United States Department of Justice

a) General Investigation Division

The FBI, formally called the Bureau of Investigation, was created primarily to handle criminat investigations for the Department of Justice.

The FBI responsibilities continue to grow each year.

The FBI handles over 180 different investigations including Federal criminal violations internal security matters and civil inquiries- in which the Government has an interest.

Since 1945, over 95 percent of the cases investigated by its agents which came before the courts have resulted in convictions .

Special Investigation Division

Organized crime is a lawless empire involved in gambling, narcotics, prostitution, extortion, etc. where easy money can be made. For vears organized crime operated behind a nearly impenetrable wa1141 built on fear, intimidation, bribery, and force. United States Department of Justice - student2.ru

Squads of highly trained FBI Agents are devoting their full efforts to bringing the crime lords to justice5), The objective is to collect sufficient evidence to build a strong prosecutive() case so gang leaders can be brought to justice swiftlv. Cooperation is vital in the light against organized crime.

The FBI works closely with state and local entòrcement agencies.

United States Department of Justice - student2.ru This Division also supervises investigations under the Security of

Government Employees programme United States Department of Justice - student2.ru

Fugitive investigations often involve a great deal of manpower.

In addition to FBI tugitivcs, this Division directs the efforts of FBI Agents to locate and apprehend escaped Federal prisoners, deserters from the Armed Forces.

b) Identification Division

The largest collection of fingerprints in the world is maintained in the identification Division oflhe FBI. A dangerous fliEitive, wanted in one state, may be located through fingerprint identification afìer his arrest on a minor charge under a different name by a police agency in another state. Fingerprints often arc the only means of identifving victims of various crimes.

Laboratory Division

The FBI Laboratorv is the greatest criminological laboratory in the wor)d, During the first 35 years of its existence, this laboratory made approximatelv 4.000.000 scientific examinations. Today, this laboratorv is a large complex of scientific equipment, staffed with over 300 employees most of whom have technical training. Included in this group are over 100 Special Agents with specialized training in a wide range of scientific fields. Many crimes are solved and many defendants convicted on the basis of tnaterial evidence submitted to the laboratory for examination. Laboratory examinations on many occasions have proved the innocence of persons suspected of having committed crimes.

Domestic Intelligence Division

The FBI fights against all elements which pose a threat" to the security of the people in the United States, to the Nation's security.

c) Files and Communications Division

Often some of the Inost valuable leads in an investigation result from information already contained in the files of law enforcement agencies.

A teletype network provides constant twenty-four-hour contact between FBI headquarters and all Field Divisions. [n addition, the FBI has a

radio network, completely independent of commercial tacilities.

Crime Records Division

The personnel ofthc Crime Records Department has the task of carefukly studying the information on crime poured into the Head-quarters from the FBI's field officer local police agenctes and other sources.

Training Division

All FBI Agents are trained at facilities in Washington, D.C.. and at the FB[ Academv in Quantico, Virginia. Todav, the new Agents receive fourteen weeks of instruction. Two week retraining courses ave held periodicallv for all Agents. Although the theorv of the various Law enthrcement arts and sciences is taught, the greater emphasis is placed on those practical skills and techniques demanded by day-to-day investigations.

The courses range from the Constitution and Federal Criminal Procedure to Investigative Techniques and the Collection, Identifi-cation and Preservation of Phvsical Evidence. Thorough training is given in firearms and defensive tactics in order that an agent may defend himself in those United States Department of Justice - student2.ru extrerne situations where life may be in danger. The Training Division also provides instructors tar thousands police schools conducted by local enforcement agencies in communities across the Nation.

d) Administrative Division

The Administrative Division's major responsibilities are to see that the operations of the Bureau run smoothlv and expenditures are kept within the limits of the annual appropriation granted by Congress. Another dtitv of this Division is to recruit and assign the personnel necessary to fulfil the various functions of the FBI .

Inspection Division

The staff is composed of experienced, competent men who perioditally review, inspect the total work performance of each field Office and the headquarters staff. The inspections hayc as their goa] the United States Department of Justice - student2.ru provement of management and investigative practices. United States Department of Justice - student2.ru


Following are the matters within the FBI jurisdiction United States Department of Justice - student2.ru


Atomic Energy Act

Bank Robbery and Embezzlement





United States Department of Justice - student2.ru Fraud Against the Government

Intemal Security

Theft of Government Propeny, etc.


United States Department of Justice - student2.ru 1) Federal criminal violation — Hapyl_ueuvte United States Department of Justice - student2.ru 3aKOHOB

2) civil inquiries pacCJRAOBaHMe rpmK12aHcK1,tx ae51

3) have- resulted in convictions gaKOE"WIØCb ocY>KAeHgerv1 06BYHgeMb1,x

4) operated behind a nearly impenetrable wall neÜCTBOBaJ1a 3a noqrø genpoHMuaeM0ìi creHoVi

5) are devoting their full efforts to bringing the crime lords to jus United States Department of Justice - student2.ru EfanpaB11R\0T BCe CBOH Y'CHJIHH, LIT06b' npecrynHblX naaFHaTOB UPHBJ1œgb K cvay

6) to build a strong prosecutive case ElOCTPOHTb CHJ]bHOe 06BHHeHHe

7) the Security of Government Employees programme United States Department of Justice - student2.ru rpaMMa no 06ecneqeHMHJ 6e•gonacHocTH BblCWßX flPaBHTeJ1bCTBeHHb1X

United States Department of Justice - student2.ru

8) which pose a threat — KOTOP61e npencTaBJ1ffl0T yrpuy

9) Crime Records Division yrOJlOBHblÜ apxHB (OTAe", rae xpa United States Department of Justice - student2.ru OTqeTbi O COBepmeHHb1X npecT_vnneHmx)

10) the FBI's field officer COTPYAHHK (DbP, Kyr pøpy'±ou.lliü onpe United States Department of Justice - student2.ru peruoH nnq ccþepy AesneJ1bHocTH

I l ) following are the matters within the FBI jurisdiction BOT BOnpocbl (nena), KOTOPb1e Haxoaq-rcq B apeaenax K)PHCAHKUHH ÖBP

Ex. 12. Find in the text the answers to the following questions: United States Department of Justice - student2.ru What does the FBI handle?

