .
8. ... education includes Universities, Institutes, Drama studios & other ... educational institutions.
4. Find the arguments proving that:
1. Russia has a uniform system of public education.
2. Secondary education is a compulsory minimum.
3. General education has a great social impact.
5. Write an essay on the suggested topic: “Mixed-ability group — the usual basis of classroom organization in Russia. Results”. You may reveal advantages and disadvantages of mixed-ability groups.
Контрольная работа № 4
для студентов Ш курса заочного отделения.
(практика устной и письменной речи)
Составители: Соловьева Г.В.