Topic 9. PROFESSION of a hairdresser

Topical vocabulary

hairdresser парикмахер
hairstyle, hairdo прическа
haircut стрижка
client клиент
artist художник
psychologist психолог
competitive конкурентоспособный
suitable подходящий
communicative общительный
sociable общительный
create создать
welcoming приветливый
to serve обслуживать
service услуга
to underline подчеркнуть
to conceal скрывать
flaw недостаток
habit привычка
imagination воображение
to present joy дарить радость
to come true осуществляться
to be in good mood быть в хорошем настроении
to find out узнать

Text А. Profession of a hairdresser

Read and translate the text.

What do people go to a hairdresser's for? Certainly, for beauty.

Making people beautiful a hairdresser presents joy to them: ”Service is a Maker of good mood”. A hairdresser must always be in good mood; otherwise all hopes of clients for good mood will not come true.

A hairdresser should be an emotional, communicative and sociable person.It is necessary to speak to clients to find out their habits, likes and dislikes, to know what they want. In other words, a hairdresser must be a good psychologist.

To be competitive, a hairdresser should create a friendly, welcoming atmosphere that will make clients enjoy their visits to his (her) salon so much they will not want to go to another.

A hairdresser should be willing to learn and keep an open mind, because fashion changes very quickly.

Besides, a hairdresser must be an artist, because a suitable hairdo and a good make-up can underline beautiful features and conceal flaws of the face and even of the figure.

The work of a hairdresser is like the work of an engineer. S/he must have imagination to be able to change his/her clients' image to the best.

At the same time s/he is a doctor - he suggests medical aids for skin and hair treating and curing.

The work of a hairdresser is a constant search for beauty.


otherwise иначе
it is necessary необходимо
treat ухаживать
cure лечить
medical aids медицинские средства

2. Discussion:

1. What do people go to a hairdresser's for?

2. Do you agree that service is a maker of good mood?

3. Why must a hairdresser always be in good mood?

4. Why is it necessary for a hairdresser to speak to clients?

5. What should a hairdresser do to be competitive?

6. Do you think a hairdresser should be willing to learn? Why?

7. Why do you think a hairdresser must be an artist?

8. Why do you like your future profession?

9. When did you decide to become a hairdresser?

10. What do you like in your profession the most?

Text B. Hairdresser Job Description

Read and translate the text.

Long or short, wavy or straight: what’s ‘in’ at the moment? The profession of a hairdresser is closely related to the world of fashion. The profession of a hairdresser is many-faceted, creative and presents new contacts with new people.

Getting interested? Get all the important details regarding this profession below.

What is a hairdresser?

Hairdressers are people who are trained to cut, style, colour, straighten and do some permanent wave treatment with chemical solutions, as well as give customers hair and scalp treatments.

Duties of a Hairdresser:

A hairdresser is responsible for performing salon tasks such as bleaching, conditioning, permanent waving, straightening as well as tinting and styling hair using different kinds of brushes, combs, straightening irons and other equipment typically used for setting the hair. They advise their customers, make recommendations on hairstyle, washing and colouring, as well as highlighting, blow-drying and cutting, curling and straightening. Most also sell hair-care products.

A hairdresser must also attend different kinds of seminars and master-classes offered for hairdressers to improve their skills and knowledge.

A hairdresser is responsiblefor performing several of the receptionist’s duties such as answering the phone and taking appointments.

He or she must also clean the salon, work areas as well as the equipment after it has been used by customers.

Hairdressing offers a secure income, as people continue to go to the hairdresser even at times of economic difficulty.

Multiple opportunities for professional development:

Once training has been completed, hairdressers have the following options for specialisation and further training in the field of hairdressing:

- employment in a hair salon;

- opening one’s own hair salon;

- make-up artist- theatre hairdresser;

- television hairdresser;

- seminars at home and abroad.

Further training: There are the following opportunities for advancement in professional hairdressing:

- professional make-up artist;

- teacher;

- company managing director;

- entrepreneur.

2. Learn the words to the text:

to be related быть связанным to blow-dry сушить феном
many-faceted многогранный to highlight делать мелирование
regarding относительно to curl завивать
to train обучаться to take appointments назначать встречу
treatment уход, процедура to improve улучшать
duty обязанность brush щетка
solution раствор comb расческа
scalp кожа головы iron утюг
responsible ответственный equipment оборудование
to perform выполнять advancement продвижение
task задача secure надежный
to bleach обесцвечивать income доход

3. Find in the text the equivalents of following word combination:

Что сейчас в моде; вам уже интересно? все важные детали; химические растворы; утюжки для выпрямления волос; укладка волос; средства по уходу за волосами; делать уборку в салоне; обязанности администратора; разнообразные возможности; профессиональное развитие; следующие возможности; дальнейшее обучение; область парикмахерского искусства.

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