2. What are the main divisions of the FBI you can name?

3. What are the matters within the FBI jurisdiction?

4. fn what way are the FBI Agents devoting their efforts to the fight against organized crime?

5. Who dirccts the effhrts to locate and apprehend fuzitives, escaped Fcdera1 prisoners, deserters from 1'\med Forccs?

б. Where сап valuable leads iB ап investigation be found verv ()ften?

7. Where is the larucst collection 01? fmgerprints in the world'.)

8. \Vhat is the value of fingerprints in а number of crimes'? United States Department of Justice - student2.ru

9. Оп the basis ofwhich evidence are тапу crimes solved and тап»: defcndants convicted?

Ех. 13. Find in the text the English equivalents t6r the foltowing:

а) Федеральное Бюро Расследования; имеет дело с; нарушение федеральных законов; вопросы внутренней безопасности; привести к осуждению; организованная преступность; основанная на страхе. запугивании, взяточничестве и силе; азартные игры, наркоТики, проституция, вымогательство; отряды высококвалифицированных агентов ФБР; собрать достаточно ч'ЛИК', выстроить сильное обвинение; привлечь к суду; бороться ' ПРОТИВ организованной преступности; местные правоприменительные органы; осуществлять надзор за расследованием; расследование лел о беглецах; обнаружить местонахожденис и задержать убежавших из тюрьмы заключенных;

Ь) самая большая в мире кОЛ.кКЦИЯ отпечатков пальцеВ', разыскиваемыЙ опасныЙ беглец; посредством идентификации отпечатков пальцев: СЦИНСТВмНОС средство ОПОЗН[шИЯ потерпевшего; научные экспертизы; специальные агенты с особой подготовкой; раскрыть преступления; осудить обвиняемого; на основе материальпы.х улик: лабораторная экспертиза; доказать невиновность лица; подозревать в совершении преступления; United States Department of Justice - student2.ru

United States Department of Justice - student2.ru с) картотека; наиболее денные версии; обеспечивать постОянныю связь; уголовный архив: изучать информацию о преступлениях; главное управление ФБР; курсы переподготовки: практические навыки и техника; следственная техника; сбор, идентификация и сохранение вещественных локазательств; тщательная подготовка; самбо; огнестрельное оружие; экстремальная ситуация; в опасности;

d) главные обязанности; набирать цггат; выполнять различные United States Department of Justice - student2.ru ФБР; опытные компетентные люди; совершенствование управления и практики расследования; в пределах юрисдикции ФБР; трабление банка; хищение; взяточничество; мошенничество протиа

] 92

npaBwreJ1bCTBa; Kpaxa United States Department of Justice - student2.ru HMyueCTBa•, BblMOræreJ1bCTBO; óopb6a IIPOTHB p3Kera.

Ex. 14. Write aut on]v the words which arc the names of crimes:

detèndant, racketeering, embezzlement, extortion, deserter, victim, fugitive, fraud, prisoner, espionage, employee, theft, robbery, field officer, FBI agent, bribery, conviction, innocence.

Ex. 15. Complete the sentences using the words in brackets: United States Department of Justice - student2.ru

(bribery, intimidation, fugitive, identify, convicted, leads, organized crime, responsibilities, fingerprint, robbery, the collection, identification, preservation, to handle).

United States Department of Justice - student2.ru The FBI was created primarilv... criminal investigations for the Department of justice.

2. The fight against involves a great deal of efforts in the work of the FBI Special Investigation Division.

3. To fight against a threat to the Nation's securitv is one of the... of the FBI.

4. In a number of crimes some of valuable . . in an investigation result from information contained in the files of law enfòrceent ag¥ncies.

5. Many crimes are solved throuoh identification.

6. "[he dangerous was located and arrested on the basis of the information of the •witnesses.

7. Laboratorv examination proved the innocence of the defendant suspected of havine committed...

8. Laboratory examination of the fingerprints found on the mur-der victim helped the murderer.

9. [he gang leaders were on the basis of sufficient evidence collected bv the FBI Agents together with the officers of the local enforcement agcncv.

10. Practical skills and techniques are paid great attention 10 in the course of' training and retraining FBI Agents. The courses involve United States Department of Justice - student2.ru . and of physical evidence.

l l . Organized crime is built on fear, . and force.

Ex. 16. Give all possible word combinations:

crime (opraHH30BaHHag, COBePUIHTb, pacCJ1e110BaTb, 'IOA03PeBaTb,


to handle (npeœrynnek"tn, yronomlble paccne110BaHld51, OTI]eqaTKM

United States Department of Justice - student2.ru HH(þ0PMauHR, BHYTPeHHfl'1 6e30n•acnocmb); fingerprints (uel[Hble, United States Department of Justice - student2.ru c, coxpa-

HMTb); fugitive (VCTaHOBHTb United States Department of Justice - student2.ru 3'dAepxarb. pa3b:cKHBaeMb(V', onaCHb1V1, HaVtTH, apecT0Barb); evidence (MarepHaJlbHb1e, Beluecxgem-ib'e, »ocTatoqHbre, 06ecneLIHTb, United States Department of Justice - student2.ru c06parb, coxpaHeHHc); to fight against (p3Ke-r, opranu_30ßaHHafi lipecTynnoc.Tb. xmuenvte.

