Ex. 2. Incorporate the quotation in the text at a suitable point. Decide on a suitable place to include the quotation. Make any changes necessary to the text


Quotation.In this context saying thank you is very rude, for it suggests first that one has calculated the amount of a gift and second, that one did not expect the donor to be so generous.

References. (Robert Dentan (1968). The Semai: A non-violent people of Malaya. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Page 49.)

Text.To express gratitude for the portion received indicates that you are the kind of person who calculates how much you are giving and taking. Thus to call attention to one's generosity is to indicate that others are in debt to you and that you expect them to repay you. It is repugnant to egalitarian peoples even to suggest that they have been treated generously.


Quotation.“The whole point of selecting a prefabricated string is to bypass analysis.”

References(A. Wray (1999). In a book Formulaic language and the lexicon, published in Cambridge by Cambridge University Press. This quotation is from page 408.)

Text.Wray (1999) maintains that formulaic language benefits both comprehension and production, in part because such expressions appear to be stored and retrieved as holistic, unanalyzed chunks and thus contribute to economy of expression.


Quotation.“I postulate that the physical and social environment of the young child is perceived as a continuum. It does not contain any intrinsically separate 'things'. The child, in due course, is taught to impose upon this environment a kind of discriminating grid which serves to distinguish the world as being composed of a large number of separate things; each labeled with a name. This world is a representation of our language categories, not vice versa”.

References.(E. Leach (1964). Anthropological aspects of language: Animal categories and verbal abuse. In a book of article edited by E. H. Lenneberg New directions in the study of language (pp. 23–63). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. The quote is from page 34)

TextAnthropologists have one popular view of categorization. According to this view, there is no basis for our category structure in the world itself. Instead this structure is imposed by categorical processes of the human mind, which in turn depend upon experiences within a particular culture. Thus the categories we use to distinguish varieties of flowers are simply those used by other members of our culture.

Ex. 2. Incorporate the quotation in the text at a suitable point. Decide on a suitable place to include the quotation. Make any changes necessary to the text - student2.ru Listening

Script 17

Ex. 3. Listen to the tape and tick words, which were not mentioned.

The purpose of using direct quotation is to show the writers exact words. Therefore, you must accurately copy the passage word for word. Do not make any changes to the text. To indicate that the passage is a direct quotation, use the well-known punctuation rules. Pay very close attention to the use of capitalization and the placement of punctuation marks.

Once you have learned how to correctly punctuate direct quotations, it may become tempting to use them a great deal. However, direct quotations are used sparingly (not often) in academic writing.

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