I shampooed and set my hair.

I've fixed up for a visit to the hairdresser — do you know they couldn't take me till four o'clock this afternoon, they're so busy suddenly. (Evelyn Waugh)

She was fresh from the beauty parlour. (Evelyn Wough)

My hair is so fine (or thin) that it won't hold the curls, especially in damp weather. If I have a tight permanent, it is kinky, because of my fine hair. Some people, who have coarse (or heavy) hair, can use a tight permanent, and it will hold its set.

The hairdresser quickly retouched a few stray hairs with a can of hair spray.

Her hair was done up in metal rollers.

Sylvia turned around: there was a row of hairpins spaced across her mouth; she extracted them one at a time all the while she talked. (Truman Capote)

She was very young, with black hair tortured into an intricate pile that must have taken hours to achieve.(Char­lotte Armstrong)

Her pale red hair, lacquered to a high gloss, was piled up on her head in elaborate convolutions. (Phyllis Bentley)

Her hair, cut fashionably short, had survived sleep very well indeed.


Eric combed his hair, which was too long. He decided that he would get it cut very short before he went back to the States. (James Baldwin)

He had a broad shiny face, blue eyes that darted enthusi­astically and a few strands of wetted-down black hair combed crossways over his scalp. (Ira Levin)

His hair was very dark, glossy and abundant; care­fully carelessly arranged in heavy waves which spread over his large white forehead. Sideburns of course, and a beard of course. (Phyllis Bentley)

Hooper appeared; tie was a sallow youth with hair combed back, without parting, from his forehead. (Evelyn Waugh)

He ran a comb through his hair, adjusted his tie and motioned me to follow him. (Moss Hart)

The electricity crackled as his comb went through the thickness of his soft honey-colored hair.

He was standing in front of his mirror, brushing his hair. It was then I noticed that he was taking some care about it. His hair was going back quickly at the temples, more quickly than I had realized, since he managed to disguise it. (C. P. Snow)

His hair, of which he retained plenty, stood up over his shining forehead in a short grey ruff. (J. G. Cozzens)

He was balding at the back of his head, unevenly, so that he always seemed in need of a haircut. (Evan Hunter)

He was one of those bald guys that comb all their hair over from the side to cover up the baldness.

He wore a moustache and a neatly trimmed Van Dyke beard. (John H. Griffin)

Практическая работа по теме HAIRDRESSING

Задание 1. Переведите на английский язык следующие слова и словосочетания:

Иметь грубые волосы, выпрямить вьющиеся волосы, волосы с поврежденными концами, посоветовать лечение для волос, шампунь для окрашенных волос, ополаскиватель для жирных волос, здоровая кожа головы, записаться (назначить встречу), линия роста волос, объем, хохолок, градуированное каре, свадебная прическа, коса, прическа, за которой легко ухаживать, спутанные волосы, ополаскивать волосы холодной водой.

Задание 2. Закончите предложения, используя слова, данные перед текстом.

Dimple, turned-up, an ear, long-legged, colour, eyes, freckles, teeth, wrinkles, growing, hair, features, mole.

1.He is … a beard. 2.The girl had … in her cheeks when she smiled. 3. He had … for music and played the piano professionally. 4. What … are his eyes? 5. He has large though regular … . 6. There is a little brown … on her cheek. 7. She has a … nose and, black wide-set …. 8. She wears her … in plaits. 9. 1 like her white even … . 10. The old woman had ugly deep on his face. 11. She is a beautiful … girl. 12. Red-haired people often have …on their faces.

Задание 3. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Тебе пора идти к парикмахеру.

2. Мне не нравиться твоя прическа и цвет волос.

3. Я записалась к своему мастеру на завтра.

4. Ты думаешь, что мне лучше подстричь волосы короче?

5. Я хочу изменить цвет волос. Хочу стать блондинкой.

6. Не думаю, что это хорошая идея.

7. У тебя тонкие волосы, хрупкие, с расщепленными кончиками.

8. Скорее им требуется лечение, а не осветление.

9. Позже, после лечения я бы посоветовала тебе сделать мелирование.

10. Тебе пойдет челка, длинная и прямая. Ты будешь выглядеть стильно.

11. А ты долго еще будешь носить свой хвост? - Мне так удобно. Волосы не мешают, когда я работаю. После работы я их распускаю.

12. Ты выглядишь прекрасно с распущенными волосами. Они у тебя такие блестящие, мягкие, шелковистые.

13. Мне надоели мои кудри. Я хочу попробовать выпрямить их.

14. Думаю, что это возможно и результат будет хороший.

15. Сейчас столько новых технологий и материалов в парикмахерском искусстве.

16. Нужно постоянно повышать свою квалификацию, чтобы быть настоящим профессионалом.

17. Парикмахер должен иметь хороший вкус и быть настоящим художником.

18. Он должен уметь подобрать прическу, соответствующую форме лица и стилю клиента.

19. Парикмахер должен быть готов воспринимать новые идеи и постоянно совершенствовать свои знания и навыки.

20. Парикмахер должен быть всегда в хорошем настроении.




Aa[ei] Hh[eitS] Oo[ou] Vv[vi:]
Bb[bi:] Ii[ai] Pp[pi:] Ww[dablju:]
Cc[si:] Jj[dzei] Qq[kju:] Xx[eks]
Dd[di:] Kk[kei] Rr[a:] Yy[wai]
Ee[i:] Ll[el] Ss[es] Zz[zed]
Ff[ef] Mm[em] Tt[ti:]  
Gg[dzi:] Nn [en] Uu[ju:]  


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