B3flTOLIHHqeCTBÖ, Hapv[11eHHe 3aKOHHOCTH, a3apTHble nrpbl, MoweH11'tqe-

CTBO, BblMOFamenbCTBO)•, investigation (TUI,RTeJ1bHb1Ü, HMeTb A&110, yr0110BHoe, nanne-,Kamee).

Ex. 17. Speak in a brief way on:

l . FBI, its composition and the matters within its jurisdiction.

2. Special Investigation Division.

3. Identification Division.

4. Laboratory Division.

Ex. 18. Read the sentences with: l) Complex Object; 2) Complex Subject; and 3) Infinitive as an Attribute. Translate the sentences.

United States Department of Justice - student2.ru The criminal to be arrested must be identified and located first.

2. Extreme egoism and individualism are considered to be the Objective and subjective basic tendencies of criminal behavior.

3. The laboratory examination of certain physical evidence is considered, in some types of offenses, to be the most important part of the investigation.

4. The investigating officer supposed the discovered evidence to he linked with the suspect.

5. The police officer planned the search of the crime scene to be conducted very thoroughly.

6. The person to be identified committed a serious crime.

7. The investigator reported of the defendant's innocence to have been proved.

8. The facts to be collected bv the police officer must provide sufficient evidence to bring the criminal to justice. United States Department of Justice - student2.ru

9. The police happened to have located the dangerous fugitive rather quicklv.

1 0. Thc defendant's fingerprints proved to be the only means of identifying the victim.

1 1 . Vice crimes are often considered essentiallv to be "victinlless• United States Department of Justice - student2.ru crimes.

12. We expect our future detectives to learn how to use informants through personal experience.

13. The material evidence to be examined in the FBI Laboratory will be sufficient to convict the defendant.

14. The last witness to he interviewed was X, a narrow-shouldered young man who had been the only one in the place to have seen the bandit.

15. On the day this robbery is supposed to have been committed he sv•ears he was working in the librarv all day.

Ex. 19. Translate the sentences paying attention to various means of expressing negation:

United States Department of Justice - student2.ru Not onlv has a private person the power to arrest any person who commits anv iëfony in his presence. he also has the duty to arrest

2. ff a crime is committed in the presence of a person, whether a police officer, or not, he will be guiltv of a misdemeanor if he fails to arrest the criminal.

3 The glass was no better than the others but it had fingerprints on it.

4. When the policemen were in the room, an envelope vv-as brought to the owner of the room. No name was written on it. but only the number of his room.

5. No fingerprint by itself is especial)v valuable, but if it's discovered at the crime scene, it is of great importance.

6. All marks of identification had not been destroyed, the investigation was in progress.

7. The detective did not find the coat from 'vvhich the button had been tom, neither did he locate the owner of the coat.

8. Robbery, it seemed apparent. could not have the motive, Was it possible that he had committed the crime without having a Ino-

9. A glance was sufficient to tell the experienced detectives that a search for evidence would be usclcss.

10. I don't sce how she could register under a false nmne, unless she came with targed credentials.

H. The police told him not to go anywhere until he is allowed to do it.

Ex. 19. Read text "B" and find thc answer 10 the tòllowing questions there:

United States Department of Justice - student2.ru What is one of the most successful developments in Scotland Yard's crime detection and emergencv service?

2. What have you learnt of the Map Room in Scotland Yard?

3. What is the branch of police dogs interesting for?

4. What can you sav about the Witness Room?

5. Why do they call the London policeman "bobby"?

6. What did "Scotland Yard" take the name after?

Text "B".

Scotland Yard

Scotland Yard is the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police in London. Scotland Yard is situated on the Thames Embankment close to the

Houses of Parliament and the familiar clock tower of Big Ben, and its jurisdiction extends over 740 square miles with the exception of the ancient City of London, which possesses its own separate police force.

One of the most successful developments in Scotland Yard's crime detection and ernergencv service has been the "999 system". On receipt of a call the 999 Room operator ascertains bv electronic device the position of' the nearest available police car, which is contacted by radio. Almost instantly, a message is also sent by teleprinter to the police stations concemed, so that within seconds of a call for assistance beinu received, a police car is on its way to the scene and all neighbouring police stations have been notified.

Apart from the 999 Room, one OF the most interesting places in Scotland Yard is the Map Room. Here is the Central Crime Map. the Deaths by Violence Map, the Accidents Map and the Vehicles Recovered Map.

An old-established section of the Metropolitan Police is the Mounted

Branch, with its strength of about 200 horses stabled at strategic points, These horses arc particularly suited to ceremonial occasions, for they are accustomed to military bands.

United States Department of Justice - student2.ru An interesting branch of Scotland Yard is the branch of Police Dogsfirst used as an experiment in 1 938. Now these dogs are an important part of the Force. One dog, for example, can search a ware-house in ten minlites, whereas thc sanne search would take six men an hour.

There is also the River Police or Thames Division, which has its own crime investigation officers who handle all crimes occurring within its river boundaries.

There are two other departments of Scotland Yard the Witness Room (known as the Rogues' Galicrv) where a photographic record of known or suspected criminals is kept, and the Museum, which contains murder relicts, forgerv exhibits and coining moulds.

The name "Scotland Yard" originates from the plot of land adjoining Whitehall Palace where, in about the 14th century, the royalty and nobilicy of Scotland stayed when visiting the English Court. The popular nickname or the London policeman "bobby" is a tribute to Sir Robert Peel, and whose Christian name attached itself to members of the force. Ex. 20. Do the Following tasks (on text "B"): United States Department of Justice - student2.ru Divide the text into logical parts.

