Task 1. Choose the correct variant

1. English … difficult for people with poor language skills.

a) are

b) is

c) being

d) were

2. The … you engage in reading the … you become.

a) much, more clever

b) more, cleverer

c) father, cleverer

d) more, much cleverer

3. The star students must write … test to understand who will get theprize.

a) second

b) the second

c) a second

d) an second

4. The teacher told us to work in pairs and to ask … questions.

a) one another’s

b) each other

c) each other’s

d)one’s another

5. “It’s about your attendance, Kate. You always … classes.” – “In fact, I … ill.”

a) are missing, was

b) miss, was

c) have been missing, will be

d) had missed, am

6. As soon as we … studying the topic, we … a class devoted to revision.

a) will finish, will have

b) finish, would have

c) finished, would have had

d) finish, will have

7. My friend said he … ready for the test for days, yet he … a low grade.

a) got, had got

b) has been getting, got

c) was getting, had got

d) had been getting, had got

8. We … on the project for two months already. We … it by next month.

a) was working, will finish

b) have been working, will have finished

c) had worked, would finish

d) had been working, would be finishing

9. We … by a teacher that in a day we … a multiple choice test.

a) are being told, will be doing

b) are told, would have done

c) have been told, would do

d) were told, were doing

10. “To pass the exam … a real ordeal. I … material for it all day yesterday.”

a) will be, was revising

b) is being, have been revising

c) would be, am revising

d) will have been, had been revising

11. At 9 tomorrow I … a credit and after this I … home by my father.

a) will be taking, will be driven

b) will take, am being driven

c) am taking, will have been driven

d) will have been taking, will be driven

12. By next September my friends and I … English for five years. Moreover, I … to take up another modern language.

a) would had been doing, will be proposed

b) will have done, will had been proposed

c) will be doing, am being proposed

d) will have been doing, am proposed

13. I may do my best to be good at math. – The boy … that he … do his best to be good at math.

a) says, might

b) said, may

c) said might

d) told, might

14. “Can you give a prompt?” he said. “Yes,” she said.- He … if she … give him a prompt and she said she … .

a) asked, could, could

b) asked, can, can

c) asked, could, can

d) asked, can, could

15. I can’t come on Saturday morning because I … my home assignment.

a) can do

b) must do

c) may do

d) had to do

16. My teacher encourages me …. grammar rules because I’m not good at it.

a) to learn

b) learning

c) to have learnt

d) having learnt

17. University courses come easy to those who have got used to … independently.

a) learn

b) learnt

c) learning

d) being learn

18. He was caught … the act … copying and asked to hand … his worksheet right then.

a) in, of, in

b) at, about, to

c) on, in through

d) of, of, off

19. The teacher’s computer broke … …. the end … the class so we couldn’t finish our work.

a) out, in, of

b) down, in among

c) down, at, of

d) in, in, in

20. Now we get … … reading the text paying attention … the underlined words.

a) out, of, on

b) down, to, to

c) through, with, on

d) into, with, at

Task 2. HOMEWORK. Choose the right answer

1. There is a(n) …at the back of the book giving the answers to the exercises.

a) appendix b) index c) key d) reference

2. No one helped Tracy to do her homework; she did it …

a) all by herself b) by all herself c) by herself all d) herself all

3. Clare was …her homework when her boyfriend called.

a) at the centre b) halfway through c) in between d) in the middle

4. That work is needed by next Thursday, so make sure you keep to the….....................

a) dead end b) deadline c) deadlock d) dead stop

5. What did you get for your French composition?

a) figure b) mark c) number d) sign

6. Can you recite the Russian alphabet… ?

a) around b) backwards c) reverse d) upside down

7..... the regular written work, you will be required to submit a long essay.

a) Apart from b) Beyond c) Beside d) In addition

8. I can't find any logical …..between these two sentences.

a) bond b) chain c) link d) tie

9. For tomorrow…. I'd like you to read pages 25 to 38...............................................................

a) excluded b) exclusive c) included d) inclusive

10.. My brother found it difficult to learn to write because he is ….

a) left-handed b) right-handed c) single-handed d) two-handed

Task 3. HOMEWORK. Choose the right answer

1. It's vital that the students' handwriting be …..

a) illiterate b) legible c) legitimate d) literate

3. Vincent read the article through quickly, so as to get the of it before settling down to a thorough study.

a) core b) detail c) gist d) run

4. It is very difficult to ….. the exact meaning of an idiom in a foreign language.

a) convert b) convey c) exchange d) transfer

5. I tried to concentrate on my homework but my eyes kept ….. away from the handbook. a) digressing b) lapsing c) rambling d) straying