2 Give a name to each part.

3. Give the contents of each part in 1-2 sentences.

4. Give a brief summarv of the whole text.

Ex. 21. Find in the text "B" and read the sentences with the Passive Voice. Translate them.

Ex. 22. Find and read the sentences with Participle l . Translate them.

Ex. 23. Give a written translation of thc passage about the "999 system" (in the text "Scotland Yard").

Ex. 24. Read text "C" and give a brief summary of the text in RusSian. The following words will help you understand the text: United States Department of Justice - student2.ru miscellaneous services — pa3H006pa3Hb1e ycnvrM

2. fail to solve the crime — He pacK-pb1BaeT npecTY!1J1eHVte

3. criminalistics technician United States Department of Justice - student2.ru

4 preliminarv npeABapqreJ1bHhïÜ

5. to alTive at the crime scene — npn6b1Tb Ha Mec-ro npecryn_qcr-wq

6. providing aid 1101M01_1ÄH

7. to secure the crime scene orpaüHTb (06e'301žacHTh) Mecxo

8. the tallow-up Investigation — paccJže1(0BaF-1uc

9. available MMek0k_uHìic53 B pacnopŸ-,KeHhÝ' (B United States Department of Justice - student2.ru 10. interrogation - aonpoc United States Department of Justice - student2.ru l l . interview — onpoc

12. witness CBunereJ1b

13. search OCMOTP

14. modus operandi MOA)'C onepaHAH, cnoc06 neÜCTBHH, United States Department of Justice - student2.ru yepK" (npecTY11HHKa)

Text United States Department of Justice - student2.ru

The Most Glamourous United States Department of Justice - student2.ru

Aspect of Police Work

The basic responsibility of the police is to fight crime, maintain order, and provide miscellaneous services to the public. Patrol remains the basic manner in which police services are delivered to the public.

Criminal investigation is the most glamorous aspect of policing. Most police officers regard detective work as "real" policc work. Detective work has a specific mission: apprehending the offender. The quality of work can also be measured in terms of the number of arrests. This contrasts sharply with patrol dutv, which largely involves peace-keeping. Good detectives are believed to be able to solve most crimes, so the citi-

United States Department of Justice - student2.ru

zen-victim becomes angrv when the police fail to solve the crime he or she suffered from.

The process of investigating a crime involves several different steps pertòrmed by at least three different units within the police department: patrol officers, detectives, criminalistics technicians. The two major stages of the investigation process are the preliminary investigation and the tallow-up investigation.

The preliminary investigation is normallv the responsibility of the patrol officer who is the first to arrive at the scene of the crime. The five major responsibilities include:

United States Department of Justice - student2.ru ) arresting any suspect or suspects,

2) providing aid to any victims,

3) securing the crime scene to prevent losš of evidence. 4) collecting all relevant physical evidence, and 5) preparing a preliminarv report.

Once the responding officer has completed the preliminary investioation, the casc is assigned to the detective bureau fòr the follow-up investigation. In all but the smallcst departments, the detective unit is separate from the patrol unit. The smallest departments have no separate detective unit. Medium-sized departments have a separate detective unit but detectives handle all types of crime here. Laraer departments specialize according to a type of crime (e.g., crimes against person, crimes against propertv).

Technical specialists in investiÙation are normally located in a separate administrative unit. They arc available upon request to assist detecfives in the follow-up investigation. Only the larger police departments are able to maintain their own criminalistics specialists. The follow-up investigation includes the following steps:

l ) interrogation of suspect or suspects, if arrested at the scene of the crime:

2) interview of witnesses;

3) search of the critne scene for physical evidence;

4) United States Department of Justice - student2.ru modus operandi review to determine. if the Crime is similar to others under investioation or resembles crimes committed by known suspects;

5) development of additional information from informants, contacts, official records. etc.; 6) preparation of reports.

To obtain information about suspected criminal activity, the police make use of informants. Persons who are either criminals themselves or who associate with criminals are extremelv valuable sources of införmation. Police officers seek to develop a list of informants. Ex. 25. Make up a plan of text "C".

Ex. 26. Write out key words of each paragraph of text ' 'C",

Ex. 27. Write down a brief summaty of text "C" in English.

Ex. 28. Give a written translation of the text:


Interpol is an international corporation tk)unded in 1923 as a service organization devoted to coordinating actions against international criminals. Its clients are 174 agencies throughout the This organization is not under the control or supervision of anv government.

Interpol is a recognized intcrgovernmental policc force '"hose. task is to hunt down the international criminal. A multinational force, much like United States Department of Justice - student2.ru United Nations, Interpol is made up of police of the Frec World and a bona fide law enforcement agency in its own right. Among the first to fight international terrorism and skv-jackings, Interpol still leads the war on narcotics, assists a number of nations in the continuing search för wanted Nazi war criminals. One of thc most highly respected groups in the •world, Interpol, like anv other police force is under governmental control to safeguard the basic rights of every citizen. It operates according to a strict code of behaviour and adheres to the highest ethical standards.

Interpol has never been recognized or established by any international charter or treaty and has no police powers. Because of Interpol's cooperation with the UN particularly in the area of drugs, Interpol was recognized as an intergovernmental orcanization.

Interpol members are, for the most part, police and not govern- mental representatives, although certain governments have sent ob-servers from their military, intelligence. customs, post office, and immigration departments.

Inteäpol does not have powers of arrest or any investigative rights. Its function is to disseminate information. Today 80 percent of the permanent staff is French. Interpol is much like anv large corporation with bureaus In various countries and with representatives from these offices also stationed at the main office, Information is exchanged between the many national bureaus, but the police fòrces themselves arc subject to the laws and policies of their respective nations.

Interpol is divided into four main bodies the General Assemblv. the Executive Committee, the General Secretariat and the National Central Bureaus. United States Department of Justice - student2.ru

The General Assembly is composed of the delegates from each member country. It is "the Supreme Authority". The General Assembly controls •the policv of the organization.

The Executive Committee is a nine-member board made-up of the president- two vice-presidents, and six delegates chosen bv the General Assembly.

The General Secretariat. the permanent body, located in Lion. is Jnlerpol's business division. It contains the "perrnanent departments" tour of which specialize in certain crimes: one handles murder, burglary, assault, larceny. car theft. and missing persons; another deals with bank frauds and other types of embezzlement; a third with drug traffic and morals Oftên_ses; and a tòurth deals with Forgery and countertèiting.

Other divisions are the general records department, where files are kept. and a special records department, where fingerprints and other methods of identification are used.

The National Central Bureaus are the Interpol offices in various countries. Each NCB is empowered to communicate directlv with and exchanae infOrrnation with any other NCB.

(from "The Interpol Connection" by Frevor

United States Department of Justice - student2.ru

MeldaI-Johnsen and Voughn Young, New York) Ex. 29. Read and give a brief summary of the text: United States Department of Justice - student2.ru

Police Force in the United States

Historians suggest that the first modern police in the United States did not come into existence until 1 833 in the citv of New York.

The first municipal police aoencies consisted of nightwatchmen whose responsibility was to protect propertv during the evening and earlv morning hours. Crime continued to increase, however. . and gradually there were demands to hire men to provide similar protection during the davlight hours as well. Thus, bv the 1830s and 1840s these two types of police combined to form a unified, more effective municipal police agencv. The modern police departments came into existence, especiallv in the years {Ollowing World War l . Since 1920 municipal police agencies have Increasinglv grown in personnel and responsibilities. Special training and more selective recruitment practices have been developed to go hand in hand with the use of such technological developments as the automobile, the individual police radio, and the computer. The great part Of police work does not involve crime-lighting situations but rather consists of both service and peacekeeping activities.

Service functions include directing traffic and enforcing traffic regutations, answering accident calls, aiding the sick, helping find a lost child or rescue a lost pet, recovering stolen propefiy, and reporting fires. These are all services performed to assist the public.

Peacekeeping functions of the police are designed to maintain public order. ("Law, Order, and Justice")

Ex. 30. Read the text and answer the questions, then speak on the topic:

The Work of Militia

Our militia was created by the working people to protect their rights. The officers of our militia have always displayed courage and heroism in the fight against enemies of our state during the Great Patriotic War as w•ell as in the years of peaceful construction.

The main aim of militia has always been to maintain public order, to protect state and personal property and safizguard the rights of our citizens. Nowadays great attention in the work ofrnilitia is paid to prevention of crime, to its suppression. But if a crime has been committed, the mililia officers are to solve the crime as quickly as possible. To fulfil these tasks the organs of internal affairs are composed of different departments.

The Criminal Detection Department is one of the most éompli-cated militia services. The main responsibility of the officer of the Criminal Detection Department is to detect the criminal, that is to locate and apprehend him. In Inany cases the detective must trace a fugitive wha is hiding.

The officers of the Criminal Investigation Department collect facts to prove the guilt or innocence of the suspect. The final test of a criminal investigation is in presentation of evidence in court. Corpus delicti must be established, the defendant must be identified and associated with the crime scene. The investigator must also provide competent witnesses.

Economic Crimes Department fights against those who don't *'ant to live an honest life. The responsibilitv of the officers of this Department is to reveal the criminat activity of those who commit embezzlement and other economic crimes, bring them to justice.

The State Auto-Inspection is responsible for traffic regulation and safety on the roads.

The Transport Militia maintains law and order on the railway, air lines and water ways of the country.

"The Juvenile Inspection handles "difficult" juveniles and their careless

parents. They also do much work to prevent juvenile delinquency.

The Correctional System is supposed to rehabilitate offenders through labour. This is the purpose of correctional establishments.

A new service for the tight against organized crime has beet] created in our militia. Organized crimc operates on fear. bribery and force. Militia officers of organized crime department are devoting their efforts to collect sufficient evidence to bring gang leaders to justice.

Questions to the text

United States Department of Justice - student2.ru What is our militia created for?

United States Department of Justice - student2.ru How did the militia work during the history of its existence?

3. What is the aim of militia's activitv?

4. What departments is militia composed of?

5. What is the main responsibilitv of the Criminal Detection Department'?

6. What are the duties of the officers of the Criminal Investigation


Ex. 31. Read the article and say what it is about. The words below will help you understand the text:

United States Department of Justice - student2.ru rescue — cnacaTb, Bblpvqa-rb, Ha [JOMO'1(b

2. to pass the buck to OTBCTCTBeHEIOCTb Ha...

3. emergencv aBapH¶, HenpeŽIBuneHHb]ïf cnyqaü, h-paäHHq íe06-


4. accident HecqaCTHbiV[ cnvyañ, aBapøq Rescue

Why are police involved in so many rescues? There are five good reasons:

l . They get there first they are alreadv on patrol or rolling.

2. They know what to do — are experienced.

3. By their job, they are dedicated to "people service".

4. Thev are involved, and don't pass the buck to firemen, or doctors.

5. They act at once — with courage.

In any emergency, the people know tn call the police first. It is the speed of action that is so effective in saving lives. By the time effective fire-fighting equipment reaches the scene, the officer has already brought people out. In the accident the immediate care saves the life that the doctor can now cure. This is a vital police function.