6. On Sunday, Vivian studied for seven hours …..

a) at length b) at once c) in full d) on end

7. Miss Nervous handed in the test and awaited the results ….

a) in the same breath b) out of breath c) under her breath d) with bated breath

8. Wilfred was so ….. in his studies that he did not notice the time passing.

a) drenched b) drowned c) engrossed d) soaked

9. You will need a pen and some paper to ….. this problem. It is too difficult to do in your head. a) discover b) find out c) realise d) work out

10........................ Students will be …… for exceeding word-limits in their precis.

a) condemned b) penalised c) punished d) sentenced

11.......................................... I'm afraid I've only had time to ….. the article you recommended.

a) glance b) look c) peruse d) scan

12.......................... Frank has a good ….. for figures.

a) brain b) head c) mind d) thought

13............................................ The noise from the traffic outside … me from my homework.

a) annoyed b) distracted c) prevented d) upset

14. You must not ..... from the point when you write an essay,
a) diverge b) go astray c) ramble d) wander

15............................................................................. I can't possibly mark your homework as your handwriting is ……........................................

a) illegible b) illicit c) illogical d) illusive

16..................................................... Deborah is going to take extra lessons to… what she missed while she was away.

a) catch up on b) cut down on c) put up with d) take up with

17............................. Miss Crammer is so ….. in her work that it would be a pity to disturb her.

a) absorbed b) attentive c) consumed d) intent

Task 4. STUDENTS. Choose the correct answer

1. How many ….is Sam studying at school?

a) objects b) subjects c) themes d) topics

2. I have English classes ……day — on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

a) all other b) each other c) every other d) this and the other

3. I haven't had a very …..week. I seem to have done nothing at all.

a) economic b) enthusiastic c) extensive d) productive

4. It is impossible to find a good educational computer program.

a) almost b) barely c) hardly d) merely

5..... the difficulty of the task, I shall be lucky to complete it by the end of next month.

a) Accepted b) Given c) Presuming d) Regarding

6. A small.. …of students was waiting outside the classroom to see the teacher.

a) form b) gang c) group d) team

7. Hard as she tried, she …. couldn't understand the question.

a) always b) even c) still d) yet

8. And as she didn't understand anything, she merely gave the teacher a …. look.

a) blank b) clear c) simple d) useless

9. How many marks did you …. in the last test?

a) get b) make c) score d) take

10.................................................................................. You will have to do the course again because your work has been …....................................

a) unnecessary b) unpleasant c) unsatisfactory d) unusual

Task 5. Find the mistake

1. I was going to ask you if you would read my essay before I handed it in, but

1 2 3

I changed your mind.

2. In one class we had to do a research on the language used in the sphere of

1 2 3

business communications.

3. English literature is not just a subject to study, it makes us to think and feel

1 2 3

and generally become a better person.

Keys to the Test of Module : In and out of class.

Task I.1b, 2b, 3c, 4b, 5a, 6d, 7d, 8b, 9d, 10a, 11a, 12d, 13c, 14a, 15b, 16a, 17c, 18a, 19c, 20b

Task 2. 1c, 2a, 3b, 4b, 5b, 6b, 7a, 8c, 9d, 10a

Task 3. 1b, 3c, 4b, 5d, 6d, 7d, 8c, 9d, 10b, 11d, 12b, 13b, 14c, 15a, 16a, 17a.

Task 4.1b, 2c, 3d, 4a, 5b, 6c, 7c, 8a, 9a, 10c

Task 5. 1.(4), 2(2), 3(3)

Test on Module 6: ACCOMMODATION

1. HOUSES. Choose the right answer

1. The street lamps are switched on automatically at ..... .

a) dark b) dusk c) evening d) sunrise

2. His bedroom ..... the park.

a) overlooks b) oversees c) overtakes d) undergoes

3. The bright colour of the woodwork rather ..... from the quiet beauty of the house. a) contracts b) detracts c) distracts d) extracts

4. The old houses were ..... down to make way for a block of flats.

a) banged b) hit c) knocked d) put

5. My house is very ..... for getting to work as it is only a few minutes from the station. a) convenient b) fit c) suitable d) useful

6. There were so many new buildings in the town that she hardly ..... the place.

a) distinguished b) identified c) made out d) recognised

7. It is only a small flat but it ..... my needs perfectly.

a) fills b) fits c) settles d) supplies

8. We are ..... into ournew house on Monday.

a) arriving b) entering c) moving d) transporting

9. This house has only been ..... since last summer.

a) dwelled b) lived c) occupied d) resided

10. Just looking at the room you would have no idea of the real purpose it ..... .

a) filled b) served c) took d) used

11. They've finally decided to ..... that lovely old house on the hill.

a) appoint b) preserve c) renew d) renovate

12. In recent years there has been a(n) ..... increase in the cost of living.

a) important b) powerful c) significant d) wide

13. The Newrichs have just bought a beautiful ..... house in the country.

a) aged b) ancient c) antique d) old

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