United States Department of Justice - student2.ru Словообразование: образование прилагательных с помощью суффикса -abie, повторение суффиксов и префиксов с отринательным значением; определение частей речи по формальным признакам.

П. Грамматика: герундий и герундиальная конструкция

Ш. тексты: Теп ” Crimina1 lustice in (he USA

Тем US Criminal Justice System

Техс Probab1e Cause and othcr Levels of Proof

IV. Дополнительные тексты:

1 . Пе Bells 0fthe Old United States Department of Justice - student2.ru

2. Criminal Policy ofthe Futurc

Ex. L Read the following words and word combinations after the spcakcr:

a) arraignment accusation
a trial an appeal
without a warrant reasonable
a cause a misdemeanor
punishable death
imprisonment a suspect
an identity an agency
a process a procedure
an appearance a purpose a request


b) criminal court process preliminary hearing trial court arraignment without using a warrant probable and reasonable cause a fèlony or a misdemeanor punishable bv death or imprisonment may be released without being prosecuted mistaken identity proper evidence law enfbrcement agencies summary trials without Further processing during the initial appearance during the arraignment procedure if the defendant pleads not guillY an Innocent person a verdict of guilt

Ex. 2. Fom Participle IE of the following verbs and translate then Model: to ask — asked to do — done

a) to arrest, to accuse, to identifv, to use, to commit, to punish, to rclease, to prosecute, to charge, to place, to investigate, to convict, to tine. to rehabilitate, to correct, to impose, to try;

b) to take, to make, to keep, to hold, to set, to hear, to give.

Ex. 3. Form adjectives with the help of the suffix -able and translate them.

Model: to agree — agreeable to punish, to prosecute, to arrest, to dismiss, to move, to reduce, to force, to believe, to identity, to appeal, to observe.

Ex. 4. Translate the following word combinations:

victimless crimes; a noncriminal person; an unwarranted arrest; a baseless charge; unmotivated offenses; an unidentifiable body; illegal actions; unreliable information; unjust punishment; an unsuccessful appeal; improper evidence; an unreasonable cause; an informal interview; an indirect personal interest; a disarmed offender; an unlawful arrest.

Ex. 5. Say what parts of speech the following words are:

probable. suspected, punishment, to sentence, lawful. properly, processing, rehabilitalion, prosecutor, correctional, enforcement, accused, formallv, identifiable, conviction, offender, to place, investigative, permanentlv, probation, payment, reasonable.

Ex. 6. Translate into Russian:

to accuse — accusation accused — accusing to identifv — identification identified identity to offend — offender — offense to prosecute — prosecution — prosecutor to punish — punishment — punishable to warrant — warrant — unwarranted to suspect suspect suspmon — suspicious to penalize — penalty penal to enforce tòrce enforcement law enforcement United States Department of Justice - student2.ru to defend — defendant — defense defènseless to complain complaint United States Department of Justice - student2.ru to cause cause causation — causeless to bail bailable

to appeal appeal appealabic to correct - correction — correctional to rehabilitate rehabilitation — rehabilitative

Ex. 7. Say vv'hat parts of speech the underlined words are and translate thc sentences into Russian.

United States Department of Justice - student2.ru The criminal justice functions to protect society against crime.

2. The police functions aæ manifold but thc main function is to maintain public order.

3. During the arraignment the accused person may plead guilty, either to the original charge or to a reduced charge, if it is agreeable •with the prosecution.

4. During the arraignment the judge charges the accused with a specific crime and tells him of his rights.

5. United States Department of Justice - student2.ru interviews with a victim and witnesses the officer should obtain as much information as possible in order 10 identify the criminal.

6. An investigation is the gathering and evaluating of information So the officer who comes to the crime scene must interview al] witnesses in order to find out what happened.

7. The FBI distinguishes amono "confidential sources' (noncriminal persons who provide intòrmation) and "informants" (persons with close contacts to criminals).

8. Usually, FBI agents, who use an infònnant to identify a suspect or to obtain intOrmation about a crime, can contact their informants confidentiallv and do not reveal the informant's identitv.

9. A study of a patrol division during a 54-week period found that more time ',vas spent on administrative duties than on any other things (39 per cent). only 16,5 per cent of the time was spent on matters directly related to crime.

1 0. [n cities the police patrol certain areas, on foot or in automobikes.

Ex. 8. Give Russian equivalents to the following international words:

criminal, process, arrest, appeal, contact, serious, date, verdict, photograph, permanent, legal, formal, justice, risk, subject, mobility, distance. effective, procedure, apparatus, specific, confidential, functions, patrol, administrative, adequate.

Герундий (GERUND)

Герундий представляет собой неличную форму глагола, выражакощую название действия и образующиося путем прибавления

суффикса -ing к основе глагола, например: to investigate investioating to protect — protecting

Герундий обладает свойствами как существительного. так и гпа-


Как существительное герундий может:

1) сочетаться с предлогами. например:

Не was accused 01' committing а crime.

Его обвинили в совершении преступления;

2) определяться притяжательным местоимением или сутпсствительным в притяжательном падсжс, напр.: His being guilty is evident.

То, что он виновен, очевидно.

The offjcer's identifying the crirninal helped arrest him. То, что полицейский опознал преступника, пОмоГЛО

арестовать его.

Глагольные свойства герундия выражаются в следующем:

1) он может иметь прямое дополнение, например: United States Department of Justice - student2.ru remember having read this article оп criminology. Помню, что читал эту статью по криминологии;

2) может определяться наречием. например: Не likes reading aloud.

Он любит читать вслух;

З) имеет формы времени и залога:

United States Department of Justice - student2.ru

Герундий в форме lndefnite употребляется для выражения действия, относящегося к будущему или происходящего одновременн0 с действием, выраженным глаголом в личной форме, либо безотна-

СИ1ТЛЬНО ко времени его совершения, например: Reading judicial books is useful.

Чигать юридичсск\'ю литературу полезно.

We were surpriscd at hearing of the crime.

United States Department of Justice - student2.ru

Мы были удивлены, узнав о преступлении.

Герундий в форме Pert?•ct употребляется для выражения действия, предшествующего действию, выраженному глаголом в личной форме, например:

The witne.ss didn'l rcmember havina seen the тап bcfore.

Свидетель не помнил, чтооы ои видел этот•о человека раньше.

Когда действие, выраженное герундием, совершается лицом (или предметом), то употребляется герундий в форме Active, когда же действие совершается над лицом (или предметом) в форме Pa;sive.


Му fi•iend likes telling detcctive stories.

Мой друг любит рассказывать детективные истории.

Му itiend likes being told detective stories.

Мой друг любит, когда ему рассказывают детективные истории.

В Предј1О',кеНИИ герундий может выполнять ' различные синтаксические функции:

1) подлежащего, напри,мер:

Patrolling is опе ofthe prcventive metbods.

United States Department of Justice - student2.ru

Патрулирование один из методов про№лактики.

ГерундиЙ в функции подлежащего может стоять после следую[цих выражений:

it's по use (it's use]ess, it r s по good) бесполезно, например: United States Department of Justice - student2.ru lt's по usc proving his guilt. Не is innocent. Бесполезно доказывать сго вину. Он невиновен.

2) именной нас•гИ сказуемого. например.

Ап arrest is taking а person into custody. Арест — это взятие United States Department of Justice - student2.ru лица под стражу.

В этой функции герундий может также употребляться с предло United States Department of Justice - student2.ru гами against против и f6r — за, например:

We arc against punishing him so severelv.

Мы против того, чтобы его наказывали так сурово.

3) части составного глагольного сказуемого. В этой функции геРундий употребляется без предлога. Наиболее употребительные глаГОлЫ в сочетании с которыми герундий образует составное глаголь United States Department of Justice - student2.ru ное сказуемое, следующие:

to f•nish — кончать United States Department of Justice - student2.ru to stop. to give ир - прекратить, бросить to go оп—- продолжать to need, to require. to want — требовать, нуждаться to епјоу - наслаждаться to d2lay — откладывать Например:

The police fmished investigating lhe case.

Полиция закончила расследование дела.

Примечание: глагол stop” в значении ”останавливаться” уполребмястся с инфинитивом. Сравните:

Не stopped 10 smoke. Он остановился, чтобы покурить. Не stopped smoking. Он перестал курить.

4) предложного косвенного дополНСПРIЯ. В этой функции гер»• нлий Х'потребляется после многих глаголов, прилагательных и причастий. требующих определенных предлогов. К наиболее распространенным относятся: 10 бе tdnd ор любить to be proud of— гордиться to be afraid оояться to be busy• with — быть занятым (чем-либо) to be responsibte t6r оьпь ОТВИУСТВСННЫМ за что-либо Ю be surprised at УДИВЛЯТЬСЯ to be interested in интересоваться to prevent from — препятствовать to result in — приводить к чему либо to accuse of— обвинять в чем-лиоо to suspcct ор подозревать в чем-либо to ihink ()f— думать о чем-либо to depend оп — зависеть от чего-либо (0 111Sist ОП настаивать на чем-либо

( ат proud 0? being а citizcn of Russia.

Я горжусь тем. что я — гражданин России.

Не was suspected committing а crime.

Его подозревали в совершении преступления.

5) определения. В этой функции герундий чаще всего употребляегся с предлогами of11 fbr, например:


Thcrc arc different methods of solving а crime.

Существуют различные методы раскрытия преступления.

б) обстоятельства. В этой функции герундий чаще лвсего употребляется с предлогами: оп (ироп) - но, после before United States Department of Justice - student2.ru after - ПОСЛС in в то время как, при instead 01' - вместо in spite 0f — несмотря на United States Department of Justice - student2.ru путем, при помо1ЦИ

• besides кроме Withotll • без for the purpose of (with the aim ot) •— С ЦеЛЫ-О, например:

Atier being identifled the criminal was arrested.

Преступник был арестован после того как установили его личность.

В pvcc.k0M языке соответствмошая форма отсутствует, позтомх,' герундий переводится на русский язык различными способами: именем с»гшествительпым, например:

N'Iain[aining public order is опс ofthe police functions.

Поддержание обшественного порядка одна из функций


2) неопределенной формой глагола. например:

The patrol unit was afraid of being late.

Патрульный наряд боялся опоздать. З) деепричастием, например:

The crirninal тап without leaving апу traces, United States Department of Justice - student2.ru

Преступник убежал, не оставив никаких следов.

4) придаточным предложением, например:

There is по hope ofhis being acquitted.

Нет на то, что его оправдают.

Герундиальная конструкция (GERUND COMPLEX)

Геру ндиа-льная конструкция представляет собой комплекс из существительного ИЛИ притяжательного местоимения, которые \јк-азывают на лицо (или предмет), производящее действие, выраженное

2 l l

repYHnueM. repYHnuaJIF,uaN flepeBOÃHTC¶ fla pyccKHä .q3b1K United States Department of Justice - student2.ru 11PunaTOHHb1iM Hanpmtep:

People are interested in atomic energy being used (Or peaceful putposes.

JlkOAH 3aHHTePeCOBaHbl B TOM, wr06hl aTOMlla¶ 3Hcpruq ncn0J1b30BanaCb B MMPHblX uenqx.

The detective's knowing the identitv of the suspect helped hilli make an arrest.

To, YTO CHIUHKV 6bL1a H3BeCTHa JIHHHOCTb non03peBaeMoro, 110.MOrJIO eMY np0H3gecTH apecT.

Ex. 9. Translate the sentences into Russian:

a) l . Society cannot exist without using political instrument of the economically dominant class.

2. Law and legislation date back to the days when primitive communal society which had no need for having law, gave wav to first class-based socio-economic formation.

3. Theories on law were based on asserting that law plavs a Constructive role in society.

4. A wise legislator will prevent crime instead of metin¿ out punishment for it.

5. The criminal should have no hope of gettincr away with his crime and consequently, of going unpunished.

6. Laws are made for the sake of man and societv with the aim Of protecting them.

7. The problem may be summarized by savinz that a criminal oiZ fence is an offence against anv private right and punishable bv the state.

8. The Tudor period in Great Britain saw the development Of modern procedure, in particular the practice of giving three readings to a bitt.

9. There is a need for drawing a distinction between crimes and those violations of law which are not criminal.

United States Department of Justice - student2.ru 1 0. Though there were many attempts of giving a definition of a 'crime", no really satisfactory definition of a "crime" has vet been given.

I l . Many famous jurists define a "crime" as an act ot violating the law of the state. United States Department of Justice - student2.ru

b) l . The main task of police work is the task of protecting society against cri me.

2. The repressive tunction of the police is realized by making arrest of a crirninal.

3. There is a need for making a function of social protection more effect ive.

4. The duty of providing an adequate and efficient police force for police area under its control is the primary duty of a police authority.

5. The principal responsibility or the central government for presewing law and order throughout Great Britain is reflected in the police powers vested by Parliament in the Home Secretarv, 6. The Home Secretary is empowered of making regulations as to the governrnent, administration and conditions of service in police forces.

7. A criminal investigation department is primarily responsible for detecting crime.

8. British police forces have additional departments for dealing with special aspects of police work.

9. As part of criminal detection police officers have the duty of classifying crime reports and collecting all kinds of information relating 10 crime to prepare crime statistics.

ID: Greal Britain bas no national CID, but police forces have the right of inviting Scotland Yard to help them in the investigation of serious crimes.

I l . Adequate patrol is an means of preventing crime.

12. The FBI, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, is considered by many to be a verv effective investigative body. It is responsible for investigating all Federal laws.

13. One of the functions ot- the FBI is operating a national crime laboratorv.

Ex. 10, Sav what parts of speech the underlined -ing- fòrms are and translate the sentences into Russian.

United States Department of Justice - student2.ru In some cascs the police do not know who committed the crime or, if they do know, they cannot locate the offender. This is the classic problem of detection, the problem of discovering reliable infonnation that will lead to the identification and arrest of a criminal.

2. Everv police officer classifies cach case as promising or unpromising on the basis of several criteria, the most imponant of which is whether or not he thinks he can solve it.

3. While speaking to a victim or witness, the main task of the detective is his ability to conduct a productive interview.

4. Despite their importance, interviewing skills arc primarily United States Department of Justice - student2.ru learned on the job.

United States Department of Justice - student2.ru Having productive informants is essential in many criminal cases.

6. Some states in the USA require a grand jury hearing in felony cases.

United States Department of Justice - student2.ru The grand jury consists of 12-23 persons who sit for 3 to 18 months depending on the iurisdiction.

8. The no contest plea (thc same as a guilty plea) is often used when a person is facing both criminal and civil charges.

9. The patrol officer, in taking the original report, will taik with the victim to flñd out what happened.

10. When protecting a crime scene, the officer must remember that nothing is to be touched or moved.

l l . An officer stopping a person för a minor violation of the law has no wav of knowing whether the person is wanted tòr a felony or misdemeanor.

12. Education is a factor that has no exclusive hearing on the crirne problem but must be considered.

13. The climate, weather and changing seasons bring with them United States Department of Justice - student2.ru ferences in crime according to some criminologists.

14. Hot summer weather when people are 0111 of their houses and more contact with others, leads to an increasing number of crimes of violence.

15. Burglaries and other property crimes have a tendency för increasing during winter months, when there are long periods of darkness.

1 6. Drunk driving arrests peak during the holidays,

Ex. l l. Translate the following sentences paying attention to Gerund Complex.

Model: Dr. Brown's being absent was verv strange. To, AOKTOP bpayH OTCYTCTHOBC•I, 6b1J10 01-1eHb c-rpaHH0.

United States Department of Justice - student2.ru His being charged '.vith a felony surprised us.

2. Their filing a complaint to the court was quite unexpected.

3. Officer Smith's Inaking a search without a 'warrant was illegal.

4. My brother's becoming a good investigator resulted from his great experience.

5. The offender's being arrested at the crime scene came as a result of quick police actions.

6. Her being prosecuted for a misdemeanor is natural.

7. His being placed on bail is explained by the nature of his offence.

8. Laws and men who enforce them reflect social systems. so there is no doubt of law being class law and justice being class justice.

9. The person's being fined can be regarded as a just punishment.

10 United States Department of Justice - student2.ru The policeman's coming late to the crime scene madc the investigation di t'ficult.

I l , His pleading not guilty does not mean that-he is innocent.

12. Their presenting proper evidence to the court proved the euilt of United States Department of Justice - student2.ru the defendant.

1 3. The bovs being accused of petty oftènses IS not surprxng.

14. These crimes are alike in the same fèatures.

Ex. 12. Read and transiate text "A".

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